William Hubert Meehan1834

William Hubert Meehan 1834

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in Australia

William Hubert Meehan arrived in Adelaide, having been born in Dublin, on board the ship " Admiral Boxer " in late August, 1855.  Born between 1831 na ds 1834, he had been a mariner on the ship, but was one on about a dozen sailors who jumped ship in the days after the ship's arrival.  When caught, William refused to return to his ship, and was gaoled.  In March, 1856, William married Jane Walton, who had been a passenger on his ship to South Adelaide. After two years in Adelaide, William and Jane decided to move their family to Melbourne ( Victoria). In the next nine years, another five children were born.


Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1834 (circa)
Date of Death 24th Sep 1883
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Jane Walton
Number of Children 5

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