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My Gt grandparents were Martin Bourke and Sarah nee Keeling. Martin was born in Limerick in the "Golden Vale" about 1837 and his parents were Patrick Bourke (or Burke) and Peggy Harty. Patrick and Peggy also had two other sons, Laurence and Patrick as well as at least two, so far unknown, daughters. There may well have been more children. 

Martin and Sarah emigrated to New Zealand and I have much information about them, but zero about any of the rest of the family and would dearly love to know more about them all, especially Patrick and Peggy. It is possible that Patrick came from North Tipperary. 

I visited Ireland and explored the graveyards around Emly and Templebreden whilst there; many Bourke's and Harty's but I have no way of connecting them with Patrick and Peggy.  I would be ever so grateful if someone could shed some light on my family.  Thank you. 

Sunday 21st Jul 2024, 08:45AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

     Did you know many of the cemeteries in Ireland are online?

    Old Pallas | Historic Graves

    Templebredon | Historic Graves

    Emly | Historic Graves

    Patrick Bourke married Margaret Harty on Feb 23, 1830, in Pallasgreen and Templebredon. Patrick was living in Garranemore, Pallasgrean, Limerick at the time. A Laurence Bourke witnessed the wedding. They had the following children- Judith 1830, Laurence 1832, Martin Nov 9, 1834, Catherine 1837, Ellen 1839, Margaret 1842, Rodger 1845, and Patrick 1848.

    Regards- Mary


    Sunday 21st Jul 2024, 10:53AM
  • Information above from RootsIreland (paid subscription)

    I found Martin's marriage record on Ancestry

    Name Martin Burke
    Gender Male
    Marriage Date 29 Apr 1861
    Marriage Place Kilflynn, Kerry, Ireland
    Father Patrick Burke
    Spouse Sarah Keeling
    FHL Film Number 101428
    Reference ID p210 ln24


    Regards- Mary


    Sunday 21st Jul 2024, 11:47AM
  • Mary _ I am so thrilled and happy to hear all this great information and I can't thank you enough! I felt like I had hit the proverbial brick wall, and now you have inspired me. I did not know about the cemeteries online, so have now checked through Old Pallas ones - there are many Hartys and Bourkes there but I cannot connect them with the ones that I do know about.  My understanding from my aunt, was that Patrick was a school master as indeed was his son, Martin and grandson, Charles. Do you think that the Laurence (witness at Patrick and Margaret Harty's wedding might be his father, or his brother? )  Once again - thank you so much for your help.  Pam

    Monday 22nd Jul 2024, 09:17AM
  • Pam,

    It is wonderful, volunteers in Ireland spent time transcribing Gravesites in Ireland and putting them online.

    Laurence was the eldest son of Patrick and Margaret. Irish naming patterns suggest that is Patrick's father's name. Laurence might have been his father, brother, or another family member??

    Regards- Mary



    Monday 22nd Jul 2024, 10:23PM
  • Pam,

    The teachers in your family might have been part of the secret Hedge School system.

    Hedge school - Wikipedia

    Hedge Schools in Tipperary Early 1700’s – 1860’s – Tipperary Studies

    Regards- Mary




    Monday 22nd Jul 2024, 11:13PM
  • What a fantastic lot of information you have given me - it all makes fascinating reading. Thank you so much.

    The Hedge School system obviously flourished until the National schools were set up then somewhat demised. I believe that my Gt grandfather, Martin Bourke began teaching at about 19 years old, in about 1853 and his records say that he "trained for 3 1/2 years at the church Education society's training school in Ireland" (perhaps from when he was in his mid-teens?) before teaching at various schools. His last known teaching position was in Ballyhorgan, near Kilflynn, Kerry where he met his wife, Sarah Keeling before they had children and left for New Zealand. Do you think he would have been part of the hedge school system?

    Regards, Pam

    Friday 26th Jul 2024, 09:28AM
  • Pam,

    Sorry for the delay but the Message Board wasn't operational for a couple of days. I contacted a resource in Ireland who is familiar with Hedge Schools, and she could not confirm but gave me a resource if you're in Ireland.

    "A lot of material on hedge schoolteachers in the Library in Thurles from a thesis done by Sr. Claude Maher. 

    called Religious Education in Diocese of Cashel and Emly. Sr Claude's thesis was never published in book form."

    Per RootsIreland

    I noticed in 1834, in Pallasgreen, a MIchael Bourke married Julia Conway. Laurence Bourke witnessed. Their oldest son was Laurence b. 1835. Could your Patrick and Michael be brothers? I have nothing to support.

    Also, I don't think I previously mentioned your Martin's baptismal sponsors were Laurence Bourke and Bridget Bourke.

    Regards- Mary



    Thursday 1st Aug 2024, 12:06PM
  • Every time I hear from you, I get such a thrill!  You are soooo kind in helping me and I so appreciate it. 

    And now you have told me who my Gt grandfather's baptismal sponsors were - Laurence and Bridget - I don't know the date of Martin's baptism.  Do you think that the Laurence and Bridget mentioned were married or are they perhaps siblings? 

    I have finally had the time to go through all the gravesites you mentioned : surely some of those people are related to me, but I can't connect them yet.  

    Next I am going to investigate the Michael Bourke and Julia Conway possibility; it does make sense that he may have been a brother to my 2 X Gt grandfather, Patrick - you have  already given me Laurence, William and Frances, but undoubtably there will be more!  They often had so may children in those days, didn't they.  

    Kind regards,  Pam


    Friday 2nd Aug 2024, 06:19AM
  • Pam,

    Martin was baptized Nov. 9, 1834. You can find on the Catholic Parish Registry. Note his mother's name is identified as Marie. All of his siblings show Margaret. I think it was a recording error.

    Catholic Parish Registers at the NLI

    02498/03, Pallasgreen and Templebredin - Catholic Parish Registers at the NLI

    Regards- Mary




    Saturday 3rd Aug 2024, 11:15AM

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