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As it is the feast of samhain I decided to post this message on the ancestors of the gael and I do apologise for the disjointed haphazardness and discontinuity plus the incoherence of the text but I wish you well in digesting the feast of stair before your eyes this hall of owen samhain time


halloween remembering the ancestory of the ancient auld ones of scotae mor and scotae beag  

It is my first step and I am placing my big toe into the shallow waters of a deep learning ocean pool and to start the journey all one needs to do is take the first learning step along the way  so here goes steptoe to babble and dabble and paddle and quibble    


Where Cormac’s mansion was then was in Tara; and that of every king in Ireland as well, for the purpose of holding Tara’s Feast: for a fortnight before samhain that is to say, On samhain-day itself, and for a fortnight after. And the reason for which they practised to gather themselves together at every samhain-tide was this: because at such season it was that mast and other products were the best matured. Here too is the reason for which the Feast of Tara was made at all: the body of law which all Ireland enacted then, during the interval between that and their next convention at a year’s end

all informers & all informants Hear ye hear ye ding dong ding bing bong bing hear ye eist leat eist linn hear yee  This is a gaodhal----lover of learning—fond of wisdom- tribunal of gaodhilg gaelic Q open public inquiry 2 Q or not 2 Q it will be rigourous and vigourous arduous and onerous and I am looking and seeking out investigators plus informers and informants of the gaelic Q qert truth the whole gaelic P truth 2 p or not 2 p and nothing but the gaelic Q and P and BLFSN 2 b or not 2 b that is the question truth to be sure to be sure and could all gaelic informees Q & P & BLFSN 2 Q P B not be shy and backward about coming forward with the relevant facts and evidences to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt to us all of our positive affirmative and confirmation or your negative denial and denunciation of your gaelic Q & P + BLFSN birthrite thoroughbred pedigrees ancestry genealogical descendants fado fado long long ago                                                                 

In the bleak mid-gaelic winter Frosty wind made moan;
gaelic Earth stood hard as iron, Water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow,Snow on snow, sneachta upon sneachta connaughta upon connaughta
In the bleak mid-gaelic winter Long ago.
Our God, heaven cannot hold Him Nor earth sustain,
Heaven and earth shall flee away When He comes to reign: In the bleak mid-winter A stable-place sufficed
The Lord God Almighty —Jesus Christ.
Enough for Him, whom Cherubim Worship night and day, A breastful of milk And a mangerful of hay;
Enough for Him, whom Angels Fall down before,
The ox and ass and camel Which adore.
Angels and Archangels May have gathered there,
Cherubim and seraphim Thronged the air;
But only His Mother eire In her maiden bliss
Worshipped the Beloved With a kiss.
What can I give Him, Poor as I am? —
If I were a Shepherd I would bring a lamb;
If I were a Wise Man I would do my part, —
Yet what I can I give Him, —Give my gaelic heart.

 The south of the woody Inis Fail,                    Inis-Fail, one of the ancient names of eire.

Inis samer

Western Isle of Destiny

Banbha-of Africa  Banbha / learned

fodhla –of proto America Fodhla / sucking pig  

eiru—of eire  

Inish Ealga (Eire / Erinn).  Elg pig

"Muc-Inis or "The Hog hoc Island");

Nenual niall scota of the oral languages It was this Niul that employed Gaodhal [Gael] lover of learning, fond of wisdom son of Ethor, a learned and skilful man, to compose or rather refine and adorn the oral  language, called Bearla Tobbai, which was common to all Niul's posterity, and afterwards called Gaodhilg (or Gaelic), from the said Gaodhal of ethor who composed or refined it;        

Antiquaries assert that the name of Gaodhal is from the compound word formed of 'gaoith' and 'dil,' which means a lover of learning; for, 'gaoith' is the same as wisdom or learning, and 'dil' is the same as loving or fond."]         16. Gaodhal (or Gathelus cathelus), gadel the son of Niul, and ancestor of Clan-na-Gael, that is, "the children or descendants of Gaodhal Gaelic,

36a.Clan-na-Mil? (or the sons of Milesius)  Milesian, sons of Scythia or spain

and some other sons of milesius survived heber fionn heremon amergin and heber donn son of ir but at least they affected a landing at a place called invear sceine now the bay of kenmare kerry which got its name from sceine the wife of amergin who was drowned there ---the scion of sceine

Definition of scion1 :a detached living portion of a plant (such as a bud or shoot) joined to a stock in grafting and usually supplying solely aerial parts to a graft 2 a :descendant, child; especially :a descendant of a wealthy, aristocratic, or influential family                       

or 36b Scotic Nation pharaonic Egypt

the milesian were commanded by heremon heber and amergin sons of milesius together with many chiefs of the clann breogan and soon after their arrival fought a great battle with the tuath de danann near slieve mish mountains in Kerry while the danann were defeated but scotia the relict of the milesius daughter of the pharaoh king of egypt who accompanied her sons to eire and was present at the battle was slain and buried in a valley called after her glen scota situated near Tralee   clan na scotae   

All the Alltraighe return Alltraighe. - This sept were seated around the river of Tralee, as we learn from the Latin Lives of St. Brendan, in which it is stated that that saint, who was of the Alltraighe, was born at Littus Ly (Lighe), now Tralee.                                  

The royal judgement day a ruling was made

To every cow its calf

To every book its copy © copyrite @ ltg hua duinn September equinox day 2017                                  on this Samhain November day

To colm cille judgement day his ruling was pronounced  

To each cow her calf

To each book its son mac leabhair son of a book is gaelic for copy

To every colm cille his dal riada kingdom above each    below each                                                   to the left of each    to the right of each                            before each     behind each                                        on each breast     in each heart                                                    in each    with each

through each     to each                                  for each     of each                                              because it is his colm cilles birthrite to give to the dal raida kings of yore the book is for the people not for the son of a book copyrite  

To every chief-tain their tain  

of the gaels of irelandxo                                                to the gaels of irelandxo                                            with the gaels of irelandxo                                   through the gaels of irelandxo                                        for the gaels of irelandxo                                            in the gaels of irelandxo                                                        in their hearts its theirs forever no copyrite required because it is your birthrite         

We are of banbha Africa Banbha / learned                                We are of fodhla proto America Fodhla / sucking pig

We are of eriu eire Eriu / Eire / western isle, Tri noid a gloir mother eire mulloch abu go leir    to be your chief-tain as it is in our birth rite any assistance with this project of the tain for a chief-tain would be most welcome  

Mo chuda mo chuda mo cuaishla mo cuaishla mo connee ma connee come to me mac heber mac heremon mac uais abide in me in summer or in shadow in the meadow or in hush white snow of the valley and when I find thee I will kneel and say an ave to the chief-tain there  

Doine done donne doyon doyn doyne duin duinn dunn dunne dyne hua duinn mc dunn    o dienne odoghon odochon o doyne o duin      o duinn     o duinn o dunne o duyne ua duinn ui duinn    ui dhuinn house   tech duinn

Donner thunder dundar dunder hammer

Donner & dundar thunder & hammer dunder

De bi father of

1a Adam(ish)  Ádaim maic Dé bí.                                                                            1.Adam was the first recorded direct male line ancestor of the Semitic Hebrews, through his descendant, 10.Noah and his son, 11.Shem the direct male line ancestor of 20.Abraham / Abram a Prince of Ur who was to become the direct male line ancestor of the Israelites and the Jews through his son,  21.Jacob, and  also the direct male line ancestor of the Arab Muslims through his older son, Ishmael.  21.Jacob would in turn become the father of, 22.Isaac, the forefather of the 12 tribes of Israel / Israelites.

Another of 1.Adam's descendants, especially pertinent to eire, were to be through another of 10.Noah sons, in 11.Japheth who was to be the father of 12.Magog, the direct male line ancestor of the Aryans - the Scythians, the Nemedians, the Nemedian Tuatha de Danann, the Nemedian Teutonic Fir Bolg, and especially the Scythian Gaels. Clan na gael clan na scotae  

1b eve(ishshah)

2b Seth 2. Seth, the third son of 1.Adam, became the father of;                 Séth maic Ádaim maic Dé bí.

2b canann the offspring of eve and the serpent his descendants go where  

3 Enos 3.Enosh. the father of;                                         maic Enois maic Séth maic Ádaim maic Dé bí.

4 Cainan canein Kenan 4.Cainin / Kenan. the father of;                                                                          Cainen maic Enois maic Séth maic Ádaim maic Dé bí.

5 Mahalaleel  malaliel 5.Mahalaleel / Mahalalel. the father of;                                                                           Malalel.maic cainen maic enois

6 Jared   6.Jared. the father of; 7.Enoch.                       Iareth maic Malalel

7 Enoch the father of; 8.Methuselah.                                     Enóc maic Iareth maic Malalel

8 Methuselah the father of; 9.Lamech                    Mathussalem maic Enóc maic Iareth maic Malalel

 9 Lamech the father of;                                             Lamiach maic Mathussalem maic Enóc maic Iareth   

Chronological history i

900,000,000 fado fado long long years ago                                               i sovereign land of fodhla Fodhla / sucking pig county donegal gneiss volcanic island arc off proto united states of america east coast being formed and east coast extends from mexico to new york to nova scotia                                                         ii sovereign land of banbha africa Banbha / learned munster Tir Duinn (Munster).Cork an island off coast of proto africa libya the sovereign land of (c)ham   

400,000,000 fado fado long long years ago                                           ii  soveriegn land of banbha Banbha / learned munster Tir Duinn (Munster).cork leinster plate tectonic collision docks to sovereign land of fodla Fodhla / sucking pig  proto America ulad ulster connaught donegal                                     proto eire is formed off east coast of proto usa fissure suture line drogheda to limerick the land of inis samer is generated banbha africa Banbha / learned and fodla Fodhla / sucking pig  proto america becomes proto eiru eire                                                                Ballybunion beach area county kerry starts forming +                                                        the limestone burren of clare +                                         the plains of east brega   east breca                                    mag lii in ui mc uais breagh in east midhe  mochuda mochuda mo cuaislha mo cuaislha ma connee come to me oer the foam ma connee come to me oer the foam   

65,000,000 fado fado long long years ago                                                    meteor impact yucatan penninsula mexico contributing to the cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs and all marine animals in the region   the irrisistible force of a meteor strike meets the immovable object the pangean land mass tectonic plate where proto eire lies mochuda mochuda mo cuaislha mo cuaislha ma conee weather the storm of ophelias comet strike close to your shores  

63,000,000 fado fado long long years ago    eire shears off east coast of usa as relentless ruthless meteor impact effect starts to fade mochuda mochuda ma conee ua duinn come to me oer the foam come to me oer the foam ui duinn    

62,000,000 fado fado long long years ago giants causeway formed in ulad ulster as eire is approximately at iceland area and volcanic eruptions are cooled rapidly by the melting ice causing extremely rare hexagonal crystal rock structures to form on the landscape of eire and the world  mochuda mochuda start to run across the foam macuaishla macuaishla start to canter across the foam maconnee macconnee ui duinn come to me come to me oer the foam at a gallop tech duinn    

50,000,000 fado fado long long years ago          the mountains of mourne that sweep down to the sea are now rising up out of the ocean as a volcanic eruption occurs under its tectonic plate  the cooley pennisula of the tain bo cuailnge of topazolites stones is born and the land of the dalraida kings of  the sons of mac uais are ready to be nutured and grown with various life forms  mochuda mochuda wildly gallop and sprint across the foam macuaislha ui duinn come to me ma conee come to me oer the foam tech duinn                                                                 So I just took a hand at this digging for gold,                       But for all that I found there I might as well be              Where the mountains of Mourne sweep down to the sea. But for all these great powers he's wishful like me             To be back where the dark Mournes sweep down to the sea.  So I'll wait for the wild rose that's waiting for me In the place where the dark Mournes sweep down to the sea.

28,000,000 fado fado long long years ago spain docks and locks between north africa atlas mountains and france the pyrennes becomes part of europe the land of the occident and the fault lines realign to centre on the crescent lands of the middle east in the land of the orient as the land of (c)ham africa changes course from pushing northwardly to europe and instead pushes relentlessly and ruthlessy northeastwards to create the east african rift collision zone debris suture line and eventually the fertile palestine crescent valley  

Chronological history ii 5000bc to 1300 bc

Mochuda mochuda sit and rest beside me mocuaishla mocuaishla don’t frisk and spray me with your foam  lie down beside me mochuda mocuaishla mo coneee ui duinn tech duinn

4000bc fado fado a short short while ago                                                 the first settlers move into eires landscape making landfall at lough foyle where colm cilles daire derry abides where they begin to construct 26 court tomb structures around the foyle area with a sardinian                                                             .     ---100ad Arudeus (Arvadite): "the island    .         Aradus But for the seven others [sons of .         Canaan], Chetteus, Jebuseus, Amorreus, .          Gergesus, -------cercesus-Eudeus, .             .          Sineus, Samareus, we have nothing in .   .          the sacred books but their names, for . . .           the Hebrews overthrew their cities".                                        .           ----234ad Ashkenaz -Sarmatians                                       influence probably learned from a caucasian source (scythian) they move down through the landscape and discover the assaroe river                                     .                           234ad Ashkenaz -Sarmatians                                   on the west side of eires shore and the boyne river boann bovida bovinna boann on the east side of eires shore the plain of brega at bru an boann they settle in these three regions plus across the whole landscape of ulad eire the donegal usa side of the tectonic plate inis samer  of fodhla-                                                     .                   Fodhla / sucking pig  proto america .             and of banbha africa Banbha / learned .           all of eiru eire                                               To mention, of the scions Definition of scion1 :a detached living portion of a plant (such as a bud or shoot) joined to a stock in grafting and usually supplying solely aerial parts to a graft                              2 a :descendant, child; especially :a descendant of a wealthy, aristocratic, or influential family                 of rich hair;O'Cein O'Cein, now Kean, a name still extant in the county of Waterford, and to be distinguished from the family of O'Cathain, now anglicised Kane, without the prefix O'. The two great tragedians of world-wide fame are of this race. First great tragedian                                                          4000bc fado fado a short while ago            Cathan gathan, from whom some of the Ui Cathain gathain (Keane) families.a ceann cinnidh ancestor of a family which made land in Waterford and assembled a small complex of court tombs                                                 Second great tragedian                                  4000bc fado fado a short short while ago     ocathain kane a ceann cinnidh ancestor of a family the first settlers of lough foyle colm cilles derry                                                       4000bc from the mede-abounding Machuin. Machuin, now the river Mahon, which rises near Kilmacthomas, and falls into the sea at the village of Bun Machuine (Bunmahon).
They will exceed all tribes in fame            The delightful land of Ui-Eachach, Ui-Eachach. – The tribal name [McEachain] is still represented in the ancient territory of Dalaraidhe by the place named Ivahagh, in County Down, the Gaelic name of which is Uibb Eachach, pronounced Ivahagh, but now contracted to Ivagh.                                                   barony of upper and lower iveagh county down eochaidh mac maireda the munster chieftain took possession of the territory around lough neagh and was subsequently drowned in the eruption which formed the lake gaelic loch neachach lough neagh ---aram---                                                        There are many more places in this area that contain the Gaelic tribal word or name EACH which is record in English as AUGH. However, each case where the word is used in a place name must be judged on its own merits as to meaning, for it would not be quite correct to imply that the word Each has the same significance in all instances for it is governed by its prefix or suffix. Eachain in itself is in reality a tribal designation, which is derived from the middle Gaelic name Eachuinn and anciently Eqo-donno-s, meaning the Horse Lord, or more properly translated, the Lord or Chief of the Horse Tribe; the horse, in Gaelic Each, being the totem of their tribe." The McCaughans of Scotland and eire by John Alexander McCaughan of Ballyverdagh           DONNO                                        This was the tribe name of the O'Bricks.The south of the woody Inis Fail, Inis-Fail, one of the ancient names of eire.O'Bric selects it across the flood,O'Bric, now Brick, without the prefix O' From Lec Logha Lec Logha. - Tis was probably the ancient name of the remarkable rock now called Clochlobhrais, situated about midway between Kilmacthomas and Dungarvan, in the county of Waterford.                                                                                                              to Liathdruim. Liathdruim, i.e., gray ridge, now Leitrim, on the confines of the counties of Waterford and Cork  check this with tara liath druim the beautiful hill of tara hazel hill the hazel tree is traditionally associated with wisdom fertility and kingship of eire incidentally tara liath druim the beautiful hill was described as a pleasant hazel wood in the dindshnchas A tribe of the heroes of Breagh, from Tulach-an-Trir, Tulach-an-Trir, i.e., hill of the three persons. This was one of the most ancient names of Tara. See Ogygia, part iii., c. 17.

3200bc fado fado a short while ago                          A community moved into the boyne valley region and start to construct an elaborate complex of approximately 100 + megalithic passage tombs with a brittany influence but the cruciform chamber design is specifically utilized where ancient newgrange knowth dowth fourknocks and lough crew are all ley lined for specific purposes relating to the sun moon stars & planets   more specifically ancient newgrange location is aligned for the vernal spring equinox time of the year and as an added bonus the summer and winter solstices enhance its prestige as an accurate computus of temporal time in the land of brega plains- mag lii in ui mc uais breagh                        

2490bc a variant version of the legend apparently contained in the book of druimm snechta says that it was banba Banbha / learned who came to eire with three men and fifty women two hundred and forty years before the flood her people lived in eire for forty years and died of plague in the usual scheme banba Banbha / learned is numbered among the Tuatha de danaan who lived in eire much later              

 2362bc seathran cathinn also refers to a legend that three fishermen from spain   capa   laigne and  luasad were driven to eire by a storm a year before the flood they liked it so they went home to get their wives  returned shortly before the flood and were drowned

The temporal time before the flood deluge   

According to the Quran (Hud v. 42-43), Noah had another unnamed son who refused to come aboard the Ark, instead preferring to climb a mountain, where he drowned. Some later Islamic commentators give his name as either Yam or Kan'an.

According to Irish mythology, Noah had another son named Bith, who was not allowed aboard the Ark, and who attempted to colonise eire with 54 persons, only to be wiped out in the Deluge.      

10.Noah the father of 4 sons; including, 11.Bith the father of Cessair who was to land in eire before the Great Flood occurred.                                                    maic Noé maic Lamiach

Of the times and deaths of those kings Gilla Cóemáin the poet chanted—circa 200ad                                           1. Lofty eire, island of the kings,
praiseworthy scene of mighty deeds,v no man knoweth its destiny till Bith grandson of Lamech found it.                         2. Ladra and Bith, Fintan the powerful,
fifty wonderful women,
the people who first took tuneful Banba
forty days before the Flood.     

10 noah rest is said to have a fourth son 12 bith who married 13 birren

2361bc=2242 Anno mundi from the beginning of the world  2242 anno mundi according to the annals of the four masters or 2361bc according to seathran critinns chronology         40 days before the flood                 14Cessair in gaelic mythology 14cessair also spelt 14cesair and 14ceasair anglicized 14kesair was according to the book of invasions leader of the first inhabitants of eire before the biblical flood or the greek Deucalion the story is an attempt at the christianization of a legend that pre dates the conversion but may alternately be the product of post conversion pseudohistory 14cessair was daughter of 10noahs son 12 bith and his wife 13birren according to legend when her father was denied a place in the ark by noah 14cessair advised him to build an idol the idol advised them that  they could escape the deluge in a ship 14cessair along with three men 12bith 15fintan and 16ladra pilot and fifty women =66 set off and sailed for more than seven years they landed in eire at                                                                           dun na mbarc donemark on bantry bay in county cork                                         . . .  .                      234ad Arkite - Tripolitanians                                                                            forty days before the flood in age of the world 2242 anno mundi according to the annals of the four masters or 2361bc according to seathran critinns chronology the three men shared out the women as wives between them                                                                             14cessair & sixteen others went with 15fintan 17+1=18                                 seventeen including 13barann went with 12bith17+1=18 = 36                                                                                   and sixteen including 17 balba with 16ladra pilot16+1= 17+36=53                                                                            but 16ladra pilot died 52   

Of the times and deaths of those kings Gilla Cóemáin the poet chanted—circa 200ad                                                                                                                           3. died Ladra in Ard Ladrann.                                                                                                                          and his wives were shared between                                                                      15fintan 17+8=26 and 12bith 17+8=26   26+26=52                                                                           then 12bith died = 51                                            

Dinshenchus 1160ad giolla na naomh hua duinn topographical poems on erin 77

14 sliabh betha the wild bulls home slive beagh parish of clones in northern Fermanagh   12bith chief-tain cosair                                       I behold the grave of a stranger from afar the monument of a leader crowned with sad splendour whose name brought in lustre was 12 bith son of 10 noah  vast of vigour forty days by the tale before the doleful deluge to erin came the shortlived swarm a multitude in numbered array hither came 12 bith skilled in battle marching before his noble wives five and twenty 25 + 12 = 37 wives by firm bond made up his family as for 12 bith the chief-tains time was short shaking seized him and sore sickness his own wives dug a grave on the mountain for his burial from him high above the planets path is named sliabh betha the wild bulls home the body of the 12cosair who lived not long lies yet under the calm thou seest o Christ unshaken above all coasts thou didst not abandon 12 bith eternally be mine no sadness in the dwelling yonder when I have told of each thing I see   

Following biths death

Of the times and deaths of those kings Gilla Cóemáin the poet chanted—circa 200ad                                                                                                                                                                             4.
Bith in his mountain--a tale of love--
northward, for sorrow after his only son.

15fionntain fintan mac bearc the wise found himself with all the women and fled                                                     in gaelic mythology 15fionntain fintan mac 18bachra modern spelling 15 fionntain known as the wise was a seer who accompanied 10noahs granddaughter 14 cessair to eire before the deluge                                                   18 bachra may be his mother or may be a poetic reference to the sea   (macmanann mac lir)                                                                                                          

dinshenchus 1160ad giolla na naomh hua duinn topographical poems of erin   293 88b traig eba coast of Sligo                                                      traig eba whence the name not hard to say when          14 cesair daughter of 12 bith son of 11 noah came with boats crew to erin  37 eba the leech (physician healer doctor) woman came with her she fell asleep on the strand and the waves drowned her hence these places were called fend eba and traig eba from that time forth

six days before the flood 14cessair died of a broken heart at cuil ceasrach in Connacht she is said to be buried at summit of cnoc meadha six miles south west of tuam county galway

Of the times and deaths of those kings Gilla Cóemáin the poet chanted—circa 200ad                                                                                                                           3. Cessair died of a swift plague
westward in Ciiil Cesrach (with) her fifty;
of excess of women, an empty rout,
died Ladra in Ard Ladrann.                                                  4. Fintan died--it is a subject of truth--
in Mumu, of slow decay;
Bith in his mountain--a tale of love--
northward, for sorrow after his only son.

the rest of 14cessairs people were wiped out in the flood

15Fionntains his wives and children were drowned when the flood arrived but he 15fionntain survived in the form of                                                                                      a 38salmon remaining a year under the waters in a cave called fintans grave                                                        he then turned into an 39eagle and                                       then a 40hawk (magical)                                                      then back to a man an advisor to kings                                                

The flood the Deucalion the deluge

10-11 Noah-rest and the ark first male after the flood deluge                                                                   1 the cultivator gardener                                            2 to clear a plain                                                                       3 a cutter a hewer of wood                                                          4 a drawer of water                                                                    5 to plough the ground                                                                6 to furrow the soil                                                                           7 to sow the seed                                                                         8 to plant a vineyard after the flood deluge                               I am the vine you are the branches                                                     9 First male gathered in the sheaves   the harvest                                                            10 noah rest First male gathered in the first  .  .                                                           fruits

11 shem ham japhet first to press the

       grapes                                                                           12 noah rest first male to make wine                                                    13 noah rest first male to get drunk                                                     14 noah rest first male to repose nude                     .                    first male nude model                                                                 15 noah rest first male to be drunk and naked by his son (c)ham                                                                                              16 noah rest first male to expose himself to his family shem & Japheth                                                                       17 vineyard farmers noah a husbandman

According to Jewish tradition the inhabitants of the Ark, including the humans, were not allowed to mate, therefore Noah rest could not have had any children while on the Ark. Directly after coming out of the Ark, Noah rest got drunk and according to Jewish tradition was castrated by his son (c)Ham, preventing him from having any more offspring

The sons of Noah rest who went out from the ship were Shem, (c)Ham, and Japheth, and // Canaan. // 9:20 Noah started out as a farmer, and planted a vineyard. 9:21 He drank of the wine and got drunk. He lay naked within his tent. 9:22 // Canaan saw the nakedness of his father, and told two of his brothers outside.[3] 9:23 Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, walked backwards, and covered the nakedness of their father. Their faces were averted, and they didn’t see their father’s nakedness. 9:24 Noah awoke from his wine (-induced stupor), and knew what his youngest son had done to him. 9:25                                                                     He said, “Canaan is cursed. He will be a servant of servants (serving) his brothers.” 9:26 He said,“Blessed be YHWH, the God of Shem. Let Canaan be his servant. 9:27 May God make Japheth mighty. Let him dwell in the tents of Shem. Let Canaan be his servant.” .    Japheth has previously been described, within the tale of (c)Ham's curse, as going on to dwell in the tents of Shem, and hence is not indicated as having any children of his own.                                                                                                                      11.Noah rest divided the world amongst his three sons begotten of his wife titea viz to

Canann is cursed a servant of servants serving his brothers shem (c)ham japhet   

Blessed be YHWH the god of shem let canann be his servant

May god make Japheth mighty let him dwell in the tents of shem let canann be his servant Japheth has previously been described, within the tale of Ham's curse, as going on to dwell in the tents of Shem, and hence is not indicated as having any children of his own.

The Middle East through eyes of the ancient Israelites. Genesis 10 as reconstructed after the Documentary hypothesis.

The text of Gen. 10 includes some apparent "doublets" in the form of two separate lines of descent covering certain groups in Yemen and the surrounding regions — one of these indicating descent from (c)Ham via Cush; the other from Shem via Joktan. Specifically, the Sabaeans (under the similar names Sheba and Seba),                                   Huwaila (under Havilah), and possibly Hadhramaut (if Hazarmaveth is to be equated with Sabtah as a name representing its capital), appear to be in both lineages. (Gen 10:11, translated in the KJV as "Out of that land went forth Asshur, and built Niniveh, etc…", is taken in some modern translations to mean that the city of "Asshur" was one of those built by Nimrod; however, this is but a single verse in the Hebrew, with dual English interpretations, and not a genuine "doublet".)  

In the documentary hypothesis, these doublets are taken as certain signs of multiple authorship; on this account, the theory identifies hypothetical Jahwist (J) and Priestly (P) sources as having two quite different genealogies later combined into the present table. It must be remembered that these hypothetical sources have never been archaeologically or otherwise attested, and are only reconstructions by modern scholars who hold this theory. These sources are seen as originating some 150-300 years apart, with the later source, the Priestly, rewriting the Jahwist's account to reflect their own view concerning ethnology. While both sources are considered to have divided the groups into Shem, (c)Ham, and Japheth, the descent beyond these is reconstructed quite differently. To the Jahwist source are ascribed the account of Nimrod and his cities, as well as the descendants of Joktan, Canaan, and Mizraim;                                                        while to the Priestly source are ascribed the account of the descendants of Cush son of ham and Japheth.

Jahwist source secular source  

Nimrod and his cities  nimrod son of cush also identified as a mighty hunter before god and the founder of ancient babel akkad and sumer and possibly cities of assyria the hebrew wording of genesis 10-11 has led to some ambiguity as to whether asshur here is the son of shem or a city built by nimrod either interpretation can be found in various modern versions        babylonian taught by bouniter 

Descendants of joktan son of (h)eber son of …shem

Descendants of canann servant

Descendants of mizrain son of (c)ham

Priestly source nineveh by the priests

Descendants of cush of ethiopia

Descendants of jopheth his seven sons

The Jahwist source would thus exhibit a worldview concerned heavily with Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Arab tribes viewed to have originated from around Mecca (a holy site since ancient times), and Canaan. Rather than a table, the Jahwist source is reconstructed as more of a narrative structure. Preceded by the tale of the curse of Ham, the Jahwist reconstruction describes (c)Ham's son Cush fathering Nimrod, who is subsequently described as going on to found the great cities of Mesopotamia, then details the sons of Canaan and Mizraim.

A more genealogical line is given by the Jahwist reconstruction for Shem, going down the generations in a straight line until Joktan is reached, and, like elsewhere in the Jahwist text, though Joktan is not on the line himself, as the son of Eber, a major Patriarch on the line (the eponymous founder of the Hebrews, Eberu), Joktan's own descendants are described. The name of Joktan's purported brother, Peleg, is etymologically related to the word                                                                  Pulukku in Akkadian, meaning divided by boundaries, and by borders, and                            Palgu in Assyrian, meaning divided by canals, and by irrigation systems.                                  While Peleg is believed by some to be present in the narrative to indicate origin via the city of Phalgu, the comment after his name, that in his day the earth was divided, is thought in critical circles to simply be a convenient pun in order to insert the story of the Tower of Babel into the Jahwist's narrative. In the Jahwist reconstruction, Japheth has previously been described, within the tale of (c)Ham's curse, as going on to dwell in the tents of Shem, and hence is not indicated as having any children of his own. 7 May God make Japheth mighty. Let him dwell in the tents of Shem. Let Canaan be his servant.”

According to the dates given by critical scholars, the areas of the Mediterranean and the Caucasus had become much more developed over the years between the Jahwist and Priestly sources. The Egyptians had become much more unified (having largely recovered from the Third Intermediate Period).1070-664bc  Thus, while the reconstructed Priestly source does not include the subdivisions within Egypt, it does include details of groups in                                                  the eastern Mediterranean (Javan, Tubal, Meschech, Tiras) and                                    Caucasus (Gomer, comer Madai), attaching them to Japheth, perhaps since his descendants are not identified by the Jahwist. Mesopotamia retained its importance, and the Priestly source, a text reconstructed with a favouritism for long dry lists, extends the detail concerning its genealogy given by the Jahwist, presenting a more complicated ethnological tree. The Arab groups of the Yemen area also seem to have been viewed as retaining importance, as the hypothetical Priestly source considered them still worth detailing, though presenting an origin for them in the more significant Nubia (via Cush), rather than from around Mecca. There is little narrative quality in the text usually ascribed to the priestly source; essentially it resembles simply a raw list of names, with the occasional indication of familial relationship.

Extrabiblical sons of Noah   rest

There exist various traditions in post-bibilical sources claiming that Noah rest had children other than Shem, (c)Ham, and Japheth, born variously before, during, or after the Deluge.

According to the Quran (Hud v. 42-43), Noah rest had another unnamed son who refused to come aboard the Ark, instead preferring to climb a mountain, where he drowned. Some later Islamic commentators give his name as either Yam or Kan'an.

According to Irish mythology, Noah rest had another son named Bith, who was not allowed aboard the Ark, and who attempted to colonise eire with 54 persons, only to be wiped out in the Deluge.

Some 9th century manuscripts of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles assert that Sceafa was the fourth son of Noah, born aboard the Ark, from whom the House of Wessex traced their ancestry; in William of Malmesbury's version of this genealogy (c. 1120), Sceaf is instead made a descendant of Strephius, the fourth son born aboard the Ark.

An early Arabic work known as Kitab al-Magall or the Book of Rolls (part of Clementine literature) mentions Bouniter, the fourth son of Noah, born after the flood, who allegedly invented astronomy and instructed Nimrod[11]. Variants of this story with often similar names for Noah's fourth son are also found in the ca. 5th century Ge'ez work Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan (Barvin), the ca. 6th century Syriac book Cave of Treasures (Yonton), the 7th century Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius (Ionitus[12]), the Syriac Book of the Bee 1221 (Yônatôn), the Hebrew Chronicles of Jerahmeel, ca. 12th-14th cent. (Jonithes), and throughout Armenian apocryphal literature, where he is usually referred to as Maniton; as well as in works by Petrus Comestor c. 1160 (Jonithus), Godfrey of Viterbo 1185 (Ihonitus), Michael the Syrian 1196 (Maniton), Abu Salih the Armenian c. 1208 (Abu Naiţur); Jacob van Maerlant c. 1270 (Jonitus), Abraham Zacuto 1504 (Yoniko) and Jehiel ben Solomon Heilprin c. 1697 (Yuniku).[13]

Martin of Opava (c. 1250), later versions of the Mirabilia Urbis Romae, and the Chronicon Bohemorum of Giovanni di Marignola (1355) make Janus (i.e., the Roman deity) the fourth son of Noah, who moved to Italy, invented astrology, and instructed Nimrod.

According to the monk Annio da Viterbo (1498), the Hellenistic Babylonian writer Berossus had mentioned 30 children born to Noah after the Deluge, including sons named Tuiscon, Prometheus, Iapetus, Macrus, "16 titans", Cranus, Granaus, Oceanus, and Tipheus. Also mentioned are daughters of Noah named Araxa "the Great", Regina, Pandora, Crana, and Thetis. However, Annio's manuscript is widely regarded today as having been a forgery[14].

According to Jewish tradition the inhabitants of the Ark, including the humans, were not allowed to mate, therefore Noah could not have had any children while on the Ark. Directly after coming out of the Ark, Noah got drunk and according to Jewish tradition was castrated by his son (c)Ham, preventing him from having any more offspring.

12 shem sem  43 (c)ham    74 Japheth iafeth 

Name renown prosperity warm  open increase

III. THE SEMITIC RACES. (Gen. 10:21-31.)

The descendants of Shem are placed last in the list of the table of nations, not because their founder was the youngest, but because out of their lines one family is chosen as the especial theme of the history, which thus receives a fitting introduction. Shem was the founder of five great races, and of many subordinate tribes.

1. Elam everywhere is recognized as the name of a province east of the river Tigris and north of the Persian Gulf, called by the Greeks Elymais. The name was often applied, in later times, to the whole of Persia, whose capital stood within its territory. Gaels (or Gadelians cadelians); of the Elian race,

2. Asshur is frequently mentioned in the Old Testament. It was located on the river Tigris, having Nineveh as its capital, and its people at one time were rulers of all the lands westward to the Mediterranean.

3. Arphaxad, or Arpachshad (as in the margin of Gen. 11:10), has been supposed to be the ancestor of the Chaldeans, whose home was at the head of the Persian Gulf. The patriarch Abraham belonged to his race, and was born in "Ur of the Chaldees." Another of Arphaxad's descendants was Joktan, from whom arose thirteen tribes, named after Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, Obal, Abimael, Sheba (the most important of all in after history, absorbing most of the rest), Ophir, Havilah, and Jobab. All these occupied the southeastern and southern sections of the great Arabian peninsula. The fact that some of these names have already been mentioned in the Hamite genealogies may indicate that the two races became mingled.

4. Lud. This is believed by most scholars to refer to the Lydians, who dwelt on the southwestern border of Asia Minor, and under their king, Crœsus, became a powerful nation. Their history was short, as their empire was conquered by Cyrus the Great.

5. Aram. This is the word uniformly rendered Syria throughout the Bible. The Arameans, or Syrians, occupied the region between Canaan and Phœnicia, on the east, the Euphrates on the north, and the great desert on the west and south. Four branches of this race formed separate tribes.                                                Uz, the race of the ancient Job, was settled in the middle of North Arabia, near Nejd.              Hul and Gether cether are supposed (but with slight evidences) to have occupied the country near Lake Merom, where the Geshurites ceshurites were afterward found.                                           Mash, or, as called in 1 Chron. 1:17, Meshech, may have merged with the Meshech of the Japhetic line.


12.shem (sem) he noah gave asia within the Euphrates to the indian ocean forefather of the middle peoples semetic    

shem father of aram father of uz

                                      father of gether  cether               .                                     fathner of Thamud 

                                      father of mash

13. Aram son of shem there are references to a campaign against aram as early as 2300bc in the inscriptions of naram-suen of akkad his descendants settled in the city of haran there were a number of places named aram including one in Damascus           

Uz: "Uz founded Trachonitis and Damascus: this country lies between Palestine and Celesyria".       234ad Aram - "Etes" ?

and another called aram naharaim of aram of two rivers since it was situated between the tigris river and Euphrates rivers (Ashur son of shem the Assyrians traced themselves to the god ancestor Ashur and the city he founded by that name on the tigris) there is also aram-tzova 234ad Aram - "Etes" ? which is mentioned in psalms 60   see 2300bc   diklah son of joktan uncertain although a connection with deglath the syriac form of the tigris has been suggested  

Aram: "Aramites, which the Greeks called Syrians".            5. Aram. This is the word uniformly rendered Syria throughout the Bible. The Arameans, or Syrians, occupied the region between Canaan and Phœnicia, on the east, the river Euphrates on the north, and the great desert on the west and south. Four branches of this race formed separate tribes.                                                Uz, the race of the ancient Job, was settled in the middle of North Arabia, near Nejd.              Hul and Gether cether are supposed (but with slight evidences) to have occupied the country near Lake Merom, where the Geshurites ceshurites were afterward found.                                           Mash, or, as called in 1 Chron. 1:17, Meshech, may have merged with the Meshech of the Japhetic line.

                                                                        14. Uz son of aram possibly the ancestors of the nabataeans extending from southern Jordan to northwestern Saudi arabia also mentioned in job       Uz: "Uz founded Trachonitis and Damascus: this country lies between Palestine and Celesyria".

15. Hul son of aram unknown possible connection with lake known in Aramaic as hulata   Ul (Hul): Armenia

234ad Hul - Lydians (var: Colchians)

16. Gether cether son of aram father of Thamud in Arabic tradition  100ad Gather son of aram (Gether cether): Bactrians

234ad Saleph - Bactrians    234ad Gether - cether"Gaspeni-caspeni" ?                                                     aram-tzova 234ad Aram - "Etes" ?  

390ad Gether-cether, son of Aram: "Acarnanii or Carians                                                                                                                                                                                             

17. Thamud see 16                                                             18. Mash meshech mashu son of aram (1 chronicles has meshech unknown suggestions include mashu an unknown region of cedars mentioned in the epic of Gilgamesh cilcamesh possibly Lebanon and e mash mash the main temple at ninevah in Assyria   100ad Ashur: Assyrians, and their city Niniveh built by Ashur.  

Mesa (Mesh): "Mesaneans; it is now called Charax Spasini".

234ad Meshech – Illyrians                                                             234ad Mash - Mossynoeci (var: Mosocheni)                                                    390 Mash, son of Aram: Maeones

12.shem (sem) he noah gave asia within the river Euphrates to the indian ocean forefather of the middle peoples semetic    

shem father of arpachshads   to Abraham  

          father of cainan

          father of shelah salah

     father of eber ----ancestor of Hebrew nation

         father of eleg phalgu---peleg phalgu an ancient town located where the river Euphrates and river chaboras meet                      elec phalcu pelec phalcu

The name of Joktan's purported brother, Peleg, is etymologically related to the word                    Pulukku in Akkadian, meaning divided by boundaries, and by borders, and                           Palgu in Assyrian, meaning divided by canals, and by irrigation systems. While                                Peleg is believed by some to be present in the narrative to indicate origin via the city of Phalgu, the comment after his name, that in his day the earth was divided, is thought in critical circles to simply be a convenient pun in order to insert the story of the Tower of Babel into the Jahwist's narrative 

19. Arpachshads family genealogy of Abraham  shems descendants semetic  shem is held to be the founder of the semite peoples religious jews and arabs consider themselves sons of shem through Arpachshad (thus semites) the genealogy at this point lists several generations of arpachshads descendants on account of their connection with the Hebrew nation and the rest of genesis   hebrew 

20. Arpachshad father of

21. Cainan father of Cainan - "those east of the Sarmatians" (one variant)

22. Shelah-salah Sala  in some ancient sources the name is omitted in the Hebrew Masoretic text of the Hebrew bible but the greek Septuagint and genealogy of jesus in saint luke 3.36 include the name  shelah also transcribed salah son of Arpachshad or cainan   

23.eber son of shelah implicitly indicated as the eponymous ancestor of the Hebrews            

Heber (Eber): "from whom they originally called the Jews Hebrews".     Eberu),                                                                                 24. eleg phalgu son of eber sometimes connected to phalgu an ancient town located where the Euphrates and chaboras meet in the table it is said that the earth was divided in the days of peleg   Phaleg (Peleg): He notes that he was so named"because he was born at the dispersion of the nations to their several countries; for Phaleg among the Hebrews signifies division                                  a threefold division among (c)ham shem and Japheth preceding the tower of babel incident is elaborated on in some ancient sources others assume the division occurred immediately following it with the scattering of the nations                     

The name of Joktan's purported brother, Peleg, is etymologically related to the word                      Pulukku in Akkadian, meaning divided by boundaries, and by borders, and                        Palgu in Assyrian, meaning divided by canals, and by irrigation systems.                                 While Peleg is believed by some to be present in the narrative to indicate origin via the city of Phalgu, the comment after his name, that in his day the earth was divided, is thought in critical circles to simply be a convenient pun in order to insert the story of the Tower of Babel into the Jahwist's narrative                                                                    25. Joktan son of eber sometimes identified with jectan an ancient town near mecca considered as Qahtan to be the ancestors of the pure arabs             Joctan father of  "Elmodad, Saleph, Asermoth, Jera, Adoram, Aizel, Decla, Ebal, Abimael, Sabeus, Ophir, Euilat, and Jobab. These inhabited from Cophen, an Indian river, and in part of Asia adjoining to it."              600ad joktan, son of Eber: Indians                                                                                           26. Almodad 1 son of joktan has been identified with   al-morad somewhere in yemen     Joctan father of  "Elmodad, Saleph, Asermoth, Jera, Adoram, Aizel, Decla, Ebal, Abimael, Sabeus, Ophir, Euilat, and Jobab. These inhabited from Cophen, an Indian river, and in part of Asia adjoining to it."      234ad Elmodad - Indians                                                                         27. Sheleph 2 son of joktan identified with salif northwest yemen the capital of the salif was sulaf  Joctan father of  "Elmodad, Saleph, Asermoth, Jera,  Adoram, Aizel, Decla, Ebal, Abimael, Sabeus, Ophir, Euilat, and Jobab. These inhabited from Cophen, an Indian river, and in part of Asia adjoining to it."             234ad Saleph - Bactrians                                                               600ad Saleph, son of Joktan: Bactrians                                                                                                                                                                                             28. Hazarmaveth son of joktan identified with Hadhramaut in east yemen   Joctan father of  "Elmodad, Saleph, Asermoth, Jera, Adoram, Aizel, Decla, Ebal, Abimael, Sabeus, Ophir, Euilat, and Jobab. These inhabited from Cophen, an Indian river, and in part of Asia adjoining to it."  234ad Hazamaveth, Sheba - Arabs                                                                                                                                 29. Jerah 3 son of joktan identified with jerakon kome in south central yemen   Joctan father of  "Elmodad, Saleph, Asermoth, Jera, Adoram, Aizel, Decla, Ebal, Abimael, Sabeus, Ophir, Euilat, and Jobab. These inhabited from Cophen, an Indian river, and in part of Asia adjoining to it."                                                                                                                                                      30. Hadoram 4 son of joktan identification has been proposed with hurarina a town of southern arabia mentioned in Assyrian inscriptions of Ashurbanipal hurarina also happen to be the name of a fruit tree exclusive to Shewa Ethiopia    Joctan father of  "Elmodad, Saleph, Asermoth, Jera, Adoram, Aizel, Decla,Ebal, Abimael, Sabeus, Ophir, Euilat, and Jobab. These inhabited from Cophen, an Indian river, and in part of Asia adjoining to it."234ad Adoram - Carmanians                                                                                     31. Uzal 5 son of joktan identified with azalla in central west yemen azal is the ancient name of san’a   Joctan father of  "Elmodad, Saleph, Asermoth, Jera, Adoram, Aizel, Decla, Ebal, Abimael, Sabeus, Ophir, Euilat, and Jobab. These inhabited from Cophen, an Indian river, and in part of Asia adjoining to it."  234ad Uzal - Arians (var.: Parthians)                                                                                                                                      32. Diklah 6 son of joktan uncertain although a connection with deglath the Syriac form of the tigris has been suggested   Joctan father of  "Elmodad, Saleph, Asermoth, Jera, Adoram, Aizel, Decla, Ebal, Abimael, Sabeus, Ophir, Euilat, and Jobab. These inhabited from Cophen, an Indian river, and in part of Asia adjoining to it."   234ad Deklah - Gedrosians                                                                                                                                                           33. Obal 7 son of joktan identified with the abil in central west yemen the abil are according to ancient inscriptions placed west of the azalla  Joctan father of  "Elmodad, Saleph, Asermoth, Jera, Adoram, Aizel, Decla, Ebal, Abimael, Sabeus, Ophir, Euilat, and Jobab. These inhabited from Cophen, an Indian river, and in part of Asia adjoining to it."   234ad Obal - Scythians                                                                                                                             

34. Abimael 8 son of joktan though abimael is unidentified as a tribe it has traditionally been considered to be a northern African group                       Joctan father of  "Elmodad, Saleph, Asermoth, Jera, Adoram, Aizel, Decla, Ebal, Abimael, Sabeus, Ophir, Euilat, and Jobab. These inhabited from Cophen, an Indian river, and in part of Asia adjoining to it."    234ad Abimael - Hyrcanians 234ad Canaan - Afri and Phoenicians                                                                                            

35. Sheba 9 son of joktan like                            sheba son of raamah and                                              seba son of cush identified with sabaeans of southern yemen / coastal Eritrea     Sabas (Seba): Sabeans     Sabathes (Sabta): "Sabathens, they are now called by the Greeks Astaborans"234ad Hazamaveth, Sheba - Arabs                                      Ragmus (Raamah): Ragmeans              Judadas (Dedan): "Judadeans, a nation of the western Ethiopia         Sabas (Sheba): Sabeans Joctan father of  "Elmodad, Saleph, Asermoth, Jera, Adoram, Aizel, Decla, Ebal, Abimael, Sabeus, Ophir, Euilat, and Jobab. These inhabited from Cophen, an Indian river, and in part of Asia adjoining to it."             

Nara people

This article is about the ethnic group that lives in Eritrea. For the Manchu clan, see Clan Nara. For people from Nara, see Nara (disambiguation).                  The Nara are a Nilotic ethnic group inhabiting Eritrea. The society is divided into four subtribes, who traditionally were animist but now follow Islam. They are mostly subsistence farmers. The Nara speak the Nara language, which belongs to the Nilo-Saharan family.                                                                       According to the Eritrean government, the Nara are descendants of the first Nilo-Saharan settlers in Eritrea, who had migrated from the Upper Nile area and intermarried with local Pygmy populations.                   Today, the Nara number around 108,000 individuals.[1] They constitute around 1.5% of the population of Eritrea. They are typically agrarian and have settled primarily along the border with Sudan.                             The Nara population is divided into four subtribes: the Higir, Mogareb, Koyta and Santora. They traditionally adhered to animist beliefs. After the Egyptian occupation in the 19th century, most Nara adopted Islam. A minority also follow Christianity.                       The Nara ethnonym means "Sky Heaven". They also used to call themselves the Barya.

Language The Nara people speak the Nara language. It belongs to the Nilo-Saharan family, and is closely related to Kunama.

Through contact with neighboring Afroasiatic-speaking populations, many Nara are also bilingual in Tigre and/or Arabic. They traditionally had no writing system, with the few existing pieces of literature in Nara transcribed using either Tigre or Arabic.                     The language is also known as Nara-Bana, meaning "Nara-Talk".

Social organization

Social organisation of the Nara people is based on the clan and subclan, with people living in villages and hamlets. The lineage system is patrilineal, unlike that of the Kunama people. Land belongs to the clan and shared out among the families in the clan.


According to Trombetta et al. (2015), 60% of Nara are carriers of the E1b1b paternal haplogroup. Of these, around 13% bear the V32 subclade, to which belong 60% of the Tigre Semitic speakers in Eritrea. This points to substantial gene flow from neighbouring Afro-Asiatic-speaking males into the Nara's ancestral Nilotic community. Cruciani et al. (2010) likewise observed that the remaining Nara individuals are primarily carriers of the Afro-Asiatic-associated haplogroup J (20%), as well as the A lineage (20%), which is instead common among Nilotes.                                                                                36. Ophir 10 son of joktan identified with afir of southwest yemen ancient inscriptions place them between the huwailah and sabaeans roughly where  ma’afir is now Joctan father of  "Elmodad, Saleph, Asermoth, Jera, Adoram, Aizel, Decla, Ebal, Abimael, Sabeus, Ophir, Euilat, and Jobab. These inhabited from Cophen, an Indian river, and in part of Asia adjoining to it."                                                                                              

37. Havilah 11 son of joktan identified with huwailah and kwahlans of northwest yemen   Evilas (Havilah): "Evileans, who are called Getuli".234ad Gether - "Gaspeni" ?    

Cetuli              cether      caspeni                                                  

Joctan father of  "Elmodad, Saleph, Asermoth, Jera, Adoram, Aizel, Decla, Ebal, Abimael, Sabeus, Ophir, Euilat, and Jobab. These inhabited from Cophen, an Indian river, and in part of Asia adjoining to it."       390ad Gether, son of Aram: "Acarnanii or Carians                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             38. Jobab 12 son of joktan identified with labibi of southwest Saudi arabia their capital was juhaibab which ancient inscriptions locate near mecca

Joctan father of  "Elmodad, Saleph, Asermoth, Jera, Adoram, Aizel, Decla, Ebal, Abimael, Sabeus, Ophir, Euilat, and Jobab. These inhabited from Cophen, an Indian river, and in part of Asia adjoining to it."                                                                                              

39. elam son of shem the elamites called themselves the haltamti and had an empire capital susa in what is now khuzistan modern iran elamite however is a non semitic language it has been controversially grouped with the modern Dravidian languages into elamo Dravidian      Elam: "Elamites, the ancestors of the Persians". 1. Elam everywhere is recognized as the name of a province east of the river Tigris and north of the Persian Gulf, called by the Greeks Elymais. The name was often applied, in later times, to the whole of Persia, whose capital stood within its territory. Gaels (or Gadelians); of the Elian race,

40. ashur son of shem the assyrians traced  themselves to the god ancestor Ashur and the city he founded by that name on the river tigris -24. Diklah son of joktan uncertain although a connection with deglath the Syriac form of the- river tigris has been suggested             Ashur: Assyrians, and their city Niniveh built by Ashur.              2. Asshur is frequently mentioned in the Old Testament. It was located on the river Tigris, having Nineveh as its capital, and its people at one time were rulers of all the lands westward to the Mediterranean.                                                          

41. arpachshad also transcribed arphaxad son of shem he or his immediate descendants are credited in jewish tradition with founding the city of ur of the Chaldees possibly ufra modern southeastern turkey although it has also been identified by some following the archaeologist wooley with the Sumerian city of ur on the south banks of the river Euphrates    Arphaxad: "Arphaxadites, who are now called Chaldeans".  3. Arphaxad, or Arpachshad (as in the margin of Gen. 11:10), has been supposed to be the ancestor of the Chaldeans, whose home was at the head of the Persian Gulf. The patriarch Abraham belonged to his race, and was born in "Ur of the Chaldees." Another of Arphaxad's descendants was Joktan, from whom arose thirteen tribes, named after Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, Obal, Abimael, Sheba (the most important of all in after history, absorbing most of the rest), Ophir, Havilah, and Jobab. All these occupied the southeastern and southern sections of the great Arabian peninsula. The fact that some of these names have already been mentioned in the Hamite genealogies may indicate that the two races became mingled.

42. Lud son of shem most ancient authorities assign this name to the lydians of eastern anatolia (luddu in assyrian inscriptions from ca 700bc this name may also be connected with the earlier luwians who lived in approximately the same area 100ad Laud (Lud): "Laudites, which are now called Lydians". 234ad Ludim - Lydians    234ad Lud - Halizones  234ad Hul - Lydians (var: Colchians) 4. Lud. This is believed by most scholars to refer to the Lydians, who dwelt on the southwestern border of Asia Minor, and under their king, Crœsus, became a powerful nation. Their history was short, as their empire was conquered by Cyrus the Great.


These are named with greater particularity, because they were those which rose to prominence early in the history, and those with which the Hebrews were brought into closer relations, either as enemies or as friends. Four principal races are given, some of which were greatly subdivided. The homes of these races were in Africa, Eastern Arabia, with a fringe of sea-coast along the eastern Mediterranean, and the great Mesopotamian valley, in which arose the earliest world empires. They have been sometimes called Turanians. It is by no means probable that all these nations should be regarded as the descendants of (c)Ham, the son of Noah-rest. In this list are evidently grouped together some races whose territory was contiguous, but whose physical appearance and language show no relationship.                                                  Cush is, throughout the Bible, the word translated Ethiopia. Generally this refers to the region south of Egypt, now known as Abyssinia; but in Gen. 2:13, Isa. 11:11, and Ezek. 38:5, the reference must be to an Asiatic Cush, in Mesopotamia. The subdivisions of the Cushite tribes in Gen. 10:7-12, show that the earliest great Oriental monarchies were of this race. These subdivisions are as follows: (1.) Seba. These were, probably, the Ethiopians of Meroë, on the Nile, anciently called Saba; in Isa. 43:3 and 45:14, connected with the Egyptians.                                          (2.) Havilah. This is supposed to refer to Arabia, or at least a part of it.                           (3.) Sabtah. This may refer to the Sabbatha, or Sabota, of Pliny and Ptolemy, on the southern shore of Arabia.                                                  (4.) Raamah, with whom are associated his sons or descendants, Sheba and Dedan, occupied the eastern shore of Arabia, near the Persian Gulf.                                                   (5.) Sabtechah. This is unknown, but, from the relation of the previous names, may have been in the southeastern portion of Arabia.                                                        (6.) Nimrod is named as a descendant of Cush (perhaps the only name of an individual in the list), and the founder of the early Babylonian empire.                                                              2. Mizraim is the name everywhere used for Egypt in the Hebrew. The word is in the dual form, representing the two divisions of the country, and corresponding to the two crowns on all the royal effigies. Several branches of this race are especially mentioned.                    (1.) Ludim. Not the same with the Lud of verse 22, but from its associations plainly in Africa. The location has been given as Nubia, but is very doubtful.                                                   (2.) Anamim. An unknown people, whose identity was early lost in some other race.      Hardy divisions of the battalion of Munster,
The head of the O Anamchadhas
O'Anamchadhas. - This name is obsolete, or changed into some anglicised form not now recognisable. is its rightful chief,
A host of thin-edged arms of best nobility.
                                                                           (3.) Lehabim. These are elsewhere in Scripture called Lubim, and were the Libyans, or people of Libya, west of Egypt, on the southern shore of the Mediterranean.                                         (4.) Naphtuhim. Probably the Na-Ptah of the Egyptian monuments, having their home at Memphis, south of the Delta.  (nephilum)                             (5.) Pathrusim. Often referred to in the prophets as Pathros, or Upper Egypt.               (6.) Casluhim. An unknown people, perhaps in the vicinity of Goshen.  Coshen                                 (7.) Caphtorim. Generally supposed to refer to the people on the island of Crete. With these, and not with the Casluhim, should the Philistim be connected. (See Deut. 2:23, Jer. 47:4, Amos 9:7.)[26]                                              3. Phut. The word is several times translated Libya, and, from its association with other tribes, should probably be referred to that section in Northern Africa. (See Jer. 46:9; Ezek. 27:10; 30:5; 38:5; Nah. 3:9.) Some of these passages would indicate that there was also an Asiatic branch of this same family.           4. Canaan. The ancient inhabitants of Palestine and Lower Syria, from Gaza to Hamath. In their most flourishing period, just before the conquest by Joshua, they embraced six subdivisions or clans                                 43. Hams son of noah moses descendants Hamitic                                                          44. Cush son of (c)ham the empire the empire of kush to the south of egypt is known from at least 1970bc       Chus (Cush): "Ethiopians... even at this day, both by themselves and by all men in Asia, called Chusites". hurarina also happen to be the name of a fruit tree exclusive to Shewa Ethiopia  but this name has also been associated by some with the kassites who inhabited the zagros area of mesopotamia the sumerian city of kish   (kassmenes)                                  45. Seba son of cush has been connected with both yemen and eritrea with much confusion with sheba below (the shibboleth like division amongst the sabaeans into sheba and seba is acknowledged elsewhere for example psalm 72 see below leading scholars to suspect that this is not a mistaken duplication of the same name but a genuine historical division the significance of this division is not yet completely understood though it may simply reflect which side of the sea each was on) Psalm 72 Of Solomon.                                     Endow the king with your justice, O God,
    the royal son with your righteousness.
2 May he judge your people in righteousness,
    your afflicted ones with justice.              May the mountains bring prosperity to the people,
    the hills the fruit of righteousness.
4May he defend the afflicted among the people
    and save the children of the needy;
    may he crush the oppressor.
5 May he endure[a] as long as the sun,
   as long as the moon, through all generations.
6 May he be like rain falling on a mown field,
    like showers watering the earth.
7 In his days may the righteous flourish       and prosperity abound till the moon is no more.

8 May he rule from sea to sea
   and from the River[b] to the ends of the earth.
9 May the desert tribes bow before him
    and his enemies lick the dust.
10 May the kings of Tarshish (Anatolia) and of distant shores (spain)   bring tribute to him.
May the kings of Sheba                                                                    .35. Sheba son of joktan son of shem identified with sabaeans of southern yemen / coastal Eritrea     Sabas (Seba): Sabeans                                                                                      .like sheba son of raamah son of ham                           49. sheba son of raamah has been connected with sabaeans and peoples on either side of the narrowest part of the red sea in both yemen south arabia and eritrea /ethiopia /somalia    hurarina also happen to be the name of a fruit tree exclusive to Shewa Ethiopia              234ad Hazamaveth, Sheba - Arabs                                                                                                                                                                       51. Sabtechah son of cush possibly sabaiticum ostium sabaeans living around a specific harbour in eritrea      and Seba .   and 45 seba son of cush son of (c)ham         identified with sabaeans     of southern yemen / coastal Eritrea Sabas (Seba): Sabeans      Ragmus (Raamah): Ragmeans  Judadas (Dedan): "Judadeans, a nation of the western Ethiopia Sabas (Sheba): Sabeans     present him gifts.
11 May all kings bow down to him
    and all nations serve him.                         For he will deliver the needy who cry out,
    the afflicted who have no one to help.
13 He will take pity on the weak and the needy
    and save the needy from death.     He will rescue them from oppression and violence, for precious is their blood in his sight.

15 Long may he live!
    May gold from Sheba be given him.
May people ever pray for him
    and bless him all day long.
16 May grain abound throughout the land;
    on the tops of the hills may it sway.
May the crops flourish like Lebanon                  .                                          18. Mash meshech    mashu son of aram (1 chronicles has meshech unknown suggestions include mashu an unknown region of cedars mentioned in the epic of Gilgamesh possibly Lebanon and e mash mash the main temple at ninevah in Assyria   234ad Mash - Mossynoeci (var: Mosocheni)390 Mash, son of Aram: Maeones Ashur: Assyrians, and their city Niniveh built by Ashur 234ad Meshech - Illyrians.            52. Canaan son of (c)ham this is known to be the name of a nation and people who settled the eastern shore of the mediterranean in what is now called isreal and lebanon   and thrive[c] like the grass of the field.                                                   May his name endure forever;
    may it continue as long as the sun.             Then all nations will be blessed through him,[d]       and they will call him blessed. Praise be to the Lord God, the God of Israel,          53. Mizraim son of (c)ham mizraim is a name for upper and lower egypt and literally translates as to-wy in ancient egyptian the two lands the aim in mizraim represents dual number arabic speaking modern egyptians refer to their country as misr                                      62. Canaan son of (c)ham this is known to be the name of a nation and people who settled the eastern shore of the mediterranean in what is now called isreal and lebanon who alone does marvelous deeds.
19 Praise be to his glorious name forever;
    may the whole earth be filled with his glory.
Amen and Amen. This concludes the prayers of David son of Jesse.                                    46. havikah son of cush usually considered to be a part of the arabian peninsula near the red sea                                                                     47. sabtah son of cush sometimes connected with hadhramis (their ancient capital being saubatha in eastern yemen                             48. raamah son of cush has been connected with rhammanitae mentioned by strabo in the southwest arabian city of regmah at the head of the persian gulf        Ragmus (Raamah): Ragmeans Judadas (Dedan): "Judadeans, a nation of the western Ethiopians".Sabas (Sheba): Sabeans                                                 49. sheba son of raamah has been connected with sabaeans and peoples on either side of the narrowest part of the red sea in both yemen south arabia and eritrea /ethiopia /somalia Sabas (Seba): Sabeans   hurarina also happen to be the name of a fruit tree exclusive to Shewa Ethiopia                                             Sabactas (Sabteca): Sabactens                                  Ragmus (Raamah): Ragmeans                       Judadas (Dedan): "Judadeans, a nation of the western Ethiopians                                    Sabas (Sheba): Sabeans                               234ad Hazamaveth, Sheba - Arabs                                                                                                                                                                                                         50 dedan son of raamah apparently a region of the tabuk province of saudi arabia             Ragmus (Raamah): Ragmeans                      Judadas (Dedan): "Judadeans, a nation of the western Ethiopians".                                      Sabas (Sheba ) sabeans                              234ad Hazamaveth, Sheba - Arabs                                                                                                                                                                     

51. Sabtechah son of cush possibly sabaiticum ostium sabaeans living around a specific harbour in eritrea   Sabas (Seba): Sabeans      Ragmus (Raamah): Ragmeans                       Judadas (Dedan): "Judadeans, a nation of the western Ethiopians".                                    Sabas (Sheba): Sabeans                                  234ad Hazamaveth, Sheba - Arabs                                                                                                                                                                52. nimrod son of cush also identified as a mighty hunter before god and the founder of ancient babel akkad and sumer and possibly cities of assyria the hebrew wording of genesis 10-11 has led to some ambiguity as to whether asshur here is the son of shem or a city built by nimrod either interpretation can be found in various modern versions                                   An early Arabic work known as Kitab al-Magall or the Book of Rolls (part of Clementine literature) mentions Bouniter, the fourth son of Noah, born after the flood, who allegedly invented astronomy and instructed Nimrod[11]. Variants of this story with often similar names for Noah's fourth son are also found in the ca. 5th century Ge'ez work Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan (Barvin), the ca. 6th century Syriac book Cave of Treasures (Yonton), the 7th century Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius (Ionitus[12]), the Syriac Book of the Bee 1221 (Yônatôn), the Hebrew Chronicles of Jerahmeel, ca. 12th-14th cent. (Jonithes), and throughout Armenian apocryphal literature, where he is usually referred to as Maniton; as well as in works by Petrus Comestor c. 1160 (Jonithus), Godfrey of Viterbo 1185 (Ihonitus), Michael the Syrian 1196 (Maniton), Abu Salih the Armenian c. 1208 (Abu Naiţur); Jacob van Maerlant c. 1270 (Jonitus), Abraham Zacuto 1504 (Yoniko) and Jehiel ben Solomon Heilprin c. 1697 (Yuniku).[13]                   Martin of Opava (c. 1250), later versions of the Mirabilia Urbis Romae, and the Chronicon Bohemorum of Giovanni di Marignola (1355) make Janus (i.e., the Roman deity) the fourth son of Noah, who moved to Italy, invented astrology, and instructed Nimrod.          According to the monk Annio da Viterbo (1498), the Hellenistic Babylonian writer Berossus had mentioned 30 children born to Noah after the Deluge, including sons named Tuiscon, Prometheus, Iapetus, Macrus, "16 titans", Cranus, Granaus, Oceanus, and Tipheus. Also mentioned are daughters of Noah named Araxa "the Great", Regina, Pandora, Crana, and Thetis. However, Annio's manuscript is widely regarded today as having been a forgery[14].                                                                                                    53. Mizraim son of (c)ham mizraim is a name for upper and lower egypt and literally translates as to-wy in ancient egyptian the two lands the aim in mizraim represents dual number arabic speaking modern egyptians refer to their country as misr                       Mesraim (Misraim): Egypt, which he says is called Mestre in his country.                         Misraim"Now all the children of Mesraim, being eight in number, possessed the country from Gaza to Egypt, though it retained the name of one only, the Philistim; for the Greeks call part of that country Palestine. As for the rest, 100ad Ludieim, Laud (Lud): "Laudites, which are now called Lydians 234ad Ludim - Lydians     234ad Lud - Halizones    234ad Hul - Lydians (var: Colchians)     and Enemim, and Labim, who alone inhabited in Libya, and called the country from himself, Nedim, and Phethrosim, and Chesloim, and Cephthorim, we know nothing of them besides their names; for the Ethiopic war which we shall describe hereafter, was the cause that those cities were overthrown."                                                      54. Ludim offspring of mizraim sometimes considered a scribal error for lubim a reference to the lebou of eastern libya                                                                            "Now all the children of Mesraim, being eight in number, possessed the country from Gaza to Egypt, though it retained the name of one only, the Philistim; for the Greeks call part of that country Palestine. As for the rest, 100ad Ludieim, Laud (Lud): "Laudites, which are now called Lydians 234ad Ludim – Lydians   234ad Lud - Halizones  234ad Hul - Lydians (var: Colchians) and Enemim, and Labim, who alone inhabited in Libya, and called the country from himself, Nedim, and Phethrosim, and Chesloim, and Cephthorim, we know nothing of them besides their names; for the Ethiopic war which we shall describe hereafter, was the cause that those cities were overthrown                                                                         55. Anamim offspring of mizraim there is a reference in an assyrian inscription from sargons ii  234ad Ashkenaz -Sarmatians  time to anami a tribe located at cyrene libya      234ad Anamim – Pamphylians                             234ad Cainan - "those east of the Sarmatians" (one variant)                                                      Hardy divisions of the battalion of Munster,
The head of the O Anamchadhas
O'Anamchadhas. - This name is obsolete, or changed into some anglicised form not now recognisable. is its rightful chief,
A host of thin-edged arms of best nobility.
                                                                                                                                                    56. Lehabim offspring of mizraim identification uncertain possibly libya                                                       57. Naphtuhim offspring of mizraim has been connected with na-ptah the egyptian form of memphis ---------(nephilim---naphtal--deer)                                                                                    58. Pathrusim offspring of mizraim possibly connected with egyptian word pa-to-ris meaning southerners  234ad Pathrusim - Lycians (var.: Cretan)                                    59. Casluhim (from whom came the philistim offspring of mizraim                                       Now all the children of Mesraim, being eight in number, possessed the country from Gaza to Egypt, though it retained the name of one only, the Philistim; for the Greeks call part of that country Palestine.                                                                                   60. Caphtorim offspring of mizraim associated with caphtor probably crete cyprus or both (wdwor mycae)100ad Cethimus (Kittim): 87 "The island Cethima: it is now called Cyprus". He also derives the Greek name of their city, which he spells Citius, from Cethimus. 234ad Kittim - Macedonians, Romans, Latins              234ad Pathrusim - Lycians (var.: Cretan)                   234ad Caphtorim - Cilicians 100ad Tharsians, for so was Cilicia of old called".                                                            61. Phut son of (c)ham ancient authorities are fairly universal in identifying phut with the libyans (lebu and pitu) the earliest neighbours of egypt to the west (although more recent theories have tried to connect phut with phoenicia or the currently unidentified land of punt                                                                 Phut: Libya. He states that a river and region "in the country of Moors" was still called Phut by the Greeks, but that it had been renamed "from one of the sons of Mesraim, who was called Lybyos".                                                234ad Canaan - Afri and Phoenicians                                         62. Canaan son of (c)ham this is known to be the name of a nation and people who settled the eastern shore of the mediterranean in what is now called isreal and lebanon         Canaan: Judea, which he called "from his own name Canaan".234ad Canaan - Afri and Phoenicians                                                                                   63. Sidon firstborn son of canaan and name one of the oldest city states on the phoenician coast    Sidonius (Sidon): The city of Sidonius, "called by the Greeks Sidon".   234ad Canaan - Afri and Phoenicians                                                                                         64. Heth son of canaan considered ancestor of hittites a people of canaan possibly connected with hatti a powerful entity in anatolia Mesraim (Misraim): Egypt, which he says is called Mestre in his country. Now all the children of Mesraim, being eight in number, possessed the country from Gaza to Egypt, though it retained the name of one only, the Philistim; for the Greeks call part of that country Palestine. As for the rest, Ludieim, Laud (Lud): "Laudites, which are now called Lydians       234ad Lud - Halizones   234ad Hul - Lydians (var: Colchians)    and Enemim, and Labim, who alone inhabited in Libya, and called the country from himself, Nedim, and Phethrosim, and Chesloim, and Cephthorim, we know nothing of them besides their names; for the Ethiopic war which we shall describe hereafter, was the cause that those cities were overthrown."                                                                                                   But for the seven others [sons of Canaan], Chetteus, Jebuseus, Amorreus, Gergesus, Eudeus, Sineus, Samareus, we have nothing in the sacred books but their names, for the Hebrews overthrew their cities".                   65. The jebusite offspring of canaan a tribe that lived around jerusalem that was formerly known as jebus according to the book of kings But for the seven others [sons of Canaan], Chetteus, Jebuseus, Amorreus, Gergesus, Eudeus, Sineus, Samareus, we have nothing in the sacred books but their names, for the Hebrews overthrew their cities".                                                                                                                                                                                          66. The amorite offspring of canaan a people living between the river jordam and euphrates rivers by at least 2000bc known as amurru to the akkadians and egyptians                                  But for the seven others [sons of Canaan], Chetteus, Jebuseus, Amorreus, Gergesus, Eudeus, Sineus, Samareus, we have nothing in the sacred books but their names, for the Hebrews overthrew their cities".                                                                                                           

67. The girgasite circasite offspring of canaan known to the egyptians as the kirkash it is suggested they settled east of the jordan river between lake kinneret and the dead sea                       68. the hivite offspring of canaan                       69. the arkite offspring of canaan probably the city state of arqa in phoenicia   Arucas (Arkite): "Arce, which is in Libanus    234ad Canaan - Afri and Phoenicians                                      234ad Arkite - Tripolitanians                         70. The sinite offspring of canaan possibly connected with the wilderness of sin or the sinn river in syria   But for the seven others [sons of Canaan], Chetteus, Jebuseus, Amorreus, Gergesus, Eudeus, Sineus, Samareus, we have nothing in the sacred books but their names, for the Hebrews overthrew their cities".                                                                                                                71. The arvadite offspring of canaan refers to the phoenician city state of arwad  Arudeus (Arvadite): "the island Aradus      234ad Canaan - Afri and Phoenicians                                                                   72. The zemarite offspring of canaan refers to the phoenician city state of zemar                                       234ad Canaan - Afri and Phoenicians                                                                        73. The hamathite offspring of canaan refers to syrian city of hamath    Amathus (Hamathite): "Amathine, which is even now called Amathe by the inhabitants, although the Macedonians named it Epiphania, from one of his posterity."                                      

But for the seven others [sons of Canaan], Chetteus, Jebuseus, Amorreus, Gergesus, Eudeus, Sineus, Samareus, we have nothing in the sacred books but their names, for the Hebrews overthrew their cities".                          Africans were thus anciently understood to be the sons of (c)ham particularily his descendant cush as cushites are referred to thoughout scripture as being the inhabitants of east africa and they and the yoruba still trace their ancestry through ham today beginning in 9th century with the jewish grammarian judah ibn quraysh a relationship between the semetic and cushitic languages was seen modern linguists group these two families along with the egyptian berber chadic and omotic language groups into the larger afro asiatic linguistic family in addition languages in the southern half of africa are now seen as belonging to several distinct families independent of the afro asiatic group  234ad Canaan - Afri and Phoenicians                           2300bc .13 Aram son of shem there are references to a campaign against aram as early as 2300bc in the inscriptions of naram-suen of akkad his descendants settled in the city of haran there were a number of places named aram including one in Damascus    aram-tzova 234ad Aram - "Etes" ?           Uz: "Uz founded Trachonitis and Damascus: this country lies between Palestine and Celesyria".  and another called aram naharaim of aram of two rivers since it was situated between the tigris and Euphrates rivers (Ashur son of shem the Assyrians traced themselves to the god ancestor Ashur and the city he founded by that name on the tigris) there is also aram-tzova aram-tzova 234ad Aram - "Etes" ? which is mentioned in psalms 60     diklah son of joktan uncertain although a connection with deglath the syriac form of the tigris has been suggested     5. Aram. This is the word uniformly rendered Syria throughout the Bible. The Arameans, or Syrians, occupied the region between Canaan and Phœnicia, on the east, the river Euphrates on the north, and the great desert on the west and south. Four branches of this race formed separate tribes.                                                Uz, the race of the ancient Job, was settled in the middle of North Arabia, near Nejd.              Hul and Gether are supposed (but with slight evidences) to have occupied the country near Lake Merom, where the Geshurites were afterward found.                                           Mash, or, as called in 1 Chron. 1:17, Meshech, may have merged with the Meshech of the Japhetic line.    

Psalm 60[a]For the director of music. To the tune of “The Lily of the Covenant.” A miktam[b] of David. For teaching. When he fought Aram Naharaim[c] and Aram Zobah,[d] aram-tzova 234ad Aram - "Etes" ?  and when Joab returned and struck down twelve thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt.You have rejected us, God, and burst upon us; you have been angry—now restore us!You have shaken the land and torn it open;mend its fractures, for it is quaking.
You have shown your people desperate times;you have given us wine that makes us stagger.But for those who fear you, you have raised a banner to be unfurled against the bow.[e]Save us and help us with your right hand, that those you love may be delivered.God has spoken from his sanctuary:“In triumph I will parcel out 1.Shechem and measure off the Valley of   2. Sukkoth.                                                    3.Gilead cilead is mine, and                                  4.Manasseh is mine                                     , 5.Ephraim is my helmet,                  … 6.Judah is my scepter.                                    7.Moab is my washbasin,                           on 8.Edom I toss my sandal;                      over 9.Philistia I shout in triumph.”               Now all the children of 10.Mesraim, being eight in number, possessed the country from 11.Gaza to 12.Egypt, though it retained the name of one only, the 13.Philistim; for the Greeks call part of that country Palestine.                                                 Who will bring me to the fortified city?
Who will lead me to Edom?
10 Is it not you, God, you who have now rejected us and no longer go out with our armies?  Give us aid against the enemy,
    for human help is worthless.
12 With God we will gain the victory,
    and he will trample down our enemies.

2000bc 65. The amorite offspring of canaan a people living between the jordam and euphrates rivers by at least 2000bc known as amurru to the akkadians and egyptians

1970bc 44 cush son of (c)ham the empire of kush to the south of egypt is known from at least 1970bc                 Chus (Cush): "Ethiopians... even at this day, both by themselves and by all men in Asia, called Chusites  but this name has also been associated by some with the kassites who inhabited the zagros area of mesopotamia the sumerian city of kish  hurarina also happen to be the name of a fruit tree exclusive to Shewa Ethiopia                                                                           


An ancient, relatively obscure text known as Pseudo-Philo and thought to have been originally written ca. 70 AD, contains an expanded genealogy that is seemingly garbled from that of Genesis, and also different from the much later one found in Jasher:[1]

  • Sons of Japheth: "Gomer, Magog, and Madai, Nidiazech, Tubal, Mocteras, Cenez, Riphath, and Thogorma, Elisa, Dessin, Cethin, Tudant."
    • Sons of Gomer: Thelez, Lud, Deberlet.
    • Sons of Magog: Cesse, Thipha, Pharuta, Ammiel, Phimei, Goloza, Samanach.
    • Sons of Duden: Sallus, Phelucta Phallita.
    • Sons of Tubal: Phanatonova, Eteva.
    • Sons of Tyras: Maac, Tabel, Ballana, Samplameac, Elaz.
    • Sons of Mellech: Amboradat, Urach, Bosara.
    • Sons of Ascenez: Jubal, Zaraddana, Anac.
    • Sons of Heri: Phuddet, Doad, Dephadzeat, Enoc.
    • Sons of Togorma: Abiud, Saphath, Asapli, Zepthir.
    • Sons of Elisa: Etzaac, Zenez, Mastisa, Rira.
    • Sons of Zepti: Macziel, Temna, Aela, Phinon.
    • Sons of Tessis: Meccul, Loon, Zelataban.
    • Sons of Duodennin: Itheb, Beath, Phenech. 

Iafeth maic Noé I. THE JAPHETIC NATIONS. 11.Japheth was to be the father of 15 sons among whom he divided the territory allotted to him by his father, 10.Noah, situated in Europe and part of Asia;                                      These belonged to seven families, who are called "sons of Japheth" in Gen. 10:2; and seven others, who are spoken of as his grandsons in Gen. 10:3, 4. These statements are not necessarily to be understood literally. There may have been other sons and grandsons of Japheth; but these were the ones whose names are remembered as the founders of nations. The peoples descended from Japheth belong to what is called the Aryan or Indo-European race.

liam hua duinn

Saturday 28th Oct 2017, 11:03AM

Message Board Replies

  • Gael comes froma  Welsh word for Irish raiders.

    If you're interested in family history and Irish history, i would recommend not taking mythology so seriously.


    Thursday 2nd Nov 2017, 06:20PM
  • Gael comes froma  Welsh word for Irish raiders.   not according to leabar gabala na eireann

    If you're interested in family history and Irish history, i would recommend not taking mythology so seriously. i know i know but aint it amazing how it links in to the leary line and then the ui duinn district of tara line and the o duinns of rosenalis and clonnasee of laois now could you advise me what are the odds that such a thing could happen

    liam hua duinn

    Friday 3rd Nov 2017, 04:42PM

    rm1978 Gael comes froma  Welsh word for Irish raiders.   could you advise me of your rewference for this rm 1978

    not according to leabar gabala na eireann where it comes from scotae

    but rm 1978 i would be interetsed to hear what date the reference is made that the gael comes from the welsh word raiders because if you looked ahead to approx 4th century ad there is a reference to gaels raining the coast of wales hence maybe that is where the reference lies but just iun case your reference links in even better to the leary line inform me by return so that i too can add it to the chronology of the gael till i hear back from you rm1978 made the road rise with you and may the wind always be at your back pushing you onwards to 2018

    rm1978 here below find the latest information of the welsh raiders from the line of heber and heremon of the gaels

    Hundred and thirtyfourth ard ri na eireann                                                                                                                                       379ad Gaelic Milesian  cxxvi 126th monarch eire                                                                                                                          Generation to be advised  

    ***********???] niall niell naei neill niall ghiallach noigillach noigiallach noi giallach naoighiallach naoighiallaidh  macechach mac echach mugmedoin byrne son of eochaidh muighmheadhoin niall of the nine hostages aka nial mor niall mor naoi ghiallach niall 1 of the nine hostages conquered nine countries including part of france  this niall mor succeeded his uncle crimthann he was stout wise and warlike prince and fortunate in all his conquests and achievements and therefore called great                                                                                                                                                                                                    niall he was twice married                                                                                                                                                                                                 his first queen was inne the daughter of luighdheach who was the relict of fiachadh                                                       

    his second queen was roigneach by whom he had seven offspring

    niall had twelve sons

    One of the greatest high kings was niall of the nine hostages whose reign began in ad 379                                   

    nialls first expedition was into alba to subdue the picts the little gaelic scotic colony in that part of alba just opposite to antrim had gradually been growing in numbers strength and prestige and power until they excited the jealousy and enmity of the picts who tried to crush them niall fitted out a large fleet and sailed to the assistance of his people and gained alliances joined then by the gaels in alba he marched against the picts overcame them took hostages from them and had argyle and cantire settled upon the albanach gaels after obtaining obedience from the picts and gained alliances with the scots and picts niall went to Scotland in order to strengthen he established the dal riada which was the name for this conglomeration of gaels scots and picts niall mor was the first that gave the name of scotia minor to Scotland and ordained it to be ever after so called until then it went by the name of alba  

    these raids led to amazing results                                                                                                                                                he then marched to laegria and sent a fleet to Armorica france in order to plunder                                                         

    his next foreign riad was into Britain

    When maximus and his roman legions were in consequence of the barbarian pressure upon the continental roman empire withdrawing from Britain niall with his gaelic hosts and pictish allies treaded upon their hurrying heels a history of the gaelic race keating states that wales ceased to be controlled by the central government from 380-400 due to niall                       

    he formed an alliance with the scots and picts and sent ships to plunder                                        England                                                                                                                                                            Scotland                                                                                                                                 wales                                                                                                                         france                                                                                                                                                                                       these raids did much to weaken the power of rome in britain and france                                                                                

    niall noi giallach nine hostaged that is nine noi hostages geill he had to wit five out of erin and four out of alba thereof the poet said                                                                                                                                                                                               niall noi giallach nine hostaged that is                                                                                                                                              eochaids son high the dignity                                                                                                                                                         niall modest in every high fame                                                                                                                                                        took troops of the kingdoms of erin and alba             he had a hostage for every fifth                                                                    throughout the land of lofty erin                                                                                                                               

    he brought at will without separation                                                                                                                                         

    four hostages out of alba so that it was he who was … crowds ? of ….champions                         

    against the course of the gracious ? kings                  

    warlike niall the nine hostaged                                  

    now niall went to letavia and italy to seek a kingdom wherefore he was called nine hostaged that is he had five hostages of erin and a hostage for each of alba England wales and france etc this little bit is from the book of Glendalough             

    or niall naoi ghiallach niall of the nine hostages thus named from the royal hostages taken from nine countries by him subdued and made tributary    munster    leinster     conacht       ulster        Britain   the picts    the dalriads     the Saxons     the morini a people of france towards Calais and Piccardy

    Armorica france

    He was also called niall naoi ghiallach or niall of the nine hostages from the royal hostages taken from nine several countries by him subdued and made tributary whence he marched with his victorious army of gaels scots picts and Britons further into france in order to aid the celtic natives in expelling the roman eagles and thus to conquer that portion of the roman empire            


    upon becoming the deisi muman one branch then sailed across to Britain in the 4th century coming to rule dyfed their presence in Britain may have ben initially supported by magnus maximus roman emperor as part of a policy of backing gaelic vassals to be seafaring defenders of the shores of Britain facing the irish sea from pirates eoin macneill has pointed out that they were not the only gaelic colony in the area with the ui liathain also powerful

     so thus proving the reason why the welsh called the gaels irish raiders from 400ad but the gaels of gaedha of sycthia are their ancestors slan anois                                                                                                                                            

    liam hua duinn

    Friday 3rd Nov 2017, 10:09PM

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