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what i know is that they came over during the famine. it is possible the spelling of the last name was changed when they got here.  first names i believe were walter and thomas.

any suggestions on where and how to look will be helpful and greatly apriced. they counts are my mothers paternal relitives.

thank you
Dollean Patrice Adams Harvey


Tuesday 29th Nov 2011, 03:14PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Dollean Patrice,

    Do you have any more information that you could provide us with?

    What country did the "come over" to? America? Australia?

    Do you know what county (or even province) they came from? If we had this much information we'd be much better placed to help you track them down.

    Thanks a lot for taking the time to message us.

    Tuesday 29th Nov 2011, 03:16PM

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