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Hello, I am looking for any descendants of William McGuire. His mother was Catherine Meehan. William's 1903 birth certificate in Meenwullighan shows his father as Charles McGuire, residing in Scotland, but Catherine's neighbor in Meenawullighan in the 1901 census. William and Catherine whose last name is now McGuire lived at #11 with her brother John Meehan in the 1911 census. John married Bridget McCoy in 1911 and she is on later valuation records as the landholder of #11. When Catherine died in 1938 in Meenawullighan, William reported her death and listed his address as Meenawullighan. Does anyone know if he married and/or had children, and when he died? Meenawullighan had less than 20 houses, and the other Meehan families were probably cousins of Catherines, but William was her only child and American relatives wish to know if he left descendants. Thank you.

Thursday 7th Mar 2019, 02:22PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello:

    Thank you for your post to the Ireland Reaching Out message board and welcome to the site.

    I have forwarded this query to a local volunteer in Inver who may be able to assist you with your query.

    Please allow 1-2 weeks for a reply

    Many thanks for your interest in Ireland Reaching Out and please let me know if you have any further questions. 

    Kind regards,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Wednesday 13th Mar 2019, 10:55AM
  • Thank you very much - I will look forward to hearing from you.



    Wednesday 13th Mar 2019, 06:32PM
  • Hi

    Just to let you know I’ll be back  in Donegal this weekend and I ‘ll make some inquires from some of the older generation


    Best wishes James  

    Asdee West

    Thursday 28th Mar 2019, 09:21AM
  • Hello,

    Thank you so much for your kind offer. I have found some additional information I would like to share with you. 

    Thus for the townland of Mennawullaghan I was able to deduce the following:


    Lot 22A (previously numbered as 22Ab & 23Bb)


    Description: House, out buildings and 23 acres of land (from 1941 it was described as land only – thus the houses were down).


    Tenure: rented until 1907, then purchased under the Land Purchase Act 1903.


    Occupiers:          John Meehan (Owen Meehan)                    from: c1881 (father of Cassie Meehan/Catherine Meehan Maguire/McGuire)


                                    Margaret Meehan           from: 1905 (widow of John Meehan and mother of Catherine)

                                    John Meehan                    from: 1911 (son of John/Owen Meehan and brother of Caherine)

                                    Bridget Meehan               from: 1927 (wife/widow of John Meehan)

                                    Francis McDaid                  from: 1943

                                    Edward G. McDaid           from: 1950


    The Revision Book was closed in 2002 and Edward McDaid was still noted then as the occupier/owner.


    Lot 22C


    Description: House and tiny parcel of land


    Tenure: rented from Donegal County Council


    Occupiers:          Cassie Meehan                 from: 1913 (new lot, so house probably built around 1911-1913)

                                    William McGuire               from: 1943 (son of Catherine/Cassie)

                                    Ephraim Armstrong         from: 1947


    I believe that William McGuire left Meenawullighan in 1947; I also believe he may have died in Dublin in 1963. If you can learn anything perhaps from descendants of the McDaids or Ephraim Armstrong, I will greatly appreciate it. Thank you and have a wonderful visit there.



    Friday 29th Mar 2019, 10:20AM

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