Thomas Brosnan

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Hello Everyone,

I am searching for living descendants to Thomas Brosnan and his wife Ellen (unknown). The couple moved from possibly Killeentierna to Tullig around 1826/27. From what I can make out the couple were living in the Tullig Dairy House. Sometime between 1850 and 1860 Thomas had the opportunity to purchase Tullig House which his son Patrick took over.

The couple had two sons that I am aware: The Rev. Fr Timothy Brosnan and Patrick who married Catherine Griffin.

My interest in the family is that I am trying to find out if the family has any records of Thomas and Ellen's parents. My 2x great grandmother was Julia Brosnahan. DNA results indicate that Julia's father was possiblly Thomas' brother or Ellen was the sister of Julia's mother. No names of parents were named on Julia's marriage registration which was quite usual for Catholic Church marriages in 1852 Ireland.

Hoping that someone can help me out.

Cheers and please stay safe.



Additional Information
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Ellen
Names of Children Patrick, Timothy
Number of Children 2

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