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I have a vacation planned for Ireland this summer and trying to do my ancestry. I have researched the McTernans in Canada for two generations and now I am searching for John McTernan born around 1819, who married Ann Tracey born around 1819. John and Ann married in 1840 (per the 1861 Candian Census). They had their first child, Catherine in Fitzroy Harbour, Ontario Canada around 1844.     Thank you in advance for any help!






Monday 27th Mar 2017, 05:19PM

Message Board Replies

  • LL:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    McTernan/McTiernan is usually a Co. Leitrim surname and Tracey is not a Leitrim surname. Did they marry in Canada? I was not able to find a marriage record in Leitrim although many parishes do not have records back to 1840. Same for baptismal records. I searched from 1815-1825 in Leitrim and did not find a record. Have you located his death record which might show his parents names.

    I would also consider autosomal DNA testing.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 27th Mar 2017, 07:17PM
  • Thank you for taking the time to look up this information. I am having trouble finding any marriage records in Canada. I will continue to look for marriage and the death record of John. I have attached two documents, because all documents state that Ann is from Ireland.

    Tuesday 28th Mar 2017, 11:13AM
  • Roger McDonnell,

    I found the marriage certificate in Canada in 1843.  John McTernan's father was John McTiernan and it states his mom was the late Catherine. Ann Tracy's father was James Tracy and mother Catherine Bowles. On the document it looks like they were both from Leitrim, Ireland. Do you happen to have any information on either John or Ann McTiernan?

    I did send of for an autosomal DNA test.

    Thank you for any information!

    Wednesday 29th Mar 2017, 08:43PM
  • LL:

    I searched again on Roots Ireland for John and also for Ann using the parental info you provided and got no record.

    The only lead I could find was the 1857 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Co. Leitrim.

    There was a Catherine Tracey in Cloonlogher civil parish which is ia small civil parish n northern Leitrim. If James Tracey was deceased and Catherine was still alive she could have been leasing the land in Boggaun townland. By the way the RC records for this area start in the 1850s. In any event, I would treat this Griffiths record as a lead until you can get corroborating evidence one way or the other.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 31st Mar 2017, 07:39PM
  • Roger,

    Thanks so much, I really appreciate you taking the time. I have started going through the parish records to see if I can find anything. I did find some records in the Valuation of Tenements in the Parishes in Leitrim. I will still continue to hunt.

    Thanks again!

    Friday 31st Mar 2017, 10:09PM
  • Roger,

    In further research it looks like my family lived in County Leitrim with Inishmagrath being the parish, per John Grenham website. How can I further find information on any of my relatives? Do I contact the parish? Who do I contact? I will be in Ireland this summer and would really like to visit this area, parish, and hopefully gravesites.

    John McTernan married to Catherine (Fra or Tra), they were probably born around 1790-1800. Son John McTernan born around 1813-1819, and was married to Ann Tracey in Canada.

    Thank you for any additional help,



    Thursday 27th Apr 2017, 06:07PM
  • LL:

    Not sure what info you have from John Grenham's site that points to Innishmagrath parish. The RC records for the parish start in1834-1835. 1839 for baptisms and 1834 for marriages. Many of your relatives were born or married before records are available.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 28th Apr 2017, 04:12PM
  • LL, 

    Do you know if your Ann Tracey had relations down in the Albany/Tryoy, NY area? The time period they arrived was in the 1840's- they may have stopped in Canada fist; then down to Troy/Alabany, NY area.


    Thc, V


    Friday 17th Jul 2020, 05:04PM
  • LL, 

    Do you know if your Ann Tracey had relations down in the Albany/Tryoy, NY area? The time period they arrived was in the 1840's- they may have stopped in Canada fist; then down to Troy/Alabany, NY area.


    Thc, V


    Friday 17th Jul 2020, 05:04PM

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