Ballyscullion Grange (Antrim)

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Quaker Graveyard
Quaker Graveyard

Millquarter was for many years the home of a small community of Quakers, believed to have moved to the area in the 1600s from Northern England. The area had many water wpowered mills and millwrights and other skills were required to maintain them.  The community had it's own graveyard, called today the Green Garden (after Joseph Greene who donated the land). There are few gravestones in the graveyard because until the late 1800s most Quakers believed a gravestone an unnecessary vanity. However there are details of people known to be buried there, along with some general history of the Friends who met there, on information boards at the graveyard. There used to be a Quaker Meeting House nearby but it was demolished some years back. A plaque on a nearby farm house marks the location. Descendants of the Quakers buried in the Green Garden still live in Millquarter today.

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