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My gt.grandparents were William Armstrong and Jane Wason.  In 1833 on the birth of their last child, Mary Armstrong, they were living in Ballycushion, Taughboyne, St Johnstown, Donegal.   My grandfather was their son, William.  They also had daughters Elizabeth and Nancy born Tober) and possibly a son Rober (born Tober).    Looking for any information at all on the family.


Monday 20th Jan 2020, 03:40PM

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  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I located the four baptismal records for the children (William, Elizabeth, Nancy and Mary) on the subscription site Roots Ireland in the Taughboyne Church of Ireland parish. I did locate an 1826 reocrd for Robert with father William but the mother was Jane Marshall and they were living in Tober. Did Jane Wason also go by Marshall? See below.

    I did not locate a marriage record so likely Jane Wason's parish does not have records back to 1820.

    I checked the 1857 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Taughboyne civil parish and did not see any Armstrong records.Did the family emigrate or did William and Jane pass away pre-1857?

    Name:Robert ArmstrongDate of Birth:
    Date of Baptism:02-Jul-1826Address:TibberParish/District:TAUGHBOYNEGender:MaleCountyCo. Donegal
    Denomination:Church Of Ireland
    Father:William ArmstrongMother:Jane MarshallOccupation:Labourer

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 20th Jan 2020, 06:16PM
  • Hello Roger

    Yes, I do have all the information that you mention.  As to the Robert Armstrong baptism, I can only assume that Wason was written as Marshall, and am for the time being guessing that he was the older brother of my paternal Grandfather, William who was born in 1831 in Moneyvale, Taughboyne.   I was lucky enough to be able to see the original registers when I visited Taughboyne some years ago, and Rev Crook let me have access to them in the Rectory at Churchtown.

    I looked through the baptism/burial/marriage records that he had, but none went back far enough for me to find information about the marriage of William Armstrong to Jane Wason, or even to discover when or where Jane was born - although there were other Wason's in Taughboyne at that time but none that I could connect to.  I did find the burial for Mary Armstong in Moneyvale, Taughboyne in 1831 - I am guessing that this might have been William Armstrong senior's mother.   Also I found a burial for a Mary McGirr at Moneyvale too (maybe a connection?).  No-one that I have spoken to knows where Moneyvale might have been and it is assumed that it could have been the name of an old farm rather than an area.

    All I know is that William Armstong b.1831 joined the Royal Artillery in Londonderry in 1848, and to my knowledge didn't return to Donegal after that.

    I hadn't seen the 1857 Griffiths Valuation and don't really know what happened to the rest of the family.   I wonder if  the family emigrated, or left St Johnstown for good like my grandfather did?  I will continue searching!!!   Thank you for taking the time to look into this for me.


    Judy Last

    PS  My maternal 2 x gt.grandmother came from Roscommon!  Jane Mackenzie who was born about 1832.  Her father was Francis Mackenzie.  No idea whereabouts in Roscommon though !


    Monday 3rd Feb 2020, 03:29PM

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