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this is a chronological diary for the residents of rahan lodge the landlords of the townland of rahan

1732 october 14th john bor reading of readingstown in the kings county esq estate did grant and demise unto Edward wallen of ballycumber in the said county all that land daniel randoo matthew wallen anne wallen john bor reading estate vested on the right honourable wm earl of Shelburne afterwards marquis of Lansdowne 

1734 april 27th conveyance ballincur made by john bor reading to William telford 

1737 may 2nd birth of william petty died may 7th 1805

 1745 rahan lodge built by henry petty as a hunting lodge became part of the landsdowne estate

1751 april 17th death of henry petty 1st earl of Shelburne b1675 october 22nd

1761 william petty born 1737 may 2nd became 2nd earl of Shelburne

1765 maria obrien born daughter of denis thomas obrien and became a sister mary clare obrien 

1776 july 6th william petty 2nd earl of Shelburne rahan 

1782 july william petty 2nd earl of Shelburne prime minister of England

1783 william petty no longer prime minister of England

 1784 the gentlemen and freeholders of the kings county petitioned parliament to have the assizes transferred to tullamore thus establishing it as the county town but the bill failed in 1784ad

1784 December 6th william petty 2nd earl of Shelburne 1st marquis marquess of Lansdowne 

1786 the gentlemen and freeholders of the kings county petitioned parliament to have the assizes transferred to tullamore thus establishing it as the county town but the bill failed in 1784ad and again 1786ad because of the superior political influence of the ponsonby family the owners of philipstown 

1801 June the construction of the stretch of the grand canal that passes through rahan parish on the way to Shannon harbour would not begin until after june 1801 

1802 death of thomas obrien a catholic merchant of Dublin   father of denis thomas obrien

1803 denis thomas obrien we find him leasing 2,194 acres of what was described as profitable land and a further 1,730 acres of unprofitable land (bog lake mountain) at rahan tullamore county kings offaly mr obrien had leased these lands from the earl of shelburne in the tullabeg and rahan districts at that time denis thomas obrien of dublin came into possession of the estate at killina that adjoins the present day 2012 presentation convent and parish church denis thomas obrien renovated rahan hunting lodge  31/2/1803 most noble william marquis of lansdowne earl of shelburne to denis thomas obrien dublin merchant the manor of readingstown orwise rahan or by whatever other name it has been called ...lands of ballycowan rahan alias readingstown etc 03/12/1803 ballinkillen alias tullaghbeg 225 acres rahan alias readingstown to d t obrien merchant dublin   rahan lodge became the property of the obrien family of dublin purchase of rahan rahan demesne property from lord shelburne by the obrien family who restored and renovated rahan lodge                Maria obrein Daniel oconnell visited rahan lodge 

1805 may 7th death of william petty 2nd earl of Shelburne 1st marquis marquess of Lansdowne estate petty-fitzmaurice marquess of Lansdowne 

1810 rahan lodge became the property of the Obrien family of Dublin owner miss maria Obrien purchase of rahan demesne property from lord Shelburne by the Obrien family who restored rahan lodge

1812 maria obrien daughter of denis thomas obrien came from a prominent landed family who owned rahan lodge maria obrien had a school built at killina in 1812 school in killina built beside church rahan because the previous school was a miserable hovel 

1812 march 21st probate of the last will and testament od david Sherlock late of dundrum and the county of Dublin esq deceased henry f stack proctor registered in the bank of Ireland the 11th day of may 1812 p Stafford  in the name of god amen I david Sherlock of dundrum in the county of Dublin esquire being of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding thanks be to god for the same do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills made by me and first I desire that after my decease I may be interred in a private manner in the burial ground called the cabbage garden situate in kevins street in the county of Dublin without any pomp or parade and as to such wordly substance as I am possessed of I hereby devise and bequeath the same to my executors herin after named whom I hereby appoint trustees of this my will to be applied and disposed of in a manner following in the first place and of ny personal property to pay off and discharge my funeral expenses and all my just debts and engagements I leave and bequeath to my said executors and trustees in trust for my dearly beloved wife mary Sherlock during her life exclusive of what she is entitled to under her marriage settlement and in right of her father my dwelling house in York street in the city of Dublin and the stable at the rere thereof and also my dwelling house land concerns and premises at dundrum aforesaid during her natural life to whom I also devise and bequeath during her life all my household furniture plate carriage houses stock and farming utensils of every kind in my said houses in York street and dundrum or belonging thereto or on my said land and I also have and bequeath to my said dearly beloved wife the sum of five hundred pounds to be paid to her by my executors immediately after my decease and I would leave her much more but for the very ample fortune which she possesses in her own right and after the death of my said wife I leave and bequeath my said house and premises in York street and my said dwelling house lands concerns and premises at dundrum and all my estate and interest therein to my son timothy Sherlock his heirs and assigns together with my said household furniture stock and farming utensils herein before bequeathed to my said wife during her life save my carriage and horses whish I leave to my said dear wife to dispose of at her death as she may think proper and save also my plate which I direct to be divided between my sons thomas and timothy Sherlock share and share alike after the death of their said mother I leave and bequeath to my said son timothy Sherlock all my freehold and chattle property following that is to say my farm and lands at kilternan in the county of Dublin lately purchased by me from john grogan esquire my houses and premises at or in the town of dundrum (not otherwise disposed of) on the city quay in the possession of Mathew Cardiff in the town of ringsend in the possession of john moore in the town of wexford in the possession of Nicolas Dixon in fade street in the possession of john moy and ??hefsuines?? fallon in exchange street in the possession of thomas Faulkner and the field at kilmainham in the ??posson?? of Michael drum and and all the rents issues and profits thereof to which I am or may be in any manner entitled together with the annuity or yearly sum of fifty pounds sto payable to me by james whitestone esquire I also leave and bequeath to my said son timothy Sherlock all my share and proportion of the brewery and concerns in kings street and glovers alley wherin the said business is carried on in partnership between me and my son thomas Sherlock and all other property in king street or glovers alley aforesaid to which I am in any manner entitled together with my capital stock in said brewery and concerns and the issues and profits thereof but it is my will and I hereby direct that my said son timothy Sherlock shall not dispose of his interest in said concerns or of his share of said capital stock or any part thereof without the consent and approbation of my executors herein after named and in case my executors shall approve thereof I will and desire that said premises be valued and said capital stock ascertained and that my said son thomas shall have the same at such valuation pursuant to the terms of our deed of partnership and it is also my will and desire that my said son timothy Sherlock shall continue this said partnership with his ??older?? brother during such time as they may mutually agree upon and with respect to the warehouse at the rere of my said dwelling house in york street opening unto glovers alley aforesaid which I did not heretofore consider as any part of ??said?? brewery concerned I do hereby declare the same to belong thereto and to form part thereof   but desire that my said wife be paid the sum of twenty pounds yearly during her life therebout one half thereof to be borne and paid by my son thomas Sherlock and the other half to be borne and paid by my son timothy Sherlock I also leave to my son timothy Sherlock the sum of two thousand pounds to be paid him by my executors when they think proper I leave and bequeath to my daughters anne and Margaret Sherlock to be paid to them on their respective days of marriage provided they marry with the consent of their mother the sum of five thousand pounds each and until such marraiges take place I leave then an annuity of one hundred pounds a year each during such time as they shall reside with their mother but in case they do not reside with her I leave them an annuity of five hundred and fifty pounds each the said annunities to be paid them half yearly by my exors out of my personal property and in the event of their or either of their managing without such consent as aforesaid I desire the the said annunities of two hundred and fifty pounds each above mentioned to be continued to them during their lives and to be paid on their separate receipts without the control of their husbands or in any manner subject to their debts and I do hereby direct this is my will and instruction that in case they or either of them shall happen to die before marriage that the fortune bequeathed to them or either of them so dying as aforesaid shall upon such event taking place go to and be equally divided between my surviving children share and share alike   I leave to my grand daughters Isabella and mary anne Sherlock daughters of my said son thomas Sherlock the sum of one thousand pounds each on or days of marriage and until their attaining such age or marrying   I desire my executors to pay and apply the interest thereof at the rate of sixty cent per annum towards their schooling and education and in the case of the death of my said granddaughters or either of them before their attaining the age of twenty one years or days of marriage I leave and bequeath the said legacy of such of them as shall die as aforesaid to my son thomas Sherlock and his heirs to be paid to him or them upon such event taking place as aforesaid    I leave and bequeath to my nephew david kennedy an annuity of sixty pounds a year during his natural life to be paid him half yearly by my executors out of my personal property …………………          I leave and bequeath to my neice Margaret kennedy an annuity of sixty pounds a year during her natural life to be paid to her half yearly by my executors out of my personal property and in the event of her marriage the said annuity to be paid on her sole and separate receipt without the control of her husband or being in any manner subject to his debts    I leave to my daughter in law Isabella Sherlock wife of my ??--?? Son thomas Sherlock one hundred pounds to buy mourning    I leave and bequest to my butler william obrien in case destitute be living with me at the time of my death my lacaring apparel and the sum of ten pounds sterling over and above such wages as shall be due to him at my death and I do hereby order and direct my funeral expenses and debts and the aforesaid several legacies annunities and bequests to be paid and discharged out of my government and bank stock and debentures landed stock and debentures insurance trusts and any other securities for money but in case same shall not be productive enough or sufficient for the discharge of my said funeral expenses debts legacies and annuities I do hereby direct any deficiency which may happen therein to be paid and borne by my said son timothy Sherlock out of his share of the property and profits of said brewery with the convenience of my executors   and as to all the rest residue and remainder of my real freehold and personal property which I may die possessed of not hereby of herein disposed of    I leave and bequeath the same to my said son thomas Sherlock and I do hereby nominate and appoint my said dearly beloved wife my sons thomas and timothy Sherlock and my niece Margaret kennedy executors of this my will   in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty first day of march one thousand eight hundred and twelve  david Sherlock seal signed sealed published and declared by the above named david Sherlock as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who have hereunto at his request subscribed our names as witnesses in his presence and in the presence of each other therebeing an erasure first made in the twenty fourth twenty fifth twenty sixth lines b h cruise wiliam cruise ferguson doolan 

1813 june 8th last will of thomas denis obrien 

1814 august 11th denis Obrien died and the following brief obituary from watty oxs irish magazine is worthy of quoting   died at his house rutland square denis thomas obrien esq an eminent merchant he was munificent pious charitable he bequeathed £1,000;00;00 to the fund for building the new chapel in Marlborough street and £50,000;00;00 to an unmarried daughter whose benevolence and solicitude to do good to educate destitute infancy and relieve indigence must have influenced her parents in this ample distribution of his fortune to a lady who will not apply it to any giddy follies which are too much the pursuits of fashionable life    denis thomas obrien the lay pontiff of Ireland

       maria Obrien extended the school built at killina invited the presentation order to come to rahan 

1817   bad year famine and a typhis epidemic 

1817 maria Obrien brought the presentation sisters from dublins georges hill to rahan presentation convent 

1817 july 14th indenture dated the fourteenth day of july 1817 and made between maria Obrien of the one part  and mary anne bigger and clare bigger of the other part the said maria Obrien did assure unto the said mary anne bigger and clare bigger that parts of the land of killina commonly called and known by the name of the convent farm containing by survey 3 acres 1 rood or thereabouts irish plantation measure more or less situate in the parish and manor of rahan and kings county to hold the same unto the said mary ann bigger and clare bigger their heirs and assigns for ever they paying therefore yearly on every fourteenth day of july the yearly rent of one peppercorn if demanded and whereas the lands assured by the last mentioned indenture are part of the lands described in the annexed map number 5---------july 16th feast of our lady of mount carmel two sisters came by boat from Dublin along the grand canal the convent was founded and endowed with 3 acres and a yearly income from maria Obrien  mother angela biggar and her sister mother mary Theresa  miss Obrien built a new school with accommodation for a mistress---------------------------------august 9th i anthony colgan on behalf of dr plunkett archbishop of meath he established at killina the convent of the presentation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------august 10th i anthony colgan on behalf of dr plunkett archbishop of meath rahan rev mr Cunningham compliments and congratulations on the good miss obrien has been doing and on the establishment of the convent--------------September 1st school opened  school rolls  letter to bishop plunkett the reverend mother of the convent told him of the school having over 100 pupils a week after it opened and that a great number of women attend instruction on Sunday after mass---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------September 17th i anthony colgan on behalf of archbishop of meath dr plunkett he examine the accounts of the convent of rahan and dined at rahan lodge------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------September 28th i anthony cogan on behalf of archbishop of meath dr plunkett he spent this evening at rahan lodge 

1818  april 7th indenture A made between said Maria Obrien of the one part and The reverend Charles Aylmer of the other part The said maria Obrien did assure onto the said Charles Aylmer that parts of the lands of tullabeg otherwise tullybeg situate in the parish of rahan barony of ballycowan and kings county containing 62 acres 10 perch irish plantation measure or thereabouts together with the 8 acres of the bog of newtown and 8 acres of the bog of newbridge as marked out and lay contigious to said part of said lands of tullabeg to hold the same unto the said charles Aylmer his heirs and assigns forever he and they paying therefore yearly the annual rent of £15;10;04 late currency equivalent to £14;06;04 halfpenny present money payable half yearly on every first day of may and first day of November in each year and with certain powers of distress for recovery of the said rent and of entry for non payment thereof   april 7th  indenture B made between said maria Obrien of the one part and said reverend Charles Aylmer of the other part the said maria Obrien did assure unto the said Charles Aylmer that part of the lands of tullabeg otherwise tullybeg situate in the parish of rahan barony of ballycowan and kings county containing 40 acres 3 roods and 20 perchs irish plantation measure or thereabouts to hold the same unto the said charles aylmer his heirs and assigns forever he and they paying therefore yearly (from and after the decease of one john costikin since deceased 1875) the yearly rent of £40;17;06 late currency equivalent to £37;14;07 present currency payable half yearly on the first day of may and first day of november in each year and with certain powers of distress for recovery of the said rent and of entry for non payment thereof and whereas the lands assured by the two last mentioned indentures A & B contain according to a recent survey thereof 170 acres 3 roods and 2 perch statue measure or thereabouts and are part of the lands described in the annexed map number 4-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1818 july miss obrien was to afford help in a different and very practical way when due to overwork and the great anxiety mary aikenhead was experiencing in heading the new venture it must be remembered she was only 31 and had no guidelines to follow her health became a matter of grave concern to her friends miss obrien made her country house at rahan tullamore available to the foundress for a period of convalescence this was in july 1818 the journey was made by the covered barge that sailed from Portobello harbour to the Shannon a mode of travelling preferred by many to the hot dusty top heavy stage coach with its hampered six insides indeed as sarah Atkinson says the advantages of this mode of locomotion were if one believed the companys advertisement numerous and surpassing  the passengers were sure to have a great pleasure from the variety of beautiful views the country presented they were not delayed for dinner or breakfast they were allowed the enjoyment of fresh air exercise and repose and lastly they were safe from robbers  rahan lodge proved to be a place of silence and peace and yet was not without activity next door was the newly founded presentation convent with its school for poor children this too had been the result of miss obriens munificence since 1. She had provided the land and paid for the building of the convent and chapel herself the nuns coming from their house in georges hill Dublin  the hospital doors of rahan lodge opened regularly to any delicate or sickly orphans from harolds cross orphan house who were sent down by barge to spend a period of recuperation under miss obriens watchful eye    2 .not far away from rahan lodge was the newly opened Jesuit college at st stanislaus tuilabeg which had also been assisted by the obrien family one remembers mention of the 2,000  acres of land which mr obrien had leased earlier from the earl of Shelburne in the tuilabeg and rahan districts and it is most likely that some of this land was given for the college at the time of mary aikenheads visit to rahan miss maria obrien was embarking on a most surprising course of action the convent close to their country house was just a year completed and she at the age of 53 was preparing to enter it as a nun it must indeed have been a genuine late vocation and one which was extremely difficult for her to follow when we realize that for many years she had been a person of both authority and wealth although that wealth had been largely spent for the benefit of others  notwithstanding the difficulties she persevered taking the name sister mary clare which from her close association with the poor clares for many years seemed an obvious choice    however prior to her entering she was still at rahan lodge with mother aikenhead and her stay there for two months did much to restore the latters health when she was sufficiently recovered and returned to Dublin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------august 21st copy of letter from dr plunkett to mrs Obrien rahan lodge anthony cogan the diocese of meath 

1819 October 6th anthony colgan on behalf of archbishop of meath dr plunkett at rahan ref 440 and 450 

1820 private oratory at rahan lodge 

1821 £18,400;00;00 obtained in the courts of common pleas michaelmas term suit hugh oconnor and patrick oliver plunkett against maria obrien of rahan lodge in the kings county spinster 

1821 £21,000;00;00 obtained upon the trusts of the deed of settlement executed upon the intermarraige of the said anthony obrien with mary oconnor 10 january 1801 indenture being dated 10th day of january 1822 between anthony obrien and mary oconnor maria obrien hugh oconnor and patrick oliver plunkett upon the trusts of the said deed of settlement and of me the said mary aikenhead   

1822 may 7th 1822 THE BISHOPS OF MEATH Dr. PLUNKET. Paschal duty neglected by many ; dismal effects of lewdness. Letter from the Superioress of Rahin Convent. " Killina Convent, 7th of May, 1822. " MY LORD AND KEY. FATHER IN GOD, " I beg you will accept my very grateful thanks for your kind letter of the 17th of April. I have now the pleasure of announcing Miss O'Brien's arrival here a few days ago. Her health and spirits seem much improved. I need not say how happy I feel in the hope that God may enable her to persevere. As she intends adding a few lines, I shall not delay, only to acquaint your Lordship that Miss St. Leger's profession will take place, please God, on the Feast of the Ascension. Her rev. brother being obliged to go to Dublin, has caused this delay. The community present your Lordship their most respectful wishes with, my Lord, " Your Lordship's grateful and obedient daughter in J. C., " MARY ANGELA BIGGER." 

Letter of Miss O'Brien. " MY LORD, " I make no doubt that your Lordship will congratulate me on what my rev. mother has announced, that I have effected my flight to this much-wished-for retreat, where I find all that I aspire to, and as I have now the honour of being under your Lordship's exclusive obedience, I claim with the more confidence your paternal and pastoral remembrance in your communications with God, that He may grant me grace to fulfil His holy will, and to appreciate as I ought His mercy towards me. I find the religious exercises and society here 
quite suited to my disposition, and experience, as I hope I always shall, that the yoke of the Lord is sweet. I look for- 
ward to the happiness of receiving your Lordship's benediction and spiritual instruction upon your next visitation to Rahan, where, I trust, you will occupy, as usual, the apartment at the lodge dedicated to your Lordship. 
" I remain, my Lord, " With most cordial respect and esteem, " Your Lordship's truly obliged and obedient servant, 
"MARIA O'BRIEN.             maria obrien entered the presentation sisters order in 1822 she called herself sister mary clare obrien    she entered presentation convent rahan 

1822 hilary term £2,000;00;00 william martin against maria obrien 

1823 inhabitants tullamore miss obrien rahan lodge

1824 easter term £2,000;00;00 christopher rafferty against maria obrien

1825 maria obrien professed a nun sister marie clare 

1825 easter term £4,000;00;00 kernan ayre against maria obrien  

1827 may 18th miss Obrien died sister mary clare Obrien she died shortly after her final profession after marias death her brother john placed a monument to her in the grounds of rahan church  ''To the memory of Maria O'Brien, called in Religion Sister Mary Clare, who made her solemn profession, in the Religious Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the Convent of Killina, on the 12th of January, A.D. 1825, and closed a life of singular 534 DEANERY OF CLARA RAHIN. edification on the 1 8th of May, 1827, Aged 62 years and 4 months. This monument was erected by her affectionate Brother, John O'Brien." The original convent cost about 2,000, but an immense sum has since been expended on alterations, enlargement, and improvement. There are at present nine professed religious in the community, and they have a large day- school, in which they impart to the young females of the parish a solid religious and secular education. A more beautiful convent, a more heavenly retreat, there is not in the diocese of Meath, than Killina or Rahin. The College of St. Stanislaus, Tullabeg, was founded about the year 1818, and was liberally endowed by the generous family of O'Brien, of Rahan Lodge. The college course embraces a full English and classical education, and has been very successful since its foundation. Diocese of meath her tombstone in the adjoining cemetery reads to the memory of maria obrien sister mary clare who made her solemn profession in the religious order of the BVM in the convent of killina on the 12th January 1822 and closed a life of singular edification on the 18th may 1827ad aged 62 years and 4 months this monument was erected by her affectionate brother john obrien

1827 john obrien took over the property at rahan of over 4,000 acres after his sister maria obrien death 

1828 march 27th name index book A-Z 1828 book 187 Liber 33 county of kings 1826-1828 Transcript book 833 282 560 017 2 oclock deed of marriage settlement 11th January 1828 First part John Obrien mountjoy square city of Dublin esq First part anna maria Obrien ball his wife     £500;00;00   Second part mary ball spinster eldest daughter of john ball the younger esq deceased  eldest son of ino ball the elder late of eccles street and byrne ball his first wife marriage third part john rorcke city of Dublin esq third son of Andrew rorcke of tyrellstown in the city of Dublin james halpin rorcke of tyrellstown fourth part Nicolas ball eccles street barrister at law deed of mortgage 16th august 1816 one part john meade Thomas    10,000;00;00 of the other part mable clare ball 500;00;00 deed of appurtenant 2nd may 1825 first part mable clair ball second part Thomas Bennett esq Nicolas ball party thereto third part Isabella Sherlock widow       john brien seal   andew rorcke seal oath 27th day of march 1828 between 1 & 2 oclock bird shanan       

1828  april 28th transcript book 835 345 561 280 first part j Obrien mountjoy square anna maria Elizabeth Obrien second part Patrick oliver plunkett and Columbus Flanagan esq third part anna maria matilda dennis city of Dublin spinster £3,600;00;00 Manor of readingstown otherwise rahan barony of ballycowan kings county redemption Signed and sealed m ohar

1828 May 14th  reference to indenture 14th day of may 1828 of john and anna maria Elizabeth obrien first part  Patrick oliver plunkett 2nd part   and colombus martin oflanagan 2nd part  1 catherine Atkinson 2 cecilia maria lynch 3 mary anne baen 4 mary donagh 5 catherine mary young 3rd party consideration of the sum of £2,000;00;00 sterling from 1,2,3,4,5 to john obrien in land 200 years manor of readingstown otherwise rahan 14th may 1828  see 1853 july 23rd

1828 May 17th 1828 transcript book 836 437 561 972   clolon to ball Elizabeth If no issue of heir  to anna maria Elizabeth Obrien manor of readingstown otherwise rahan Obrien to ball 8th july 1828 Signed sealed witnessed William francis hart Tuesday 8th day of july 1828 1;30pm

1828 november 12th transcript book 852 243 569 743 gardiner street john Obrien maria Elizabeth Obrien to Edward brien November 22nd transcript book 840 497 563 997 obrien & anoth to molloy One part john Obrien mountjoy square co Dublin esquire anna maria Elizabeth Obrien wife of said john Obrien one part       other part Bernard molloy of clara in the kings county esquire 14th October 1732 john bor reading of readingstown in the kings county esq estate did grant and demise unto Edward wallen of ballycumber in the said county all that land Daniel randoo matthew wallen anne wallen 22nd December 1805 One part denis Thomas Obrien esquire under his will to his daughter maria Obrien  Other part rev Edward ledwitch John bor reading estate vested on the late right honourable wm earl of shelbourne afterwards marquis of landsdowne    john handy 2nd December 1805   Edward kennach wallen   Rich holmes  Edward ledwitch to Bernard molloy rich holmes Edward kennach wallen    Denis Thomas Obrien esquire to his daughter maria Obrien to anna maria elizabeth Obrien    Witness William francis hart county of Dublin attorney at law  Joseph George luke city of Dublin attorney at law 24th november 1828 12 noon

1829 January 23rd procathedral crypt     burial   57 mrs Elizabeth obrien      

1830 patrick meehan the members of parliament for laois and offaly 1801-1918 see page 135 regarding anna maria elizabeth ball also could someone read footnote 13 to see if it is of interest to this article also page 221 elizabeth ball married john Obrien of rahan lodge tullamore she was always called by the people of rahan lady Obrien she established see rest on page 221 number 13 and also a reference on page 231 any one who can read these articles please make comment as to what they contain in an answer below   

1830 minor changes were made to the kings county offaly boundaries in the 1830s does anyone from rahan know what boundaries were changed county jail opened kings county

1831 october 15th rahan lodge daniel murray did not find mrs Obrien as well as he expected though she had improved

 1832 Rahan boys school becomes a national school    

1834 October 19th rahan lodge murray

1834 November 28th transcript book 1834 20 29 manor of readingstown rahan john Obrien murray Daniel

1834 December 10th rahan lodge d murray glad he came give a message to mr Obrien from mrs Obrien      

1834 December 15th rahan lodge murray

1834 December 17th rahan lodge murray two horses to be sent to maynooth as mrs obriens horses travel very slowly

1834 There were 5,644 catholics and 395 protestants in rahan parish kings county offaly

1834 Father robbin curate at rahan 1834-1837

1835 April 15th rahan lodge murray improved so rapidly that he will return tomorrow to dublin 

1835 August 27th rahan lodge murrray will be in rahan till next Wednesday or maybe Saturday harvest good weather good

1835 November 22nd rahan lodge murray regret not being able to attend wedding

1835 November 23rd rahan lodge murray his cough is better weather stormy

1835 December 3rd rahan lodge murray cannot leave until 3rd december  

1835 County courthouse opened kings county of offaly   Tullamore principal town kings county

1835 rahan lynally baptisms January 22nd 1822 – December 27th 1835 n4 pos 4174

1836 John Obrien visit to rome irish college reference to a sculpture commissioned by john Obrien of rahan made of carrara marble by Giuseppe ferrarri de ferrara for maria or mary his sister in law   Obrien tomb in the crypt of the procathedral Dublin because of their close friendship with the archbishop of Dublin dr murray     an expert on church art and architecture in Ireland was doing research in the irish college archives in rome when she found a reference to a sculpture that had been commissioned by mr john obrien of rahan during his visit to the eternal city in 1836 a letter of 1836 sent to the rector of the irish college asked that the sculptor of the obrien monument be encouraged to produce a work that would serve as a model of Italian taste and workmanship in the same letter the author indicated that john obrien was willing to pay extra to ensure that the finished product would be of the highest possible quality    john obrien expressly instructed the sculptor to produce a work that would resemble the stuart monument (c1819) in the height of the relief of the figures the finished monument he urged should serve as a model of Italian taste and workmanship      the obrien family had been given a tomb in the crypt of the pro cathedral because of their close friendship with the archbishop of Dublin dr murray   a rahan lady 2000s discovered a marble sculpture covered in dust in the crypt of the pro cathedral of a figure of a lady standing at a casket the statue was signed by an Italian sculptor g ferarri di ferrara and had the initials M.OB at the front the art expert believes that the monument may have been intended to commemorate john obriens sister in law mary wife of his brother anthony there is a latin inscription in the vault of the procathedral to mary obrien wife of anthony 

1836 November 6th 1836 rahan lodge murray mr Obrien gave a further £58;00;00 towards the monument murray he will not return until next week a mr anthony has lumbago and cannot travel

1836 november 9th rahan lodge murray mr Obrien is better

1836 november 10th mr Obrien recovered

1837 august 6th a letter from mrs bigger rahan convent to mrs obrien mountjoy square the weather is cold and wet and she has been ill with a cold the orphan jane Kelly has died mrs b is asked to inform dr hamilton they could do more good for the people if they had more money dr h seems to think they had enough mrs daly will tell mrs ob how the chapel decoration is progessing   I have just

1837 october 31st 1837 rahan lodge murray weather changeable he will remain until 8th and will preach on the following Sunday

1837 november 1st a letter from mr/mrs obrien at rahan lodge to dr Hamilton asking him to use his influence with dr murray to induce the archbishop to remain another week at rahan lodge before the winter sets in    I am happy

1837 november 3rd rahan lodge murray he agrees with their insistence that he stay longer

1837 november 10th rahan lodge murray will leave for Carlow tomorrow  

1837 father robbin curate at rahan 

1838 may 11th rahan lodge murray

 1838 august 7th rahan lodge murray weather and he feels better writes 14th 18th and monuments shipped to London instead of Dublin writes 22nd august 1838 

1838 november 1st rahan lodge murray glad monument arrived safely enquires about the charge it cannot be erected until mr ob who has leonardis plan   returns he is expected daily his departure delayed because of mrs Obrien illness but he hopes to return next week  writes 4th november 1838

1838 november 8th rahan lodge murray cannot leave rahan until Monday morning    

1839 august 18th rahan lodge murray Hamilton asked to forward the seal he will find in murrays study

1839 august 20th rahan lodge murray death of pp clara

1839 august 22nd rahan lodge murray fears he will be kept in rahan another week

1839 august 25th rahan lodge murray he must stay longer in rahan

1839 august 29th rahan lodge murray he hopes to be back after Sunday mr Obrien had to go away dr murray archbishop rahan lodge tullamore murray has received a letter from the lord lieutenant regarding the national school system

1839 october 17th rahan lodge murray he travelled down in bad weather but it is fine in rahan

1839 october 25th rahan lodge murray he hopes to be back soon

1840 September 18th rahan lodge murray trouble with teeth may force me back sooner than I wished

1840 September 30th rahan lodge murray remaining on in rahan

1840 Rahan lodge murray mrs Sherlock was to leave rome on 21st her daughter remaining with a convent of oblates

1840 october 24th rahan lodge murray write letters 29th october 31st october

1840 november 3rd rahan lodge murray cannot leave for Dublin until maybe 13th

1840 november 5th rahan lodge murray after 13th all in rahan go to Dublin for the winter 7th & 8th wrote letters

1841 population of Ireland 8 million

1841 Kings county offaly barony of ballycowan population 18,320      houses 3,346

1841 june 8th rahan lodge murray

1841 july 23rd rahan lodge murray horses not wanted until early next week  

1841 september rahan madras mission india the lady flora sailed 

1841 october 6th rahan lodge murray

1841 december 2nd pro cathedral crypt burial 426 E mr joseph b obrien 

1842  April 16th rahan lodge murray-mr Obrien knows and recommends mr potter who did excellent work for him writes letter april 17th

1842 july 15th rahan lodge murray writes letters

1842 September 11th rahan lodge murray writes letter

1842 October 14th a note from anthony Obrien at rahan lodge to dr Hamilton enclosing £3;00;00 for parochial purposes     I take this

1842 November 25th a letter from mrs Obrien mountjoy square (at rahan lodge) requesting his hamiltons company at dinner on Christmas day and on 11th december    I am united  

1843 may 4th rahan lodge murray

1843 may 6th rahan lodge murray clerical changes Kingstown where there are problems may 9th & 11th writes letters

1843 may 16th rahan lodge murray j grehan and t simpson are expected at rahan

1843 may 18th rahan lodge murray j grehan not well

trinity Sunday rahan lodge murray ordained 40 priests yesterday

1843 june 9th a letter from mrs Obrien rahan lodge to dr Hamilton her husband is better they expect dr murray tomorrow she asks prayers for their poor footman who died yesterday  

1843 october 13th rahan lodge murray written during the week following the abandoned monster meeting at clontarf

1843 october 26th rahan lodge murray pay my subs to the freeman journal

1843 october 29th rahan lodge murray family coolness or quarrel between the Obrien and david and his bride

1844 April 30th rahan lodge murray news regarding the rahan lodge family wrote letter 7th may

1844 May 10th rahan lodge murray poor dan opposite attorney general (daniel oconnell)

1844 June 26th rahan lodge murray dr borghi just arrived from india

1844 August 8th rahan lodge murray

1844 August 9th rahan lodge murray £300;00;00 out of the money being held for dr borghi is to be paid to him  wrote letter 11th august

1844 august 18th rahan lodge murray he hopes to return tomorrow

1844 october 20th rahan lodge murray will be in rahan till the end of the month   

1845 great famine 1845-1849 Rahan during the famine the presentation sisters taught lace making to the women of the Parish their work was brought to Dublin by mrs Obrien for sale and was a welcome income to families

1845 july 20th rahan lodge murray

1845 july 22nd rahan lodge murray come for me on Saturday horses to be sent to maynooth

1845 july 24th rahan lodge murray dr meyler and Hamilton are invited to take fish with murray on august 1st

1845 august 20th tbc rahan lodge dr n letter murray does not know if document is approved or not  

1845 September 25th murray dr Nicolson rahan lodge a farewell letter before dr n leaves for his Mission

1845 November 3rd mountjoy square murray he is leaving for rahan tomorrow

1845 November 5th rahan lodge murray wrote letter

1845 November 7th rahan lodge murray time for trial collection not time for famine collection comments on potatoe failure  

1845 rahan lynally baptisms january 1st 1836 – march 31st 1845 n4 pos 4174

1845 rahan lynally baptisms april 5th 1845 – February 1st  1880 n4 pos 4174

1845 Petrie at rahan church

1845 Great potatoe famine ships leaving Belfast Dublin cork Holyhead Liverpool Glasgow for the new world white sails coffin ships 

1846 great famine  1845-1849

1846 may 13th rahan lodge murray writes letters

1846 august 15th rahan lodge murray potatoe fields a dreadful sight there are no hawthorn berries this year the poor face famine this winter

1846 October 25th rahan lodge murray

1847 great famine 1845-1849 the great starvation

1847 Father coghlan parish priest at rahan fell a victim to the malignant fever which carried off so many in the year 1847 parish priest for one year  

1847 griffith valuation household survey 1847 – 1864 parish level

1847 john obrien esq 5 mountjoy square east and rahan lodge kings county  

1847 june 19th newtown tenants name commissioners of national education gale days feast of st Michael in each year yearly rent £sd 0;00;01 if demanded quantity of land statute measure 0 acre 2 rood 18 perches tenure of tenant lease dated 19th june 1847 from the most rev Daniel murray the very reverend walter meyler the very rev William yore trustees of a certain deed dated 12th September 1840 and anna maria Elizabeth wife of john Obrien to the commissioners of national education to hold from date of lease for term 999 years the commissioners of national education have a right to cut turf for fuel in and to draw bog stuff for manure for the use of the agricultural model farm from a portion of the bog allotted to them in this townland as now and hitherto used for that purpose containing about three perches in front during the term of the lease under which same is held  

           butler Beatrice bayley and butler Katherine mrs john Obrien her life her work her friends in Dublin hist rec xxxiii no 4 september 1980 page 140-156 royal Dublin society library see old Dublin society   and pearse street library

1847 august 5th funeral of daniel oconnell in Dublin cathedral draped in black

1848 great famine 1845-1849

1848 Rahan church memorial cherub carved for a john dunne

1848 griffin valuation 1847-1864

1848 January 4th Tuesday john  anna maria Elizabeth obrien of rahan lodge inj kings county deed to commissioners of public works land property improvement order for a loan commissioner of public works to investigate the subject of such application necessary works for the improvements of said lands sum of 300 pounds sterling loan ballincur ordnance 16 newtown ordance 16 thomas ellis lower gardiner street city of Dublin solicitors witness 4 oclock Tuesday 4th day of January eleven sheets 

1848 June 22nd newtown tenants name the receiver of the royal irish constabulary gale days 30th june and 31st december yearly rent £sd 16;00;00 quantity of land statute measure 0 acres 1 rood 32 perch agreement dated 22nd june 1848 between john Obrien and Arthur Beresford Cane receiver of the constabulary force of Ireland for the term of one year from 1st January 1848

1848 August 29th rahan lodge murray to Hamilton wrote letter

1848 November 15th rahan lodge murray

1848 November 23rd rahan lodge murray will be back by Tuesday at latest

          335 murray papers ul mountjoy square instruction re work being done for the nuns in north william street post is to be forwarded to rahan lodge murray will be away for a fortnight

1849 great famine 1845-1849 ships to new world america 

1849 may 8th letter from Francesca ball superior of loreto abbey rathfarnham Dublin to pope pius ix covering letter to ??(mr)?? Isabella sherlock

1849 september 18th rahan lodge murray fish could not be eaten during cholera epidemic

1849 october 26th rahan lodge murray and october 27th       

1850 July 22nd ann maria Elizabeth and john deed king county landed property improvement order for a loan john obrien esquire and anna maria Elizabeth obrien mountjoy square east in the county of the city of Dublin  sum of 400 pounds sterling loan 18th day of july 1850 rahan demesne otherwise rahan 16 ballycowan kings county  ballincur otherwise ballincor 16   newtown 16 witnessed 22nd day of july 1850 edward mac alee????  

1850 July 24th rahan lodge murray july 27th 30th

1850 October 10th rahan lodge murray

1850 October 27th rahan lodge murray he is staying till Monday october 31st wrote letter

1850 November 3rd rahan lodge murray not returning till Tuesday

1850 November 6th rahan lodge murray delayed an extra day in rahan

1851 Kings county offaly barony of ballycowan population 15,789 

1851 july 23rd rahan lodge murray wrote letter 31st july and 3rd august

1851 august 1st the great western railway linking Dublin and galway was opened 

1853 May 20th john sn anna m e sns mccarthy Helena kings county 1853 20 35 23rd july 1853 ½ past 3 oclock Catherine mary young harolds cross of the county of Dublin spinster first part john obrien mountjoy square county of Dublin second part anna maria Elizabeth obrien mary mcmanus Eleanor bushell Margaret mcdonald Catherine murphy harolds cross spinsters executers of the last will and testament of anitina Atkinson deceased  bridgit Dillon of portarlington street city of Dublin widow administrator of Cecilia maria lynch deceased  eliza francis beaufield of north anne street in the city of Dublin widow administer of mary anne baem deceased   Eleanor bushel administer of the said mary donagh deceased of the third part  mary aikenhead Alicia walsh  mary hennessy  all of saint vincents hospital stephens green in the city of Dublin spinsters of the fourth part Helena mccarthy saint vincents hospital spinsters fifth part   mary Clifford saint vincents hospital   reference to indenture 14th day of may 1828 of john and anna maria Elizabeth obrien first part  Patrick oliver plunkett 2nd part   and colombus martin oflanagan 2nd part  1 catherine Atkinson 2 cecilia maria lynch 3 mary anne baen 4 mary donagh 5 catherine mary young 3rd party consideration of the sum of £2,000;00;00 sterling from 1,2,3,4,5 to john obrien in land 200 years manor of readingstown otherwise rahan 14th may 1828 

1853 december 6th indenture Edward harrold first part   Anna maria Elizabeth Obrien wife of john Obrien the second part    Captain William telford of the third part ( conveyance 27th day of april 1734 made by john bor reading to William telford)  the said Edward Harold at the request and by the direction of the said anna maria Elizabeth Obrien did assure unto the said William telford the townlands tenements and hereditaments of cappaloughan containing by estimation seventy eight acres or thereabouts late irish plantation measure and all that part of the town and lands of ballincur containing by estimation one hundred and eighty acres of said late irish plantation measure situate in the barony of ballycowen and kings county with the appurtenances reserving royalties to grantor and liberty of hunting fishing and fowling at all reasonable times  to hold the same unto the said William telford his heirs and assigns for ever he and they paying therefor yearly the annual rent of sixty five pounds seven shillings sterling payable half yearly on the first day of may and first day of November in each year and with certain powers of entries for the recovery of said rent and of entry for non payment thereof and whereas the portion of said lands of ballincur assured by the said indenture are known in the ordance surveys as part of the lands of killaranny and same together with the lands of cappaloughan thereby also assured contain together 804 acres 36 perch statue measure or thereabouts and are described on the annexed map number 1 see 7th august 1875  see david Sherlock 7th august 1875 and 13th july 1902

1853 great industrial exhibition Dublin a cast copy of a piece of rahan church shown     

1859 august 16th rahan on Tuesday the 16th instant john Obrien esq j.p. of rahan tullamore bought a mowing machine on a portion of his property on which lately he had got possession under ejectment procedures having being obliged to adopt this cause in consequence of the difficulty of obtaining mowers to cut and labourers to save the crop   the horses having become restive the mowing machines could not be worked on that day and on the same night a party of armed men visited the house of the man who had been in charge of the horses and having taken him forcibily out of bed threatened to shoot him if he ever worked again in a similar way for his master

1859 august 23rd on yesterday mr Obrien proceeded to the same lands with mowing machine accompanied by about 200 men all of whom were his own tenants and 100 horses sub inspector Watkins with a party of 30 of the constabulary from tullamore were in attendance so as to prevent any violence being used but no attempt at outrage was made the field consisting of 11 acres were cut down before evening set in and the grass carted off the lands to mr obriens lawns about two miles distance where he expects to make it into hay without further molestation

1859 august 24th irish times 24/08/1859 we understand that mr Obrien is a roman catholic gentleman who gives much employment in the locality he is a member of the board of guardians of the north Dublin union and has a residence in that city where as well as in his own neighbourhood he is very generally respected   Anthony Obrien esq 801 21 mountjoy square east  john Obrien esq j.p. and rahan lodge kings county

1859 rahan father colgan parish priest 1859-1878

1860 May 16th killina tenant name rev Michael colgan pp gale days 1st may and 1st November yearly rent £sd 0;01;00 if demanded quantity of land statute measure 10 acres 1 rood 23 perches lease dated 16th may 1860 from Edward Harold (trustee for anna maria elizabeth obrien wife of john  obrien) and the said john Obrien and anna maria elizabeth Obrien to the right rev john cantwell roman catholic bishop of the diocese of meath and peter cantwell for the term of 999 years from 1st may 1860 this tenant has a right to cut turf for fuel in and to draw bog stuff for manure for his own use for his holding from a portion of the bog allotted to him in this townland as now and hitherto used by him containing ten perches in front during the term of his tenancy

1860 july 12th  indenture made between Edward Harold trustee on behalf of anna maria Elizabeth Obrien wife of john Obrien of the first part The said john Obrien and anna maria elizabeth obrien the second part And mary molloy  jane molloy  and bridget molloy of the third part Being also a conveyance under the provision of the renewable leasehold conversion act in lieu of certain lesse for lives renewable for ever dated 14th day October 1732 and made by john bor reading to Edward wallen   the said edward harrold by the direction of the said anna maria Elizabeth Obrien and with the consent of the said john Obrien did assure unto the said mary molloy   jane molloy  bridget molloy  respectively the towns and lands of corrolane containing by estimate 242 acres 3 roods 36 perchs and 1 and a ¼ yards statue measure being equivalent to 150 acres late irish measure more or less situate in the barony of ballycowan and kings county with the appurtenances reserving all royalties mines and minerals and games of hunting hawking fishing and fowling in and upon said premises  to hold the same unto the said mary molloy  jane molloy  and bridget molloy their heirs and assigns forever they paying therefore yearly the annual rent of £36;15;10 sterling payable half yearly on the 29th september and 25th march in each year and with certain powers of distress for recovery of the said rent and of entry for non payment thereof and where the lands assured by the last mentioned indenture are known on the ordinance survey as cornalaw and contain according to a recent survey thereof  518 acres 3 roods 35 perch statue measure or thereabouts and are described on the annexed map number 2  

1860 John Obrien was listed during the 1860s as john Obrien J.P. 21 mountjoy square and rahan kings co   

1860 anthony obrien died  

1860 november 22nd procathedral crypt burial 665 chamber anthony obrien 

1861 kings county offaly barony of ballycowan population 12,550 people

1861 rahan parochial house built by the obriens father colgan parish priest 1859-187?

1862 Excessive rainfall ruined crops   and    saturated fuels        inundation of the river Shannon

1862 february 6th erin go breag sailed for queensland the first exit two families 18 persons who had for generations residents in the estate of john Obrien jp at rahan      400 people 233 with land certificates got aboard Ireland 380 passengers berthed queensland left homes in the parish of rahan and geashill Michael synan formerly master of the national school rahan  

1862 Dublin street directory thoms irish almanac obrien john esq J.P. and rahan lodge kings county

1862 April 11th chatsuite kings county passage 420 people 33 land certificates 180 boarded queenstown from tullamore and Dublin to queensland austrailia    

1862 May 28th cork examiner reported 246 evictions in 49 families had been evicted over past 3 years Reported in offaly chronicle                             low steep hillocks hogs back                railway great southern railway queensland cork  great western railway Sligo galway                go to athlone great western and northern railway

1862 july 27th maryborough 415 passengers 217 land certificates 200 boarded at queenstown cork for queensland austrailia

1862 august 2nd prince consort 450 passengers 210 land certificates francis and peter dunne passengers

1862 September 4th duke of Newcastle 392 passengers 306 land certificates for queensland austrailia   

1862 November 12th wanata 642 passengers 420 land certifcates for queensland austrailia 

1862 December 13th golden city 534 passengers 311 land certificates for queensland austrailia 

1862 There was a double calamity this year    famine in food    and famine in fuel

1862 Go to usa fight in the civil war

1863 january 5th queen of the colonies 444 passengers 412 land certificates for queensland austrailia 

1863 February 12th golden dream 675 passengers 225 land certificates for queensland austrailia

1863 March 23rd bejapore 762 passengers 417 land certificates for queensland austrailia 

1863 April golden empire 457 passengers 18 land certifcates for queensland austrailia  

1863 may 17th reported in papers there was a double calamity last year famine of food   famine of fuel

1863 august 19th battle of Gettysburg

1863 august 19th fiery star 568 passengers 6 land certificates for queensland austrailia up to half 230 berthed at queenstown cork  

1864 griifith valuation household survey 1848-1864 parish level rahan county kings 

1864 Fiery star sailed again for queensland austrailia

1864 Civil registration began in Ireland in 1864ad registrar births marraiges deaths midland health board arden road tullamore co offaly ten euro each

1864 August 11th 1864 funeral of the late thomas ball esq JP mondellihy house adare the remains of the much lamented gentleman were removed for internment on Saturday morning from the residence of his father the right honourable mr justice ball in 85 stephens green Dublin the funeral cortege left stephens green at half past eight oclock for the metropolitan cathedral Marlboro street on arrival at the church the body was received by the very rev mr murphy administrator of the parish and seven attendant clergy with cross bearers and acolytes and removed into the church when the solemn office for the dead was commenced after which the procession again moved to the vaults under the church when the concluding service was chanted by the clergy the benediction pronounced the body was deposited in the family vault the funeral procession was very large among those present we noticed    judge ball the rev anthony ball alexander ball esq david Sherlock esq qc chief mourners      a long line of carraiges followed in some which we noticed the following gentlemen wearing scarfs and hat bands the right hon chief justice Monahan the right hon lord chief baron pigott the hon mr justice Obrien the very rev dr Curtis 51 upper gardiner street gamaliel m fitzgerald esq limerick j d Corrigan esq md merion square  david Sherlock esq stillorgan thomas Kelly esq monkstown f Bennett esq thomastown kings county Edward dunne esq mountrath capt smiley and william smiley esq upper merrion street thomas a Farrell esq moynalty county meath thomas Farrell esq Fitzwilliam place john Obrien esq rahan lodge kings county 

1865 queensland austrailia bankrupt

1865 February 9th maryborough leaving Liverpool for queensland austraila 

1865 February 23rd sunda 519 passengers o land certificates leaving queenstown 111 embarked  

1865 London 401 embarked queenstown for queensland

1865 May 23rd sunda berthed at moreton bay austraila 512 souls 

1865 ;1862-1865 two thousand midland county persons sailed from queenstown cork cobh to Queensland  austrailia 

1866 April 13th killina part of barony ballycowan kings county and murragh (part of ) tenants name mrs harriett Norton superioress of the convent of killina gale days 1st may in each year yearly rent £sd 00;00;01 yearly rent of one penny if demanded lease dated 13th april 1866 john Obrien and anna maria Elizabeth Obrien to dorothy murphy and her successors as trustees and successive trustees of said convent for term of 999 years from 1st may 1866 this lease demises 2 rood 2 perch irish plantation measure this lease contains a covenant that lessee and her successors shall have the right of sufficient turbary and bog stuff during said term for said convent of killina the portion of the bog allotted to this tenant under said covenant in this townland contains about eight perches in front

1866 May 24th belfast new benchers david Sherlock esq qc    

1866 November mother teresa fanny ball fell in a convent corridor an illness ensued 

1866 Death of judge Nicholas ball anna maria lost another member of her family

1867 may 1st rahan estate agents accounts queens county to 31st march 1868 15 pp  

1867 may 2nd Isabella ball Sherlock widow died wife of thomas Sherlock (died 1824)

1867 may death of mother Teresa fanny ball loreto sisters died seven months after an illness which began as a result of a fall in a convent corridor the spread of the loreto sisters from their small beginings in Ireland to countries as far as india Mauritius Gibraltar and Canada fanny was 67 when she died and had at the time of her death established convents and schools all over Ireland several in England as well as those in the old and the new worlds her gravestone on a small eminence in the centre of the rathfarnham cemetery briefly records her career and achievements     achievments which were remarkable when one considers that when she began her lifes work of bringing the loreto order to Ireland and beyond it fanny ball was a young woman of only 27 years of age now 1979 157 years later her sisters span five continents and their good work has gone far beyond their original aim of educating the girls of good families  

1867 august 5th 1867 probate of the will of Isabella Sherlock who died 2nd may 1867 

1867 September 6th derryesker (part of) barony of ballycowan and kings county and aghadonagh (part of ) tenants name john Sherlock gale days 1st may and 1st November yearly rent £sd £30;00;00 quantity of lands statute measure 46 acres 1 rood 3 acres lease (of this and another holding in killina) dated 6th September 1867 john Obrien and anna maria Elizabeth Obrien his wife to john Sherlock for term of 99 years from 1st September 1866 this lease demises the house offices and demesne lands of rahan lodge containing about 59A 2R irish plantation measure (which are situate in the townland of killina) and the callows of derryesker containing about 16A 2R irish plantation measure together with a verge of cut-out bog adjoining said callows containing about five acres irish plantation measure making in the whole eighty one acres irish plantation measure this tenants holding includes twenty two perches of ballina twenty perches of mountarmstrong and twenty six perches of aghadonagh see next page16  for more detail

1867 october 4th 1867 institute for deaf and dumb cabra j Obrien mountjoy donarion £1;00;00 

1868 march 31st volume rahan estate accounts queens co see may 1st 1867

1868 november 23rd 2nd member of parliament david Sherlock

1869 may 2nd superintendent registrars district north dublin union registrars district nor?? north city 1869 deaths registered in the district of nor?? north city in the union of north dublin in the county of city of dublin death no 422 date second may 1869 place of death 21 mountjoy square east name and surname john obrien sex male condition married age last birthday 90 rank profession or occupation j p landed propriotor certified cause of death and duration of illness senile decay two months uncertified general debility certified 24th may 1869 signature qualification and residence of informant patrick larkin present at death 21 mountjoy square east when registered may 15th 1869 signature of registrar j p nowlan deputy registrar 

1869 may 5th procathedral crypt burial 742 chamber john obrien 

1869 Anna maria obrien her clear intellect became somewhat impaired but her mind when it wandered revisited old scenes she would often order her carriage and ask to be driven to Stanhope street for a committee meeting 

1871 kings county offaly barony of ballycowan 11,047 houses 2,107 families

1871 march 28th anna maria ball brien died mrs john Obrien  Anna maria until her health gave way she continued her works of charity  anna maria ball obrien had reached the age of 86 when she died at her house in mountjoy square on 28th march 1871 where she and her husband are buried we have yet to trace since enquires at glasnevin cemetery the procathedral (where her mother and brother lie in the vaults) and rahan have proved fruitless her death brought to an end the last of john balls family which made a magnificent contribution to education of the rich and poor alike to the care and health of the underprivileged and to justice 1785-1871

1871 march 28th superintendent registrars district north dublin union registrars district nor north city 1871 deaths registered in the district of nor north city in the union of north dublin in the county of city of dublin death no 329 date twenty eight march 1871 place of death 21 mountjoy square name and surname anna maria elizabeth obrien sex female condition widow age last birthday 86 rank profession or occupation widow of a landed propriotor certified cause of death and duration of illness old age about 10 days bronchitis some weeks certified 10-04-71 signature qualification and residence of informant catherine malone present at death 21 mountjoy square when registered april third 1871 signature of registrar j p ferguson registrar 

1871 march 31st procathedral crypt burial 760 mrs maria elizabeth obrien  

1872 david Sherlock b1850 son of serjeant david Sherlock qc of rahan lodge tullamore by Elizabeth youngest daughter of john therri catholic whos who volume 29 1936 called to the irish bar 1872 crown prosecution was jp and dl for kings county 1872  the members of parliament for laois and offaly 1801-1918 page 138 his son david Sherlock ii who was born at rahan lodge in 1850 was one of the most remarkable men of the 20th century educated at st stanislaus college rahan trinity college Dublin kings inn Dublin he was called to the irish bar in 1872 he later became in turn a JP and DL for offaly see page 138 for the rest    david Sherlock 1850-1935 a visionary in the development of mechanized peat

1873 kings county offaly births marraiges deaths registered 1864-1873 births 18,754 marraiges 3,706 deaths 13,990  

1873 may 12th marriage of david Sherlock esq j.p. d.l. barrister at law to mary zeena Elizabeth murphy daughter of Edward murphy and Elizabeth white of castleconnell co limerick at st Andrews Dublin   marriage david Sherlock of 15 harcourt street son of david Sherlock and Elizabeth Sherlock and mary Elizabeth murphy 13 merrion square north daughter of Edward murphy and Elizabeth murphy    st Andrew Dublin    witness 1 edward hanniford or Edward harris and witness 2 martha murphy 

1873 thomas thierri eldest son of david and Elizabeth Sherlock married lelita mary daughter of sir john nugent 

1873 november 21st p23/62 rental particular and condition of sale of the estate of john Sherlock trustee of anna maria Elizabeth obrien     obrien anna maria Elizabeth late 19th LCAP23/40 george cecil and Catherine streets and charlotte quay limerick maps only no tenants lists trustee of Sherlock 1873 LCAP23/62 estate of john Sherlock trustee of obrien roches street George st cecil street Catherine street and charlotte quay rev henry Gibson alexander reid Charles reid Edward Harold john obrien ellen mccarthy william taylor john Gibson james thomas quinlan Edward gloster  Robert ocallaghan newenham john meade thomas  Patrick Arthur mcnamara Michael slattery john Prendergast smith  john smith  john joseph jones  mrs jemina ryan  john ryan  william francis hod maria obrien rev john augustus Cronin  Robert mcmahon thomas mcmahon james paine Stephen hastings  james belcher  john Sherlock  peter mccarthy william hosford  Patrick Corbett Joshua Jacob Michael Toomey francis guy George mcquade  George mckern  david fitzgerald  Gerald fitzgerald  thomas myles  thomas grady  Margaret walsh  francis steward walsh  joseph walsh  james walsh  john Enright  joseph j james  joseph jones  joseph massey Harvey  Samuel alexander   Stephen cleary john feahy  Michael keating  william oconnor  loose leaf estate mrs Emily harves tenant representative of moore  (per ph barry est) address singland  http//    

1874 January 26th 1874 david Sherlock leaflet to the independent electors of the king county select me

1874 february 17th 1874 killina the superioress of the convent of killina gale days 1st may in each year yearly rent £sd 0;0;1 yearly rent of one penny if demanded lease dated 17th february 1874 john sherlock (trustee for sale of the estate of anna maria Elizabeth Obrien widow deceased) to harriet Norton spinster superioress of the rahan convent for term of 999 years from date of lease subject to but with the benefit of said lease of see 13th april 1866 this lease  contains a similar covenant as that in the lease of 13th april 1866 that lessee shall have the right of sufficient turbary and bog stuff during said term for said convent of killina and demises the same premises as in said lease of 13th april 1866

1874 November 24th 1874 killina the superioress of the convent of killina gale days 25th march and 29th September yearly rent £sd 1;15;04 lease dated 24th November 1874 john Sherlock (trustee for sale of the estate of anna maria Elizabeth Obrien widow deceased ) to harriet Norton spinster superioress of the rahan convent for term of 99 years from date of lease this lease demises 1A oR 26P irish plantation measure  the quantity included in the above three lessee together with the premises assured by the indenture of the 14th july 1817 herein before recited contain together 10A 0R 3P statute measure 

1875 john Sherlock who was chamberlain to both pope ix and  pope leo xiii and was made a count of the holy roman empire count john Sherlock according to masnic and ruvigny he  inherited rahan lodge located in killina near tullamore county kings offaly from his aunt Elizabeth ball Obrien in his will john left the property to his nephew david  Sherlock jn see 1886 

1875 june 25th david Sherlock stillorgan castle riversdale 1873-1875 newtown + bog of Sherlock david jn Scottish provincial assurance co 1875  29  297  836 rahan demesne Sherlock david junior Scottish provincial 1875   29  297  836 june 25th 1875 29-297 david Sherlock 71 lower leeson street one part Scottish provinicial assurance co other part otherwise the company david Sherlock 25/june/1875 declared the purchaser by the landed estates court of those parts of the estate of john Sherlock trustee for the sale of the estate of anna maria Elizabeth Obrien widow deceased for the sum of £31,105;00;00 lodge a deposit of £14,105;00;00 and seven days later lodge the balance £17,000;00;00 this registered july 10th Dublin Henrietta street 29-297  rahan demesne landed estates court Sherlock david junior 1875  34  98   912    32 pages

1875 august 2nd david Sherlock junior 71 lower leeson street county of the city of Dublin esq of the first part Scottish provincial assurance company (spac)Aberdeen Scotland second part Payment £17,000;00;00 by s p a c  to bank of Ireland on behalf of david Sherlock See maps 3 , 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8 ,9,10  re indentures 14th july 1817 and 7th april 1818 6th dec 1850 12th july 1860 repayment of said loan 17,000;00 10th January and 10th july every year 10th January 1876 first repay  david Sherlock see 13th july 1902

1875 august 7th see indenture 6th day of December 1853 described on the annexed map number 1 and indenture 12th july 1860   described on the annexed map number 2 and indenture 14th july 1817  described on the annexed map number 5  and indenture 7th april 1818 A & B described on the annexed map number 4 see also maps  3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10    newtown demesne Sherlock david junior Scottish provincial assurance co 1875 34  111  964 rahan demesne Sherlock david junior Scottish provincial 1875  34  111  964

1876 january 10th david Sherlock first repayment of loan 31,000;00;00

1876 July 10th david Sherlock second repayment of loan 31,000;00;00

1876 October 1876 David Sherlock junior inherited rahan lodge in co offaly from his uncle count john Sherlock david became an inventor of many household items he wired the lodge for electricity making it the first house in county offaly to have its own heating and lighting directed from a generator which he invented using gas he extracted from his bog he spent most of his fortune by selling some of the lands developing his ideas and entertaining he also financially assisted one of his sons who kept polo ponies in south Africa     

1878 father colgan parish priest rahan died 1859-1878 father morgan takes over parish priest 1878-1889


1878 january 13th anna maria e obrien effects under £7,000;00;00   January 17th anna maria e obrien effects under £2,000;00;00 17th january 1878 the will of anna maria e obrien late of mountjoy square Dublin and of the lodge rahan kings county widow deceased who died 27th march 1871 at former place was proved at the principal registry by the oath of john Sherlock of the lodge rahan the sole executor limited 

1879 january 6th birth david john Christopher Eustace Sherlock esq to david Sherlock junior and mary Elizabeth zeena murphy  residence 71 lower lesson street Dublin   David Sherlock garden subscriber royal zoological society of Ireland           Edward mary Sherlock 71 lower leeson street 

1880 january 29th rahan lynally marraiges January 9th 1822 january 29th 1880

1880 February 1st rahan lynally baptisms april 5th 1845 february 1st 1880

1881 slater commercial directory previous 1856 (1870 1846)

1881 Barony of ballycowan population 10,810

1881 november 29th john Sherlock 2nd son of the late thomas sherlock of laurel lodge dundrum and brother of the late sergeant Sherlock     a count of the holy roman empire papal states and chamberlain to pope pius ix and leo xiii  November 29th 838 1881-september 1885 copy will with codicil of john Sherlock rahan kings County appoints as executor his nephew david Sherlock barrister 71 lower leeson street and James william oreilly 80 lower gardiner street

1882 October 25th Edinburgh gazette david Sherlock b 1816 first serjeant at law James ???? second serjeant   Denis Caulfield third serjeant

1883 hospitalier order moved to stillorgan castle riversdale see 1884

1883 december 13th birth gerard Lourdes Edward Sherlock residence 71 lower leeson street Dublin

1883 british association for the advancement of science subscription for membership Sherlock david rahan lodge tullamore Dublin Sherlock mrs david rahan lodge tullamore Dublin

1883/1884 passing of the married womens property acts of 1883 and 1884 and once full age a girl could have possession of her fortune unless her parents had made sure to tie it up in a settlement   

1884 april 16th superintendents registrars district south Dublin union registrars district no 3 south city 1884 deaths registered in the district of no 3 south city in the union of south Dublin in the county of city of Dublin death no 142 date 1884 sixteenth april place of death 15 harcourt street name and surname david Sherlock sex male condition married age last birthday 69 year rank profession or occupation barrister at law certified cause of death and duration of illness chronic brights disease (gouty) four years ??uranamia?? 2 more of ?? certified signature qualification and residence of informant thomas Sherlock son present at death 15 harcourt street when registered twenty second april 1884 signature of registrar c short assist registrar 

1884 david sherlock stillorgan castle died stillorgan property sold became the house of st john of Gods hospital    

1884 May 20th james robinson first serjeant at law  

1884 liber 722 1880 –1884 Barony ballycowan tithe rent charge 1884  7   159  177 1884   7 160  177 1884   8   21   192

1885 birth may 8th Edward mary Sherlock gentleman residence 71 lower leeson street Dublin seat rahan lodge kings co

1885 register of electors limerick city john Sherlock the lodge rahan kings county freeholder houses 5 & 10 and part of cruises hotel georges street part of constabulary barracks william street two houses three stores and premises in Brunswick street polling district market ward

1885 September 838 copy will with codicil of john Sherlock rahan kings county    

1886 june 10th john Sherlock died at rahan lodge john who was chamberlain to both pope ix and pope leo xiii and was made a count of the holy roman empire count john Sherlock according to masnic and ruvigny he  inherited rahan lodge located in killina near tullamore county kings offaly from his aunt Elizabeth ball Obrien in his will john left the property to his nephew david Sherlock jr david Sherlock succeeded his uncle john in 1886

1886 june 10th superintendents registrars district tullamore registrars district killoughy 1886 deaths registered in the district of killoughy in the union of tullamore in the county of kings death number 92 date 1886 tenth june place of death killina name and surname john sherlock sex male condition bachelor age last birthday 67 years rank profession or occupation landed propriotor certified cause of death and duration of illness hypertrophia cuin dilaratoria cordis 1 year certified signature qualification and residence of informant peter leonard land steward present at death killina when registered twenty first of june 1886 signature of registrar henry white    

1888 October 2nd 1888 copy of will of Elizabeth Sherlock 15 harcourt street 

1889 Father morgan parish priest rahan dies 1878-1889 father tuite takes over 1889-1892

1890 the kings county offaly directory

1890 March 14th electrical engineering company of Ireland ltd director david Sherlock esq rahan lodge along with 50+others temporary office 46 dame street Dublin

1891 liber 871 1890 – 1894 county of kings co kings union of tullamore townland newtown os16 rural district of tullamore electoral division rahan barony ballycowan parish rahan                                                                                            ballincur Scottish provincial assurance co north british mercantile insurance co 1891 41 196 1298                                newtown  Scottish provincial assurance co north british mercantile insurance co 1891 41 196 1298                                       rahan demesne Scottish provincial assurance north british mercantile insurance co 1891 41 196 1298                     improvements Sherlock david public works                                                                            1891 53  222 1667

1892 father tuite parish priest of rahan dies father woods takes over 1892-1899                                                                  1892 rahan parish thithes downshire marquis wynne lewellyn l   1892   36  209   1150                                                       1892 Union of firchall in the kings county rahan thithes Downshire marquis bridport 1892 36 285   1151

1893 Rahan downshire marquis hill Arthur w   1893  37  20  1104 Downshire marquis downshire marquis 1893  42  6  1255  Union of firchall in kings county rahan thithes                                                                                                                         1893 June 29th david Sherlock see 13th july 

1894 national directory Ireland –is this slaters 

1894 ballincor Rahan lodge Sherlock david timothy Kenny and William Sutton priests 1894 74  176 2403

1894 sherlock trusts George ryan administrator 

1896 The annals of clonmacnoise being annals of Ireland from the earliest period to ad 1408ad translated into English ad1627 by conell macgeoghagan edited by denis murphy university press Dublin 1896 page 34 

1897 march 2nd Elizabeth died in Dublin wife of david Sherlock b1810 late stillorgan castle

1897 March 10th 1897 copy of death certificate issued for Elizabeth Sherlock 15 harcourt street Dublin died 2nd march 1897 aged 84

1899 father woods parish priest of rahan dies 1892-1899 father smyth takes over 1899-1917

1901 David and mary zeena Elizabeth murphy Sherlock living at rahan 

1901 Sherlock david ulster bank ltd 1901  46  25  1435   Check out 1901 1911 david Sherlock rahan lodge first to have electricity inside leinster carbonising from peat bogs fuel source

1905 Thomas theirri eldest son of david and Elizabeth sherlock died 

1906 University reform david Sherlock rahan DL JP BL    David e Sherlock rahan RHA   Gerald Sherlock rahan 3rd hussars  

1907 1894-1907 sherlock trusts George ryan administrator resigns 1907 

1911 David and mary zeena Elizabeth murphy Sherlock living at rahan 

1914 david john Christopher Eustace Sherlock esq dso col war desp croix de guerre         Gerard loudres Edward Sherlock gentlemen lieutenant 3rd Ko hussar killed in action 1914 nigera     Edward mary Sherlock gentleman seat rahan lodge kings co 

peat moss It has amazing absorbency properties. It is 4 times more absorbent than cotton wool. It also has antiseptic properties and David Sherlock (1850-1935) formerly of Rahan Lodge who was a visionary in the development of mechanised peat production and finding alternative uses for peat besides fuel used to send pouches of the moss to troops in France during World War I as a wound dressing. Interesting…. David Sherlock even made a suit out of peat fibres!

1935 david Sherlock 1850-1935 a visionary in the development of mechanized peat     


anyone with evidence of a documentary record of information showing a date month and year about the above rahan lodge please supply same and a diary of the above rahan lodge will be created in chronological order showiing how the tenants (our relatives) may have been treated during the course of their lives

as the information flows in the diary will be updated- your help will provide the full story

for more information on the generations of the obrien family see below     

see also ireland choose leinster choose dublin choose parish of saint georges choose obrien of 5 mountjoy square 

see also ireland choose leinster choose dublin choose parish of saint marys choose denis thomas obrien rutland square 

see also obriens of ballycommon kings county offaly 

liam hua duinn

Friday 31st Aug 2012, 04:26PM

Message Board Replies

  • William - very interesting information especially for anyone who comes from Rahan (which I do).  do you mind me asking where you got all this information and is it available freely.

    Thanks Geraldine smith

    Monday 4th Feb 2013, 07:36PM
  • geraldine i started about a year ago and have managed to source this much material , there is plenty more out there to get but it will take more time   is there a special interest in an individual person or a timeline and i can check to see how available the source information is    for it to be available freely you might have to travel to dublin or limerick or cork plus the internet to get the information so thats why i have placed it all in one location here irelandxo 

    liam hua duinn

    Monday 4th Feb 2013, 11:07PM
  • William I am very interested in c1864 when a large number of people from Rahan and Geashill left home and

    went to Australia.  I would love to find out about these people. Some Buckleys left Newtown around this time and I would love to trace them.

    Tuesday 5th Feb 2013, 09:54PM
  • Hello William

    Geralidne B here again. I have not been in touch for a long while. I was just wondering how you are getting on and have you got any further with your research.  Do you mind me asking where you are transferring this info from - I would love to be able to help especially with regard to Rahan.  Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you.


    Geraldine Buckley-Smith, Ireland XO Volunteer

    Tuesday 16th Aug 2016, 10:41AM
  • geraldine  no major updates just a few minor ones when are u in dublin next to discuss same 

    liam hua duinn

    Monday 22nd Aug 2016, 07:51AM

Post Reply