The Griffiths Valuation map for Carrowreagh, Milltown numbers the various lots from 1 to 21. However the table gives numbers and letters of reference on map as 1a to 1v. In other words, there is no correspondance at all between the map and the table.
Is there any way to identify the lots listed on the table with the lots listed on the map?
My particular interest is Edward Donnellan, 1f on the table, but also several others.
Thank you
Patrick Donelan
Sunday 23rd Sep 2018, 07:10AMMessage Board Replies
The civil parish for your Edward Donnnellan is Dunmore, there are a number of townlands in Co. Galway named Carrowreagh.
The maps shown initially on the AskAboutIreland website are from later, so dont always match the plot numbers shown on the printer valuation. These are in colour so easier to follow compared to the older map images which are in black and white, with various handwritten notations. For most areas on AskAboutIreland you can select a number of different maps using the 'Map Verson' dropdown to the top right of the map view. For Carrowreagh, Dunmore map version 4 seems to show the plot numbers with letters based around the village, but not very clear, so impossible to be certain where 1f is located. The Valuation Office in Dublin might have a clearer version.
Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘
Thank you for your reply. I have looked at all the versions (1 to 5) on AskaboutIreland, but I can see absolutely no letters.
Likewise I have looked at the versions on Findmypast, which are supposed to be contemporary with the valuation, but again I can find nothing that helps.
It looks like your suggestion of the Valuation Office in Dublin is my only option. I will have to ask one of my siblings to do a search (I am in the Philippines).
Patrick Donelan