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Foster - Ferguson

I'm looking for my cousins ancestors and would like to confirm my information. It looks like RootsIreland might have info but I don't have a subscription.

I believe that I have found parents George Foster (born 1810?) and Ann Ferguson (born 1815?) - from County Down, Saul parish - married April 29, 1838

I'm looking to confirm this information.

Their son would be Robert Foster born July18, 1856 from the info. that I have. Was he born in Ireland?

Robert's wife would be Margaret Ann (Maggie) McDonald born July 13, 1862 - they married August 28, 1887 I think.

Margaret's parents are possibly John McDonald (b. June 1819 - died 1892 in Ontario, Canada @ Sarsfield, ON) and Margaret Brennan (born 1832 - also died in Sarsfield, ON, canada Sept. 16, 1893)

Thank you!


Monday 8th Nov 2021, 10:40PM

Message Board Replies

  • maryl:

    You did not mention the religious denomination for George and Ann.

    I did a search on the subscription site Roots Ireland and did not find the George Foster/Ann Ferguson marriage anywhere in Co. Down and also did not find the baptismal record for Robert. 

    Roots Ireland has baptismal records for Saul Church of Ireland parish but marriage records do not start until 1845 when civil registration of non-RC marriages began.

    Although there was an RC church in Saul before 1837   the records available do not start until 1868.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 9th Nov 2021, 02:37PM
  • Maryl,

    I looked for the marriage of Margaret McDonald around 1887 in Ireland but did not see it.  (None in Scotland either).

    Mention here of a Richard Forster of Saul who was connected with the Church of Ireland in the 1700s:

    Sadly Saul Church of Ireland’s early records were destroyed in the 1922 fire. As Roger has mentioned they only have marriages from 1845 onwards and baptisms from 1876.

    I searched for deaths for George & Ann Ferguson post 1864 (when death registration started). Saul is in the Downpatrick registration area. No-one of either names died there 1864 to 1901.

    I note that there are some trees on Ancestry which record Robert as being born in Carleton township, Ontario on 18.7.1860 with his marriage to Margaret in the same place on 22.8.1887.  Robert’s father is given as George Foster but his mother is Rose Ann Eagleson.  You might want to check out those trees to see what the owners sources are.  Obviously some of the information conflicts with what is in your post.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 12th Nov 2021, 04:05PM
  • Hi Elwyn

    Thank you for that extra information.

    I have seen the Ancestry tree. I believe, however, that the mother is Ann Ferguson - possibly Rose Ann Ferguson. I'm thinking that whoever wrote and/or transcribed the original couldn't clearly see Eagleson vs. Ferguson.

    There is a marriage of George Foster to Ann Ferguson in County Down april 29, 1838.



    Saturday 13th Nov 2021, 04:07PM
  • Mary,

    You haven’t said what your source is for the 1838 marriage, but does it not say where in Co Down it took place?

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 14th Nov 2021, 12:22PM
  • maryl

    Monday 15th Nov 2021, 07:10PM

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