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We have located on Ancestry records showing John James Kelly II, born May 23, 1691, in Donegal, County Cork, Ireland.  He died 1779, at Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, US.  Also, found Walter Kelly believed to be John James Kelly II, son.  However it shows Walter to being born in Pennsylvania US. about 1730.  Cousins are trying to plan a trip to Ireland in May 2025 to see if we can find where our ancestors lived and any history we could find.  Appreciate any help we could receive.

Bonnie Beth

Thursday 8th Aug 2024, 02:09AM

Message Board Replies

  • Firstly County Donegal is in the north of Ireland, whereas Co Cork is in the south of Ireland, they could not be further apart. Secondly , in Ireland , birth/marriage and death records only started from 1850 or so onwards . You will need more information/details on your ancestors , people are willing to help but there is not enough detail in your request, see if you can expand on information.


    Thursday 8th Aug 2024, 12:17PM
  • Bonnie,

    If you are on Ancestry, you probably came across this article. An amazing life.



    Thursday 8th Aug 2024, 03:57PM
  • There is a Donegal townland in Co. Cork.


    Thursday 8th Aug 2024, 03:58PM
  • John Kelly Sr History


    Thursday 8th Aug 2024, 04:16PM
  • The 1630 Muster Rolls for Co. Donegal list just one Kelly in the county. He was a John Kelly who lived on the W. Steward estate in the Barony of Raphoe. Steward was described as Laird of Dunduff. (Laird is a traditional Scottish term for someone who owned a large estate). William Steward/Stewart appears to have lived in Coolaghy in Raymoghy parish. Link:

    Since he’s the only Kelly in the county in the records John in the Muster Rolls could be related to your family. He is listed as having no arms. That means he had no weapons. Many other tenants had swords, pikes, muskets and snaphances. No arms usually indicated the family weren’t all that wealthy, compared to their neighbours.

    Raphoe was heavily settled by Scots who came over in the Plantation 1610 - 1625. There’s no Kelly in Stewarts tenants in 1614 so that points to an arrival between 1614 and 1625 or thereabouts.

    I note that one homestead in the US was named Argyle. That's maybe a reference to the family’s possible origins in Argyllshire, Scotland.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 8th Aug 2024, 05:46PM
  • I appreciate the feedback.  Sorry I do not know how to place information on their county.  Guess when it said Donegal, County of Cork, and then it asks for what county I just put Cork.  The parish is another questionable piece of information that I do not know how to address. 

    The only other information I have is on John James Kelly II wife Jane Auld.  It lists her as about 1700, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.  Her parents: father, James Auld,  He was born about 1670, in Grange, County Antrim, Ireland.  His parents name was James Auld and Jane Bock.  Jane's mother was Mary Sherwood, was born in 1673, in Grange, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.  Mary's parents: John J Sherwood and Ann Anis.  James Auld and Mary Sherwood was married about 1689, in Ireland.  

    I did not know if finding where Mary Sherwood came from if John James Kelly II would be in the same vicinity.  Maybe give directions to where we could look for more information.  

    Thanks for what you have found it has been interesting to read on Plantation 1610 -1625, and trying to learn how to do the Muster Rolls.



    Bonnie Beth

    Monday 19th Aug 2024, 01:54AM

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