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Have been researching my Morrissey family for the last forty years. Have traced them to Lickfinn and Ballynastick in County Tipp. They sailed for America in 1851 and landed in New York, where the patriarch, Timothy, succumbed to a disease he no doubt contracted during the voyage. Timothy's wife, Ellen Bodley and seven of their nine children began pushing west building railroads. Sailing with them, in birth order, were James, John, Patrick, Timothy, Michael, Mary and Ellen. Not accompanying them were the two oldest daughters, Anne and Bridget, probably already married with families. They were working in Wisconsin when the railroad went bust near Waukau and four of the boys bought land adjacent to the railroad. A fifth, my great-grandfather Patrick, married Mary Ryan and went west to southern Minnesota with Ryan families. It has long been my goal to find living relatives in Ireland....It looks like this site might be my best shot.



Tuesday 28th Nov 2017, 06:02PM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Lickfinn is a small parish in southeast Tipperary just to the west of Ballingarry parish. We have a parish liaison in Ballingarry and I will contact her about your message. If you not heard anything back in two weeks or so, let me know.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 28th Nov 2017, 06:49PM
  • Thanks much, Roger, for your kind and quick response. I would look forward to any information your Lickfinn contact might have....Mike


    Wednesday 29th Nov 2017, 03:30PM
  • I have a family member who married a Morrissey. Her name was Margaret (Maggie) Devereux. She married a Edwoud (sp).  I have a letter she wrote from Fethard, County Tipperary.  I don't have much on her husband.  Iknow they had at least 2 sones, one died before he was 3 years old. Prior to 11/23/1890 based on a family letter.  Maybe we can compare people

    Sunday 22nd Apr 2018, 11:23PM
  • Hello,  Timothy Morrissey (1792-1851)is my 3rd great grandfather.  I'd be interested in any information that anyone might have on the Morrissey clan as well.

    Casey Heinrich




    Wednesday 25th Dec 2019, 08:17PM
  • I am also a descendant of the same Timothy Morrissey who died shortly after arriving in New York in 1851. He is my 4th great grandfather.

    I visited the area of Lickfinn in 2022. We spent the day exploring the area, stopping in Glengoole, Kilcooley Abbey, Derrynaflan, and Boulick. A few locals told me they had heard of some Morrisseys still living in the area, but I was not lucky enough to meet any of them! I am curious to know if we still do have distant relatives in the area.

    The attached photo is one I took from the side of the road driving by what Google maps has labeled as Lickfinn!

    Rachel Kaelin

    Tuesday 17th Oct 2023, 09:08PM

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