Thomas Mcmahon

Thomas Mcmahon

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married bridget bracken in most likely the early 1830's and quite possibly in St Paul's Dublin City [unable to find those records because of commonalility of names]. children's birth records confirm the era. an address on daughter ellen's marriage register entry is 10 barrack st and thomas's occupation is shown as fishmonger. his occupation disclosed on the marriage register entry for daughter bridget is general dealer.

Additional Information
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) bridget bracken
Names of Children at least 3 children baptised st pauls & 1 st michans. ann/e 23/9/1835, ellen 18/4/1838, bridget 11/11/1841. patrick st michans 18/11/1835. ellen wed gaetano fiocchi 8/9/1856 bridget [my g8 gran] went to australia & married edwin o brown aug 1860
Place & Date of Marriage 1830's in St Paul's Dublin City

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