
Thomas  Walsh1909

Thomas Walsh 1909

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Thomas Walsh born 1909 his mother mary walsh married Matthew Dooley the same year there marriage was on 5november 1909 residence of marriage was white park Ashbry roscrea.

In 1913 mary and matthew dooley had a son Edward dooley. He was born on 1st of july 1913.

I'm trying to find information for Thomas Walsh he was my grandfather. He married my grammar Kitty Walsh in 1932 and lived at 18 railway view, Roscrea. My great grammar married Billy Cummings in 1916 the great musician of ireland who played the flute who had the name kavanagh the same has kitty

My grandmar who had a sister Mary who travelled to the uk and lived in Swindon manchester who married a miner named Tommy Ruby

Any information would be appreciated

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1909
Associated Building (s) St.Cronans Roscrea  

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