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My wife's 2nd great-grandfather, Patrick Hyde, was baptized on March 13, 1835 in Newcastle; Counties of Tipperary, Waterford; Diocese of Waterford and Lismore as his record lists. At what church might that baptism have occurred?

Great thanks for any guidance you can provide.

Greg Thornton

Greg Thornton

Thursday 4th Jan 2024, 06:43PM

Message Board Replies

  • Greg,

    It is difficult to know that church Patrick was baptised in due the name variants for Nerwcastle.

    Map of the Civil Parish attached.

    Subscription Site records the parish of Newcastle. No address for the parents - Michael Hyde and Ellen Beston. Baptismal Sponsors: Michael Beston and Ellen Lonergan.



    Thursday 4th Jan 2024, 07:18PM
  • I found the baptism of Thomas Hyde, who appears to be the older brother of your Patrick.  Thomas's mother is said to be Ellen "Burton" not "Beston."

    Thomas Hyde 

     Baptism:          15-Apr-1834

    Parish/District:  NEWCASTLE

    Co. Waterford

    Roman Catholic

    Father:  Michael Hyde  

    Mother: Ellen Burton


    Sponsor 1

                Patrick Kelly

    Sponsor 2

                Anastasia Burke


    Friday 5th Jan 2024, 12:24AM
  • To McCoy & Patricia,

       Thank you very much for your quick reply and for the information you provided. I am not sure why I initially wrote that it was County Tipperary.I believe it was transcribed that way in an Ancestry page I was researching.Though it does appear on the map that Newcastle "straddles" both Counties(?)

    Sending good thoughts your way.

    Greg Thornton

    Greg Thornton

    Friday 5th Jan 2024, 07:37PM

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