Thomas Fagin/Fagan was born in Co Down, Ireland in 1823.  In 1845 he married Jane Smart.  In 1846 they came to Canada with Jane's family and their one year old son, Thomas.  Once in Canada, they had 9 more children all born in Ontario, Canada:  Anna, John, Samuel, Mary, Sarah, Martha, James, William, Robert.  They remained in Canada for many years (as per the 1851, 1861, 1871 Census), and by 1880 they had moved down to township Saulte Saint Marie, Co Chippewa, Michigan in the USA. They lived the rest of their days there, until Thomas died in 1896 and Jane died in 1902.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1823 (circa)
Date of Death 2nd Jan 1896

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