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My ancestors, the Morans, came from Derrycahill, a townland in Roscommon on the border with Galway.  I have begun reviewing a microfilm of the Dysart parish records which contain Derrycahill.  Of those entries reviewed, I have posted them into a genealogical database and placed them on a family tree on Rootsweb at the following link:

As I find time, I will transcribe more entries and add them to this family tree.

Thursday 17th May 2012, 03:56PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi there,

    That's fantastic! Would you consider becoming a Parish Admin for Dysart? You can find all the information for this here:

    You can then add information and images to the Dysart parish page, and you don't need to be living in the area to do this - it can be done from anywhere in the world!

    Please make sure you link anyone else in your family who is interested in their Irish heritage to our site - and indeed anyone else you know of Irish heritage.

    Kind regards,

    Sinead Cooney

    Genealogist (Ireland XO)

    Tuesday 29th May 2012, 11:32AM
  • Hi


    My Dad was born is Bridswell (Feevagh) i know his parents were Malachy Glynn and Maria Early.I have some information on my grandparents. They were catholic. I have inform of names of Malachy's brothers and sisters. 12 I have some infor on those who came to U S. others I know twwo died in childhood. One remained in Ireland amd two went to England as Brothers.




    Opps my dad was 2nd child born au 24 1909

    his older sister was sent to live with ederly grandparents (Early)  Mary

    two brothers went to England

    Malachy Francis & Denis

    Teresa and Kathleen to American

    I have births if you need it

    Malachy father Was Denis his wife was Mary Kelly


    Tuesday 11th Jun 2013, 11:26PM

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