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I have been  conducting research on this line in my family. I have a copy of the marriage certificate when they were married in the Chapel at Being, Kilshannig, Cork on 24th of November 1889. The certificate is amended and I am not sure why.


I am trying to locate Michael's mother's name and possible siblings. Since Lyons is such a common name, I am not having much luck.  The townland for him is listed as Esk. I am not sure if that is north or south. I have attached the copy of the certificate.

I am also trying to locate the town where Margaret Cremin is lived at that time. I cannot read the certificate. It appears to be Guseanns.  I cannot locate a townland by that name.

I know he left for New York when she was pregnant in 1889 but the documents here in the states do not provide any next of kin information other than his father was Michael. If the traditional naming practices were followed, he would not have been the oldeest.

Thank you so much. It really is appreciated.


Denise Lyons Duffy


Searching for years

Wednesday 28th Aug 2024, 08:59PM

Message Board Replies

  • Denise:

    The subscription site Roots Ireland has a record of a Daniel Lyons baptized March 23 1860 in Glantane RC parish with parents Michael Lyons and Mary Lyons. Likely Mary's maiden name was Lyons since RC records rarely showed the married name of the mother. There was also a Julia baptized June 16 1858 and a John baptized April 4 1862.

    Michael and Mary were married February 17 1857 in Mallow RC church.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 28th Aug 2024, 10:02PM
  • Denise,

    I believe the chapel was in  Bweeng not Being:…


    Wednesday 28th Aug 2024, 11:33PM
  • Hi Roger,


    Thank you for your response. It is appreciated. The age on the marriage certificate for Daniel is 25 in 1889 that would make his birth date around 1864.  The 1860 seems too early. Having said that I will review it anyway.



    Searching for years

    Thursday 29th Aug 2024, 07:04PM
  • Hi Patricia,

    Thanks so much.  Would you happen to know the name of the town given next to Margaret Cremin's name i.e. Guseanns???


    Searching for years

    Thursday 29th Aug 2024, 07:06PM
  • Denise, I've been searching for "Guseanns," but so far no luck.


    Thursday 29th Aug 2024, 09:36PM
  • Denise:

    Ages in the 19th century were not always exact. The RC parish of Glantane does correspond to the civil parish of Kilshanning. 

    The townland could be Garrane.



    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 30th Aug 2024, 03:17PM
  • Hi Roger,


    Thank you so much for these leads.  I did see Glantane come up for the birth of their daughter Julia Cremin.  I will keep checking. It seems that the Lyons and Cremin name is a very common one. I also find that about birth dates and name spellings.  Cremin comes up Cremins, Cremen.



    Searching for years

    Friday 30th Aug 2024, 04:24PM
  • Denise:

    Yes a number of spellings. You see Cremin is more common in Ireland. FYI My wife's maiden name is Cremen.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 31st Aug 2024, 11:34PM
  • Hi Roger,


    Wow...I can see from my research that the Cremin name is as common as Lyons. . I suppose if she was related to the Lyons you would have told me.


    My great grandfather's wife was Margaret Cremin.  However, he came to the US and had nine children with my great grandmother, Jenny Moller.  I am from the Lyons Moller connection.  I only found this out recently while conducting my research. A DNA relative through Ancestry contacted me with the proof of the Cremin Lyons marriage.  

    I really appreciate your assistance.  


    Denise Lyons Duffy

    Searching for years

    Sunday 1st Sep 2024, 07:22PM

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