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According to her obituary, my grandmother Catherine Dervin, was from Tisrara parish.  We aren't sure of the spelling of her last name.  It could have been Dervan, Dervanne, or Dervin (or maybe even Durbin).  What we do know is that she came to America and settled in the county around Baltimore prior to 1850.  She was born about 1805 and married to Patrick Kane and had at least 3 children:  Annie, John, and Catherine (I am descended from her daughter Catherine who married John Kenny).  It is unclear if Patrick Kane was also from Tisrara or nearby areas.  Family lore even has it that he fled County Donegal under religious persecution.  I wonder if any parish information would shed any light on the family of Dervin's from Tisrara parish?

Monday 6th Aug 2012, 08:49PM

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