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Saturday 13th Feb 2021, 12:45AM

Message Board Replies

  • Anita, which parish in Tipperary did your ancestors come from.

    Did they come out with the Peter Robinson settlers or The Talbot settlers.

    Christina , Volunteer.

    Christina, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 13th Feb 2021, 09:03AM
  • Hello Christina,

    Unfortunately I do not know the name of the parish in Tipperary. I do not believe they cam out with either the Peter Robinson or the Talbot settler.

    What I have found is that Catherine Hickey married William Cross in 1832 (October 23) in Notre Dame Church, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. According to the marriage certificate Dennis Hickey and Judy Tracey were liisted as Catherine's parents but were not present. So presumably they were still in Ireland.




    Sunday 14th Feb 2021, 05:17PM
  • Hi again Anita,  Have you done DNA, I feel its the only way you will  get relatives.

    Keep in touch, and I will answer any questions you may have.


    Christina, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 15th Feb 2021, 11:39AM
  •  Here again.  I lost my reply in the wild blue yonder.  I have done the Ancestry Autusomal DNA test.  I have connected with two people thatt are descended form the Cross family and also a person from Tasmania who has a Johanna Hickey form Tipperary also.  He is trying to prove that this Johanna and my Catherine Hickey might be cousins who went in very diffrent directions in the early 1830s.

    The Talbot settlers and the Peter Robinson immigrants went to Ontario.  My Irish families went to Québec and settled in many little towns south of Montréal and just north of the New York State border.  Because the United States was so close and htere were no regulations at that time many crossed over and settled in Vermont and New York State.

    Toem, Tipperary appears to be the place that the Cross family came from.  Does that mean anything to you?





    Tuesday 16th Feb 2021, 02:47AM
  • Hi Anita,

    my g-g-grandmother was a Margaret Hickey and I suspect she came through Montreal as she settled in Northern NY.  I believe I found her marriage notice to my G-g-grandfather, Daniel O'Neil in the Vermont records.  It appears they married in 1846 though I have no idea when they arrived or if they knew each other in Ireland.  I'm pretty much dead in the water at this point as records were minimal in those days around NY and Vermont and I no longer live in that area so physically locating and/or reviewing any records isn't a real possibility any longer.


    Sunday 4th Apr 2021, 03:20AM

    Hello Adirondackgal151,

    Your message dated Feb,16, 2021 has just arrived.  My Catherine Hickey married William Cross in Notre-Dame Church, Montreal in Oct 1832.  They evetually went to live in St. Chrysostôme Québec which is south of Montréal, just ten miles north of the NY state boder.  Her parents on the marriage record are listed as Dennis Cross and Judy Tracey, Tipperary..  The Cross family are known to have come from Toem, Tipperary.  Did William and Catherine know one another in Ireland, did they meet on the ship? or meet upon arrival in Montréal?.  Problem is there were no passenger lists or very few that early.

    I live in Ottawa, Ontario.

    Have you found your Margaret Hickey and her husband in the various censuses in Vermont following the wedding?  That might give some clues.  Have you tracked their children?




    Sunday 4th Apr 2021, 03:36PM

    Hi Anita,

    I currently live in Michigan but born and raised in Northern New York.  I couldn't find any additional info in Vermont that was verifiable for Margaret and Daniel.  They are both noted in the 1850 census in Northern NY and my g-grandfather is named in that census also.  I did notice a couple of older sisters of my g-grandfather but no further info on them either.  I've since tracked up to current time with the O'Neil side but Hickey side is also MIA in my tree.  As you said, records back in the day weren't the best.  I might try checking the church records in Quebec but my French is sooooo rusty it takes me  long time to interpret. 
    thanks for your response and if I ever find any pertinent info, I'll be in touch.  
    take care and stay safe.



    Monday 5th Apr 2021, 04:13PM
  • Hi Adirondackgal, and Anita.

    I presume that you Anita, are the same Anita  who had query on Ireland reaching out  on March 9th re  William Crosse who married Jane Dunn, which I answered.

    If you email me  I will put you in contact with each other.

    Christina  Irelandxo Volunteer.



    Christina, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 6th Apr 2021, 08:59AM

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