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Hello. My name is Anthony McCarthy.  I live in Huyton near Liverpool , England.

I have been searching my mother's family tree. My mother's maiden name was "Hannon". Her father's name was "Martin Hannon" who was born in 1901 in larney , County Kerry.

My mother's grandparents were "Patrick Hannon" , born 1861 in County Kerry .  "Mary Hannon" , born 1871 in County Sligo. 

My grandfather "Martin Hannon" had 4 sisters and 1 brother. The person who I am trying to search for is "Isabella Hannon" who is one of his older sisters.  "Isabella was born in 1898 in County Kerry. I have some information relating to the "Hannon" family who came from Killarney , County Kerry. The information I have is copies of both the 1901 and 1911 Kerry Censuses.

On the 1901 Kerry Census " Isabella Hannon" is registered as "Isabella Marinon" the daughter of "Patrick and Mary Hannor".  

On  the 1911Kerry Census "Isabella Hannon" is registered as "Isabella Hannon" the daughter of "Mary Ann Hannon" (father deceased).

I would like to know if there is any information/details available relating to "Isabella Hannon" and why her surname was different in both the 1901 and 1911 Kerry Censuses. Any help in my search would be greatly appreciated by me. Thanking you.  Kind Regards.  Anthony McCarthy.



Wednesday 23rd Aug 2017, 01:56PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Anthony:

    Welcome to the Ireland Reaching Out message board!  You had previously corresponded with me about the incorrect spelling of the Hannon surname in the Census.

    If Isabella Hannon remained in Ireland, she may have married.  You can search for marriages,births and deaths through the Civil Records at the Irish Genealogy website.

    Marriages are listed available to view unti about 1940, Births to 1917, and Deaths to 1965.  The link for that site is below:

    When you input her name, you might narrow down the search in the Registration District box to Killarney for ease of reference. 

    If you need further assistance, please let me know.

    Kind regards,


    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Wednesday 23rd Aug 2017, 02:31PM
  • Attached Files
    Isa.png (105.27 KB)

    Hi Anthony,


    I looked at Isabella's original birth record on  she was born on 15 Feb 1898 and her surname is written as Hannon, that it is different on the census record could just be a spelling mistake. Her mothers maiden name was Duffy according to Isabella's birth registration.

    Isabella Hannon married Edward Bray on the 19th July 1923 in Killarney county Kerry ( see

    Hope this helps

    Anne Marie

    Mallow Cork

    Wednesday 23rd Aug 2017, 03:50PM
  • Hell. Jane. It's Anthony McCarthy from Huyton , Liverpool.

    I have just received your message in reply to my letter searching for any information/details relating to "Isabella Hannon"who was one of my grandfather's older sisters. Thank you for that. I will certainly go to the Irish website which you have suggested I try. Thank you once again for all your help. It was very much appreciated by me. 

    P. S.. How can I find out why "Isabella Hannons" surname was changed from "Mariinon" to "Hannon" which is registered on the 1911 Kerry Census?. Was there a reason for this?.

    Kind Regards. Anthony McCarthy.


    Wednesday 23rd Aug 2017, 04:01PM
  • Hello Anne Marie. It's Anthony McCarthy from Huyton , Liverpool.

    I have just received your message regarding my search for information relating to one of my grandfather's older sisters , "Isabella Hannon".  The information you gave me concerning "Isabella Hannon" has been a great help to me and my uncle who lives in Birmingham .  Thank you very much for giving me the exact date of her birthday as this we did not know.  We only new what year she was born. Thank you too for explaining that her surname was "Hannon"  which you found on her birth certificate which the family surname is actually "Hannon" not "Hannor"  On the 1901 Kerry Census it states the family name as being "Hannor". Thank you as well for giving me details of her being married in 1923 and giving me her married name. All this information you have given me I will pass onto my uncle in Birmingham  who will be very pleased to get more information relating to the "Hannon " family tree.  "Isabella Hannon" is one of his auntie's and one of my mother's auntie's. I carn'twait to tell him the next time I ring him up and speak to him. I will now try and get copies of "Isabella Hannon" birth certificate and marriage certificate so I can give to my uncle. Thank you ever so much for your help in my search for information relating to "Isabella Hannon" . It has been very much appreciated by me. Thank you.

    Kind Regards. Anthony McCarthy. XX.


    Wednesday 23rd Aug 2017, 07:46PM
  • Dear Anthony:

    I'm delighted to see that Anne-Marie was able to assist with your query and thanks for your kind words.  She is one of our great volunteers on the project.

    If you need further assistance, please let us know.

    All the best,


    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Wednesday 23rd Aug 2017, 08:24PM
  • Hell Jane. It's Anthony McCarthy from Liverpool. I'd  thought that I would let you know that I sent a letter to Anne - Marie thanking her for the information relating to "Isabella Hannon" which I was searching for. I don't know if she has received it or not. I would be most grateful if you could pass on my " Thanks" to her.  She has done a marvelous job in getting the information I was searching for. Top marks to her and very well done. Thanking you.

    Kind Regards.  Anthony McCarthy. 


    Wednesday 23rd Aug 2017, 09:34PM
  • Dear Anthony,

    No need to thank me I enjoyed helping out, I might have found another piece of the puzzle:

    Patrick Hannon married Mary Duffy on the 29 January 1891 in Killarney both had an address in Cloghereen a small village just outside Killarney, Patricks father was John Hannon and his mother was Mary Doherty, Mary Duffy's parents were Patrick Duffy and Mary Kenny.

    All children of Patrick Hannon and Mary Duffy:

    John Hannon born 18 July 1895 in Gortnacurra a townland in the civil parish of Kenmare but baptised in Killarney district

    Your Isabella, was baptised Isabella Joanna Hannon,birth 15 March 1898 in Gortnacurra baptised  17 March 1898 in Killarney district

    Catherine born 21 September 1893  also in Gortnacurra, baptised 24 September 1893 Killarney district

    Mary Hannon born 1 December 1891 Gortnacurra, baptised 6 December 1891.

    All these records can be found on  church records section

    Kind regards,

    Anne Marie

    Mallow Cork

    Thursday 24th Aug 2017, 09:06AM
  • BTW no idea why Isabella's birth is registered as the 15 March on her baptism record while her civil birth record states 15 February 1898 I reckon one of them must be in error on the record

    Mallow Cork

    Thursday 24th Aug 2017, 09:17AM
  • Hi Anthony my name is Susan Bray Hopkins ; Isabella Hannon Bray was my grandmother ; Martin Hannon was my gran uncle I was delighted to find
    your post online and I joined up here to reply to you .If you would like to get in touch my email is I would be delighted to hear from you my cousin as would my uncle Joesph Bray Isabella's son , Martin Hannons nephew .
    Kind Regards Susan

    Tuesday 6th Nov 2018, 11:29PM
  • Hi Anthony imagine that we have the same great grandparents, I really hope you get this message as I have loads of information on the Hannon family and of course Isabellas decendants the Bray family. If anyone here has a contact for Anthony could you pass it on to me at
    Kindest Regards Susan

    Tuesday 6th Nov 2018, 11:38PM
  • Dear Susan:

    Thanks for your post to the message board and hopefully Anthony will see this.  If for some reason, he doesn't reply, please let me know and I will send him an email about your post.

    Kind regards,


    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Friday 9th Nov 2018, 11:06AM
  • Hi Anthony, my name is Robert Quinlan, from Killarney. My grandmother was
    Katie Hannon from Killarney. You've been in touch with my cousin, Susan
    Bray, whose grandmother was Isabella Bray, my grand-aunt. Are we indeed
    related, lots of coincidences? My email is


    Monday 19th Nov 2018, 01:11PM
  • Hello .  I am seeking details of  "Martin Hannon" ; born approx:. 1897 in County Sligo . Any information would be most grateful.

    Thanking you. 

    Kind Regards.  Anthony McCarthy.


    Monday 20th Jan 2020, 11:55AM
  • "Hannon family tree search"

    Hello. I am seeking any details/information relating to my grandfather "Martin Hannon" , born 

    approximately 1897 in County Sligo. Any help or details you can give me would be extremely grateful

    by me.  Thanking you.

    Kind Regards.  Anthony McCarthy.


    Tuesday 21st Jan 2020, 09:21AM
  • Dear Anthony:


    Is this a separate search from what you have previously looked for?  If so, please consider creating a new message board post for this.  You can do so via this link:


    Kind regards,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Wednesday 22nd Jan 2020, 02:52PM

Post Reply