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Greetings ~

I'm up against the proverbial "brick wall" and wondered if you had any recommendations.  My 2 x GF is John Kenny (b. 1838 d. 1920) married Catherine Connaughton (1864) and had 15 children (have accounted for all) and they lived in Tonroe or Feenagh townlands, Kilmnamanagh Parish, Elphin...   

Problem is his FATHER - also I believe John Kenny, who I further believe married Serah Dowd in Croghan in 1831 - with a baptism of John in 1838 in Tibohine - Fairymount.  Tithe Applot. has a John Kenny 1833 and Griffiths (58) has John Kenny at Tonroe or Feenagh... (Local Churches - St Brigids and St Attradta were built later)

There are multiple Kenny families within a short radius of Tonroe or Feenagh (especially Tiboihine / Loughglinn, etc.)

Irish naming convention don't help because even when I find a sparce record it is in isolation (and, of course every Kenny family has a John)...

Any thoughts / suggestions?

P.s I am also doing DNA testing but that doesn't seem promising at this point - Y-111 (done) Big Y 700/SNP (pending)

Bill Kenny

Bill Kenny

Saturday 20th Mar 2021, 10:44PM

Message Board Replies

  • Bill:

    The father of the John Kenny married in 1864 was John based on the civil marriage record. see last record…

    In 1855 John Kenny was in Tonroe and Feenagh based on the Griffiths Valuation head of household listing

    The records for the RC parish of Ballinameen (Kilnamanagh) start in 1859.  Earlier records were lost.

    From the 1837 Lewis Topographical Dictionary entry for Kilnamanagh parish we know there was a chapel there in 1837.

    From the 1833 Tithe listings for Kilnamanagh parish, we know there were records for a John Kenny Pat Kenny and Peter Kenny in Tonroe.…

    Unfortunately, I don't believe the 1831 marriage record or the 1838 baptismal record are for your ancestors.

    Your best bet is DNA testing other than the Y test. Have you taken an autosomal test?

    Let me know if your have questions.

    Roger McDonnell



    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 21st Mar 2021, 01:48AM
  • Roger McDonnell,

    Hope you are doing well and THANK YOU for all you do for folks!

    (Re; the above March postings) I seem to have come full circle re: KENNY FAMILY, TONROE OR FEENAGH TOWNLANDS... 

    My John Kenny has been identified as born 1800 and d. Jan 19, 1890 at Tonroe or Feenagh (Father of John Kenny '38).  Some believe that he was married to Serah Dowd 1831 but you are dubious (and may be right*).  Lynn Vandrwolk Smilkow also identified a "Mary Kenny Date of Death: 24-Dec-1868 Age: 80 Parish / District: BALLINAMEEN Address: Tonroe County: Co. Roscommon Status: Widow (Female) Denomination: Civil Parish Occupation: FARMERS WIDOW"

    *I have followed up on all of the above and much more (Kenny Family Tree in Ancestry under Wiliiam Kenny) - May I ask why you caution above:  "I don't believe the 1831 marriage record or the 1838 baptismal record are for your ancestors."  Again, you very well may be right, just hoping for source.  Some of the sponsor/witnesses are familys also from Breedogue/Kilmananagh Parish....(but admittedly these families also exist throughout the region)

    You asked about DNA testing - I have completed the atDNA testing, FTDNA Family Finder and Y-111 and Y-700 ftdna but this has not afforded much as to my Kenny Family ("Dal Cuinn" M222_>DF104/105->BY129440) and atDNA places several generations back in a circle around Ballinameen and NW Tibohine, Co. Roscommon) but is limited by a lack of dna testees and other records.  I have also joined all of the appropriate FTDNA Projects and GedMatch.

    Any recommendations or insights? 

    Again, Thank you for your work and assitantance to myself and many others!

    Best Wishes and Be Safe!


    Williiam Kenny

    Bill Kenny

    Monday 25th Oct 2021, 11:56PM
  • Hi Bill!

    My reasoning for dismissing the 1831 marriage and 1838 baptismal record relates to geography. Your Kenny family lived in the civil parish of Kilnamanagh and the related RC parish was Ballinameen/Kilnamanagh. Available records for the parish start in 1859 but there was a chapel in the parish in 1837 and likely earlier (see my link to the Lewis Topographical Dictionary). Unfortunately, pre-1859 records for Ballinameen/Kilnamanagh RC parish were lost at some point which happened for many, many parishes.  So my conclusion is that there are no church records for your family back in the 1830s.

    The 1868 civil death record was interesting. Mary may have been the widow of John Sr. but more likely she was his mother.

    Let me know what questions you may have.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 26th Oct 2021, 08:52PM

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