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I am searching for information on the King, Donovan and Fitzgerald Families either from Kilmacow, Kilkenny or Portlaw in Waterford.  James King married Anty Fitzgerald and had : 1, Thomas who married Mary Donovan and settled in Australia 1854, 2, James, 3, Mary, have no information on these and 4, Margaret who came to Australia 1849.  Any information on any of my ancestors would be most welcome.  


Tuesday 4th Sep 2018, 04:30AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear DCP:

    Thank you for your post to the Ireland Reaching Out message board.

    I have had a look for you in both Kilmacow and Portlaw for some of the above ancestors on the Roots Ireland website, but have not found anything that would confirm that they are the same family.  You might consider creating an Ancestor profile for one of the family and posting it on the XO Chronicles feature of this site.  The Ancestor profiles are widely read, updated weekly and have assisted others with their family research often resulting in sharing and collaborating with members of the same family.  The link is below:


    If you need further assistance, please let me know.

    Kind regards,


    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Thursday 18th Oct 2018, 10:18AM

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