The following eminent persons were born in the city in the years attached to their names :
- Richard Stanyhurst, historian, 1545 ;
- Win. Bathe, an eminent writer, 1564 ;
- Henry Fitzsimons, an eminent writer, 1569 ;
- James Ussher, the celebrated prelate, 1580 ;
- Sir James Ware, the antiquary, 1594 ;
- Arthur Annesley, Earl of Annesley, 1614 ;
- Henry Luttrell, an engraver, 1650 ;
- Nahum Tate, a poet, 1652 ;
- Wm. Molyneux, mathematician, astronomer, and patriot, 1656 ;
- Thomas Southerne, a dramatic poet, 1659 ;
- James Butler, Duke of Ormonde, 1665 ;
- Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, 1667 ;
- Marmaduke Coghill, Chancellor of the Exchequer in Ireland, 1673 ;
- Dr. Robert Clayton, a celebrated prelate, 1695 ;
- Wm. Robertson, a learned divine, 1705 ;
- Thos. Frye, the first manufacturer of porcelain in England, 1710 ;
- James McArdill, engraver, 1710 ;
- Mary Barber, authoress, 1712 ;
- John Gast, an eminent divine, 1715 ;
- Springer Barry, a celebrated actor, 1719 ;
- Thos. Leland, historian, 1722 ;
- Rev. Mervyn Archdall, an antiquary, 1723 ;
- George Barrett, painter, 1728 ;
- Francis Gentleman, a dramatic writer, 1728 ;
- John Cunningham, a poet, 1729 ;
- Edm. Chandler, Bishop of Durham, 1730 ;
- Nathaniel Hone, portrait painter, 1730 ;
- Isaac Bickerstaff, dramatist, 1732 ;
- Andrew Caldwell, compiler of parliamentary debates, 1732 ;
- Hugh Hamilton, painter, 1734 ;
- James Caulfeild, first Earl of Charlemont, 1738 ;
- Sir Philip Francis, author and statesman, 1740 ;
- Edward Malone, critic and antiquary, 1741 ;
- John Fitzgibbon, Earl of Clare, 1749 ;
- Henry Grattan, statesman, orator, and patriot, 1751 ;
- Wm. Mossop, medalist, 1754 ;
- John Hickey, sculptor, 1756 ;
- Joseph Cooper Walker, antiquary, 1761 ;
- Geo. McAllister, painter on glass, 1786.
The birth-dates of the following natives of Dublin have not been ascertained :
- Edward Borlase, historian ;
- Thomas Dogget, a celebrated actor ;
- Robert Molesworth,
- Viscount Molesworth ;
- Charles Byrne, miniature painter ;
- Zach. Crofton, a celebrated divine ; and
- Wm. Halliday, Irish grammarian.
Dublin gave the title of Earl to His Royal Highness the late Duke of Kent.
SOURCE: A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland by Samuel Lewis (pub 1837)
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