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Hi all .. I am wondering if you could help me please ?

I am trying to find information on a family who came to Australia ...

Hugh O'NEILL born about 1814 in (possibly) Seven Churches, Kings Co. and his wife Mary McLaughlan born between 1810 and 1817.

They married possibly in Feb 1835 in Fairbane, Kings Co. Ireland.

I have researched all their arrivals here in Australia ...

They left Ireland for Australia, arriving in Moreton Bay on 11 Jun 1853, with children: Jane 1835, Maria 1839, John 1842, Catherine 1844, James 1847 .. on the ship .. John Fielden.

I would really like to find more information on their ancestors /parents /grandparents .. and where they came from .. their lives in Ireland .... or anything about them really .. .if possible.

Looking forward to hearing from you ... my email is .. .. if you can ..


Tuesday 1st May 2012, 09:19PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello!

    I don't have specific info on the families you mention, but I've been doing a bit of research in the same area - my Grandmother was from Creggan, just north of Ferbane (An F?ar B?n means "white grass.")

    I'm just working into the generations beyond my great-grandparents so am just beginning to try and find info in the mid 1800s myself. I've been working with some cousins over there to try and fill out the tree. (I'm in NY.)

    By the way, I did a quick search for "O'Neill" in the Griffith's valuation in Offaly and looks like your Hugh is listed there in Clonmacnoise - which fits the seven churches. If you look at the actual record at that link you can see he is one of a few dozen sub-lessors of land from Arthur McGuiness. (You can probably do the math on the amount of money Hugh's land holding cost him as a portion of the total and figure out about how many acres he had.)

    Thought I'd throw a few useful links out there in case you hadn't seen these sites:

    Offaly Historical & Archaeological Society has quite a lot of great resources.

    Rootsireland has records for Kings/Offaly - although my results at finding records have been a bit spare there.

    I haven't used them but Irish Midlands Ancestry can do research for a fee:

    There are some very good books about the area - might be a bit tough to find, but in addition to be available at the Historical Society, they pop up on eBay and online shops once in awhile:

    A Land by the River of God - A History of Ferbane Parish , Brendan Ryan

    Falling into wretchedness: Ferbane in the late 1830's

    The diary of an Offaly schoolboy 1858-59

    If I can help with anything, let me know! I can be reached via my site at:

    Best of luck!

    John Tierney


    Sunday 6th May 2012, 02:18AM
  • John,

    an old message but wanted to say thanks for the research - I have just taken over responsibility for Co. Offaly and am going through all the messages.

    For sure, it's the same Hugh O'Neill and his ancestral lands can be easily found on the map. I wonder if your information was picked up - I will write to the email address given just in case.



    Co. Offaly IrelandXO

    Thursday 3rd Jan 2013, 12:26AM
  • Dolores,

    My pleasure - always fun trying to find new information and help others.

    By the way, when people reply to messages on the site, I never get updates about them via email even though I've notifications turned on. I've just rechecked them again and I have subscriptions to this message and another, as well as for the Parish enabled.

    I happened to check the site today (as I do once in awhile) and saw there was a reply linked on my profile. I administer my own domain and no messages are going to spam and test emails to my address used on Irelandxo work fine. Wondering if the site admins need to check into something?

    Not a huge deal as my message volume is low here, but just wanted to throw it out there in case others are experiencing the same thing.

    In any case, looking forward to more members joining this parish in the future - I'm running out of things I can look into from way over here in NY!





    Thursday 3rd Jan 2013, 04:46PM

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