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Sign for F.Cade & Sons
Sign for F.Cade & Sons

F. Cade & Sons was a mineral water and bottling company which as far as I know was started in 1845 by Francis Cade , my great great great grandfather.  It was at 50-52 King St, Cork.  It bottled Guinness under licence and also had a branch in Killarney.  The sign pictured above was above an archway leading into the factory on King St.

It appears to have closed down in the mid 1900's but I cannot find out who was running it at that point or any of the history of the company during the 100 years of business.  Was it a successful business? Why did it close down? The only thing I found was a court case with Coca Cola in the early 1900's about the name similarity for their own brand of cola.

Any help gratefully received.


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