19th April 1847
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An excerpt from a letter TO THE EDITOR OF THE MORNING POST during Black 47.

Sir— Fearing that the English public is not even yet actually awakened to the evil afflicting Ireland, so as to comprehend the urgent necessity for continued relief its to meet the gaunt destitution which pervades so vast a portion, of the Irish population; and believing that while the Government arrangements are slowly progressing a large number will for want of food and an opportunity to gain food by labour be sent into premature graves, I request to be allowed to submit through your journal some documents to the public, in the hope they may be effectual in exciting, further benevolent exertions to alleviate the alarming misery. 
I remain, Sir, Your obedient servant, 
George H. Stoddart
Hon. Sec, United Relief Association. 

40, Leicester-square, April 16, 1847.

To the Rev. G. H. Stoddart, Hon. Sec, etc

Castle Strange, Athleayne, Ireland,

April 10. 

Sir— I trust it will, ere long, be in the power of your committee to make me a further grant in aid of the poor in this parish of Fuerty, for the distress continues very great, and this day we have been perfectly distracted with applications for help from poor women whose husbands have fled to England or America, to seek employment and higher wages, leaving their helpless wives and families solely dependent on charity. Surely we cannot see them perish; and even could they obtain shelter in the workhouse, it would be almost certain death to go there, fever rages so dreadfully— 39 died last week. 

Dropsy, consequent on dysentery, has become very prevalent, and it appears to me that all look more unhealthy and thinner than they did a month ago. 

A family well known to me are all (except the father) at this moment lying in fever, five children and their mother, who in the midst of all this sickness and misery, was confined; it would be useless to cite more examples of the wretchedness which prevails. 

My father is the only resident landlord, and few of his tenantry need relief, therefore it is not for our own immediate people I seek aid. 

Any money entrusted to us is expended in provision and given out in the most careful manner under our own inspection. 

Trusting I have not pleaded in vain for the needy and destitute,

I remain, Your obedient servant, 

Elizabeth Mitchell. 

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