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Hi i'm trying to research my ancestry. My gr gr grandparents, Francis Little born1805 and his wife Sarah Mccullough born 1823 were Irish and as far as i know Francis lived in or around Castleblayney. i'm not as sure for Sarah.They moved to Kingston,On Canada from Ireland, I have traced back to them being here in 1860's. Not completeley sure when they arrived here. Their oldest child Susanna was born in 1844,I found a record stating that she was a ship steward? Sadly she died in her late 20's. Francis was listed as a gentleman on the census here, he owned several tennemant houses and a pub named Castleblayney Pub.It's very difficult to find any info from Ireland as the records have been destroyed, but if anyone could help me i'd appreciate any advice. I believe his background is likely of Scottish descent from the borders of Scotland, as that is the case with many who settled in Ulster.Perhaps McCullough is as well. Hoping to hear from someone and would love to find a family connection there. Cheers c

Wednesday 27th Nov 2013, 05:43PM

Message Board Replies

  • I too have a McCulloch in my family.

    Barbara McCulloch was the wife of William McIlraith - they lived in Antrim -Lyle or Lyle Hill. Certainly Protestants. William born about 1840 migrated to New Zealand via Bristol on the "Rhea Sylvia" in 1861. William's three sons William, Gilbert & Daniel accompanied him - verbal family history says that there were two sisters as well - We don't know if Barbara McCulloch was alive when the men migrated to New Zealand

    Gerald Breeze

    Wednesday 27th Nov 2013, 08:34PM
  • Hi Thanks for your response, my ancestors were listed as presbyterian faith on their census record here in Canada. Thus i do believe there's a Scottish connection there. Was there any evidence of a scottish link in your family? Also it has been suggested that there may be a link in County Antrim! Who knows lol Thanks C

    Wednesday 27th Nov 2013, 08:42PM
  • Hi All,

    A correctionto my earler message - re McIlraiths to New Zealand.

    There are 3 William McIlraith.

    William [DOB unknown]the father of William [born 1819] who migrated to New Zealand in 1861 with his three sons William [born 1841] Gilbert [born about 1842/3] & Daniel who is given as being 16 when he arrives in New Zealand. They all came from Lyle [?lyle Hill] in Antrim - probably farm workers - Lyle has been used from time to time as a given name by their descendants - in Fact there is a Lyle McIlraith [my Father's cousin] still lving in Auckland New Zealand.


    Wednesday 27th Nov 2013, 09:54PM

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