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I am looking to see if I can find the house once owned by our ancestor James Gorman (1797-1884), which is listed as being at Drummin West.  Sometimes it is listed as "Saint James Park", Delgany.  I have located that as a 51 acre townland west of Delgany, along the west side of N11.  However, I do not know which house he owned.  When he died in 1884, he left it to his grand nephew, John Patrick Redmond, who held it for an unknown number of years.  Redmond moved to the U.S. and there became a U.S. citizen before returning to Ireland... thus I believe he rented out the house & land.  He apparently owned 50 acres, which would constitute the entire townland, but I see that now there are many houses there.  In any event, I would be grateful for any assistance finding the house that James Gorman and later, John Redmond, owned and any other relevant information that any locals might have.  We are visiting Ireland soon so this would be of great interest to us.  Thank you!

Wednesday 29th Aug 2018, 03:16PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Finderator:  

    Thank you for your query to the Ireland Reaching Out message board.  You may find that the Greystones Historical Society will be able to assist you with your research.  Their website is: This group is very active and has undertaken a lot of work with respect to the local historical and and archaeological area including Delgany.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.  

    Kind regards,  


    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Wednesday 5th Sep 2018, 10:47AM

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