Terence Carroll (Cahill)1827

Terence Carroll (Cahill) 1827

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in UK

Terence Carroll (Caryl, Cahill) Born in Dublin around 1827 and was married to Mary Anne Byrne (who was born in 1831 in the SS Michael and John area of Dublin, her parents shown as Thomas Byrne and Bridget Ryan on the baptism record with Patrick Comesford and Bridget Hannon as sponsors) who died in 1866 before the family moved to England.They had 3 sons (Thomas, Terence and Cormack) and moved from Dublin to Liverpool and established the family there .The sons were all born around the St Pauls, Arran Quay area of Dublin  The 1871,1881 Census confirm these details. After moving to Liverool the family worked as labourers and had a conection to Threlfalls Mineral Water Depot and Brewery. Thomas was also a blacksmith labourer and a boilermakers Labourer..



Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1827

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