Thomas Kyle1811

Thomas Kyle 1811

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Migrated to/Born in USA

"Thomas Kyle, married Margaret Yerks. He was born in Ireland of Protestant parents. He was the father of Theron Dewitt Kyle, Samuel Floyd Kyle, James Aaron Kyle and Daniel Yerks Kyle, Clarrissa Kyle Wentworth, Jane Kyle Lane, Emma Kyle died young and 2 children died young.
Thomas Kyle came to this country when a young man about 18 years old. He met the priest on the street in Ireland one day and he did not salute him. Instead he made the remark to him that he was not of his sect. In those days you were supposed to salute him but Thomas did not do it. His father was going to the mill with a grist so Thomas got himself ready to go to America and got in the wagon with his father who piled the bags of grain around so he was hid from view and started his journey. When he landed in N.Y. City he had just 50 cents in his pocket. He obtained work in a lime kilm for a time. One day he and some of the workers were playing cards. Several sacks of lime fell down from the pile someone was killed. Thomas thought it was because they were doing what they had not ought to be doing, in other words his conscience was troubled. So he was converted to a Christian and would never have anything to do with a pack of cards. He joined the Baptist church. Sundays he was in his pew. He was faithful in his attendance to church. He married Margaret Yerks."

He possibly had an older brother by the name of James Kyle who also immigrated to the U.S.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Mar 1811 VIEW SOURCE
Date of Death 1st Jan 1894 VIEW SOURCE

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