1st January 1937
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As recorded in the Duchas.ie School's Collection... 

Superstitions are still practised in Skerries by the older people.

Some of them are:-

  1. If you look into the mirror at night you will see the devil.
  2. If you leave your shoes on the table you will have bad luck all the year.
  3. Not to throw out water on All Souls' Night or to go into the graveyard after twelve o'clock.
  4. If a person has a moat or cairn on his land and digs it up it is said that the 'good people' will haunt him till he dies.
  5. Another superstition is if a person's name has and 'O' or 'Mac' before it, such as O'Brien or Mac-Adam, they are ghosted by a Bean Sidhe (Banshee).

SEE ALSO The Mac's, the O's and the McDermotroes

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