William Hamilton1847

William Hamilton 1847

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William Hamilton, was born in Glenties on 23 Mar 1847 (from his Australian marriage certificate and Victorian Education Department records).

He was baptised on 15 Jun 1847 in Ardara Parish, Donegal, Church of Ireland (from Roots Ireland).

William was a Monitor and then First Monitor (teachers aid) at Glenties school. This information is from the Teachers Salary Books.

William left Ireland and emigrated to Australia in 1867. His occupation was teacher. He joined the Victorian Education Department as a teacher rising to Chief Inspector of Schools and being awarded a Bachelor of Arts from Melbourne University.

His father was Robert Hamilton, who was a Land Steward/farmer and lived in Drumnasillagh (a townland in Glenties) and Guardian at the Glenties Work House.  

Their mother Mary Hamilton (nee Macevery) died on 16th of January 1880, the widow of a Land Steward. She died in Drumnasillagh.

William’s  sisters were Sarah (1849-1919), Catherine (1844), Frances (1859) and Mary (1840). Sarah was also school mistress in Glenties (from her marriage certificate).



Additional Information
Date of Birth 23rd Mar 1847
Date of Death 30th Jul 1919

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