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I am looking for help in finding the burial ground and or church records for the names in title, prior to 1830 or so.  These ancestors were PROTESTANTS, originating from French Hugenots, arriving likely in late 1600's.  My ancestor PETER DUCKLOW came from County Cork to Quebec City likely, then on to Ontario, Canada, approximately 1824 to 1830. 

Given names of family members were M. Sarah, Michael, Charles, Peter Jr., James, John, Catherine/Kitty, Margaret, Elizabeth, with first wife Mary possible last name Connell, and 2nd wife may have been an Eliza/Elizabeth.  Children named above were born between about 1815 to 1824/25.  I have had suggestions that this family came from Aderrawinny, Lowerton, Skibbereen, or Schull.  Another possible is GOLEEN, which is the one I would like someone to check out for me if that is possible.  There seem to be so many PETER DUCKLOW/DUKELOW, but I have a pretty firm birth year for him from ongoing census here in Canada...he was born 1782.  I am getting older and time is getting shorter to find the "starting place" of my Peter.  He lived to be 89 years old on the 1871 Canadian census, but does not appear on the 1881 census.  I have it from a local where he lived on his last census that there were graves of several Ducklow people at a church graveyard, that in the early 1900's was paved over to make a parking lot!  As mandatory death records only started in 1869, and he likely died just barely into the 1870's, some were missed, and I have not found his.  

Other names which intermarried with his family members here in Canada were "Whitley", "Attridge", and "Daley", "Bennett, and Newman".  I know these names are well known in the Durrus area (I visited) and Skibbereen.  I don't know if this will help, but thought I would add them, in case it helps make a connection to a townland.  Thank you in advance for any suggestions, advice, or research on your end.  May your 2024 be blessed!



Thursday 4th Jan 2024, 06:29AM

Message Board Replies

  • April,

    I know your relatives had already left Cork before the Griffith Valuations but it might help with where your family was located.

    Per RootsIreland

    Source  Surname First Name      Townland    Parish                                                   County 

    Griffith   Ducklow John                 Paddock     Aghadown                                             Co. Cork

    Griffith   Ducklow Thomas            Dromleigh  North Town Of BantryKilmocomoge      Co. Cork


    Paddock Townland, Co. Cork (     Western Cork


    Dromleigh Townland, Co. Cork (   Eastern Cork


    Regards- Mary



    Thursday 4th Jan 2024, 11:38AM

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