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Hey all,
I'm in the ridiculous position, at 50+ years old, of just having learned that my first guy to get to Canada with this name was a John Corbett, a tanner and shoemaker from Ballylooby.
Born around 1785, he came over in 1815.

I'm wondering:
Does the Parish have records that far back or better?
There seem to be two parallel stories of the name 'Corbett': one is the Normans, one is Ó Corbáne and variants being anglicised into it, which presents a chicken/egg proposition.
In the name of not going the route of DNA companies, is there any oral history around which would explain our little clan's origin before the 17th?

Thanks, everyone. Pints on me when I get over.


Friday 28th Jun 2024, 05:33PM

Message Board Replies

  • The following two baptismal records for John Corbits in Tip were found on

    Name:   John Corbit        

    Date of Birth:     26-Jul-1789

    Address:               Church Lane       

    Parish/District:   CAHIR PARISH

    County  Co. Tipperary

    Denomination:   Roman Catholic

    Father:  John Corbit        

    Mother:               Catherine Driscol                           

    Sponsor 1 / William Mccarthy

    Sponsor 2 / Joanna Costoloe




    Name:   John Corbit        

    Date of Baptism:              25-Apr-1794

    Address:               Not Recorded    

    Parish/District:   ST MARY'S PARISH, CLONMEL

    County  Co. Tipperary

    Denomination:   Roman Catholic

    Father:  Michael Corbit  

    Mother:               Elena Moroney

    Sponsor 1 /Patrick Buckley

    Sponsor 2 /Catherine Lemmorey




    Friday 28th Jun 2024, 06:07PM
  • Hi again, K--

    Note that Ballylooby Catholic parish and Cahir Catholic parish border on each other (the 1789 John was baptized in Cahir, but could have lived in Ballylooby).


    Friday 28th Jun 2024, 06:09PM
  • K,

    You probably have this information. I assume your John lived in Nova Scotia. There are 43 trees on Ancestry. Some have John born in 1785 in Clare others show Ballylooby. The ones that are public show he married Margaret Casey (1781 of Ballylooby) in 1805 in Ballylooby. John's parents are identified as Joseph Corbet and Alma McLighe. I did not look at all the trees, but I did not find any supporting records for this information.

    Regards- Mary


    Saturday 29th Jun 2024, 08:10PM

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