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Interested in researching all Lucey/Lucy ancestry. My website at has lots of information already, but always keen to make contact with family members and to gleen new histories.


Friday 27th Apr 2018, 10:10AM

Message Board Replies

  • luceyn:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    You may want to search for prior Lucey messages on the message board. I noticed a number of Lucey messages for Co. Cork parishes.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 27th Apr 2018, 05:07PM
  • Hi Roger

    I wonder if it is possible to search for all Lucey marriages, regardless of parish, in one click?  Or is it a matter of going through each parish separately?  I too have a Lucey connection.

    Many thanks,

    Susan in Australia

    Susan Gandy

    Sunday 7th Apr 2019, 04:47AM
  • Susan:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    The free site has images of all civil marriages from 1870-1916 and will soon be expanded to include 1864-1943. In any event  There are over 1000 marriages registered civilly for Luceys (and presumably Lucys) on the site right now. Obviously if you can narrow down the years and location, the number will be smaller. You can also search for church records at the subscription site Roots Ireland.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 9th Apr 2019, 03:14PM
  • Hi Susan,  if you are still active, please make contact, I am in Australia too and have gathered data on most LUCEY and LUCY.  Would love to exchange. 

    My Denis LUCEY was b approx 1808, married ? and had two boys and a girl prior to 1837.  BANTRY, KILNAMATYRA and POSSIBLY DUNMANWAY.

    Love to hear from you.



    More Luceys

    Tuesday 15th Sep 2020, 01:28AM
  • Hi Mary-Anne and thanks for the message.  Yes, I am indeed still actively trying to research my family to the Lucey connection.  Cheers, Susan

    Susan Gandy

    Tuesday 15th Sep 2020, 05:41AM
  • Great !  Dennis married Margaret Ryan in 1853 poor Margaret died in 1861, leaving one little girl alive.  Dennis married Mary Ferry in 1862,  The family lived in Murrurundai, NSW.

    Love to hear of yours.




    More Luceys

    Wednesday 16th Sep 2020, 07:52AM
  • Hope you had a good Christmas and have a extra specially good 2021.

    Denis' first marriage was in Ireland,

    His second to Margaret was sad, poor Margaret was designated in poor health on board ship, so must have been quite bad and how sad to lose three little ones too.

    My connection is from Denis and Mary Ferry.
    John J Lucey son
    Mary Evelyn Lucey - John's daughter
    Mary-Anne Warner - Mary Evelyn's daughter

    Stay safe and will be happy to hear from you again, we might be cousins yet :-)



    More Luceys

    Sunday 27th Dec 2020, 12:55AM

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