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I am looking for information about the family of Sarah Pritchard born c1824 and married to James Roberts in Currin Parish on 28/04/1842. The marriage record gives her father's name as James Pritchard.



Saturday 4th Aug 2018, 01:44AM

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  • Derek:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    The subscription site Roots Ireland has records for the C of I church in Drum back to 1812, however, when I searched for a Sarah Pritchard baptismal record none came up anywhere in the county.

    I also searched for any Pritchard baptismal records where the father was James and I located two baptismal records for a Matilda Pritchard in 1818 and William Pritchard in 1820. Parents were James Pritchard and Anne Moore and the baptisms occurred in the nearby parish of Clones. Not sure if there is a connection but I thought I would pass on the info. Possibly the Pritchard family moved into Currin parish after Sarah was born.

    If Sarah emigrated, you may want to add her story to our XO Chronicles site and possibly someone will see a connection…

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 4th Aug 2018, 02:30PM
  • Hi Roger,

    Thanks for the response.

    It is possible that Sarah's family moved into Currin parish, as you say. Newspaper reports of her death say she was born in Co Fermanagh, the 1901 census says Co Cavan and the 1911 census says Co Monaghan. I have been told she was married in the C of I in Scotshouse, Co Monaghan (although the Roots Ireland record says Currin, Drum Division) which is only a few kilometers from the borders of the other two counties.

    Sarah did not emigrate, although at least 8 of her children did. I have been in touch with some of their descendants by various means (including the Ireland XO website) but none of them have been able to throw any light on her origins so far. 

    All the best,



    Monday 6th Aug 2018, 04:35AM
  • Hi Derek

    I have been looking at the Roberts side and came across Sarah that way. They would have married in the bride's parish indeed, I didn't have the exact date. It seems that they lived in the Ballyhaise area; Lisnashanna/Castleterra as a number of their children are registered as baptised there. I have her date of death as 22.06.1912.

    The Pritchard name was continued with her (Sarah's) grandson called James Pritchard Daniels.

    I also have a Joseph Pritchard who marries Catherine Roberts on 21.10.1835. Joseph is also from Currin and the marriage is witnessed by William Pritchard. Currin is just down the road from Scotshouse and I am informed there are Pritchards buried there. Because of how the border wiggled in and out of the 3 counties, I have found similar discrepancies in locations for my ancestors. Also I am informed that there was not as much emphasis/accuracy or interest in these matters then!!

    I too have a number of their children accounted for.

    You may have this info already but if not, hope it helps. 

    Can I ask, where did you get Sarah's marriage record from and does it say who James' father was?

    Best regards

    Heather Lynch, nee Roberts.


    Heather Roberts

    Sunday 23rd Feb 2020, 11:02AM
  • Hi Heather,

    Thanks for this information.

    I have found numerous records that show Sarah and her husband James Roberts lived in the Ballyhaise area. Her death on 22/06/1912 was reported by my great-grandfather Clement Daniels, who was recorded as being present at her death.

    James Pritchard Daniels was the younger brother of my grandmother Harriet.

    The marriage record I have came from the Roots Ireland website. Unfortunately, it does not mention the fathers of the bride and groom, although it does mention two witnesses - Francis Pritchard and Hugh Roberts. My research suggests that Francis was Sarah's brother, while Hugh could be either a brother or the father of James. I have found other records that indicate James' father was a Hugh Roberts and that he also had a brother of that name. James and his brother Hugh appear in the 1821 Census for Ballyhaise.

    Would I be correct in thinking that you are descended from one of the branches of this Roberts family?

    All the best,

    Derek Elliott


    Monday 24th Feb 2020, 05:25AM
  • PS: I did find another marriage record (possibly from FamilySearch) which indicated that Sarah's father was James Pritchard, but am unable to lay my hands on it at present.


    Monday 24th Feb 2020, 05:32AM

    Hi Derek  ..

    I'm not sure exactly which branch I'm descended from. I am the great, great grand-daughter of John Roberts who went to Canada with his brother (I presume) Hugh around 1868/70. His father was Hugh Roberts married to Anne Presley but i can't get anything on them. Have just joined this site so hopefully I'll find some more information. John's son returned to Clonandra and my family continue to live there.  I have gathered a huge amount of information but the difficulty is putting together the pieces. Somehwere along the line i have been given a family  tree which includes your family going back through the Pigotts to the Daniels. If you are one of 3 children, then i have you as well :)

    When you mentioned Clement Daniels I remembered that i had found Sarah living as a widow with her daughter and Mr Daniels in Pottle at Killykeen. This was how I identified Margaret as one of her children. Also this explains another daughter's name; Hannah Moore Roberts. She was named after her mothers family. This was a common feature and is very helpful in ancestry searches. The other children I found are William Francis (his grandson's wife is still in touch with our family), Jerimiah, Robert, Mary.These seemed to definately be of James and Sarah but i also came across quite a few more although the date range seemed strange. Did you ever come across James Roberts being married to a Sarah Richardson? Was Sarah Pritchard a second wife? I have found 

    As you state there are records of Hugh and James in the 1821 Census in Ballyhaise along with 3 other boys; Thomas, Robert and John and 2 sisters.

    i also have a James Pritchard who marries Alice Maguire 1884 in Newtownbutler Wesleyan Methodist Circuit Marriages in Newtownbutler Methodist chapel. This was witnessed by Robert Roberts so there was obviously a connection there. I'm not sure if you know the area, but Newtownbulter is just down the road from both Scotshouse/Currin and Redhills/Clonandra. Interestingly one of James and Sarah's daughters; Sarah Ann, married into the Presleys of Newtownbutler and his mother was Roberts from the Redhills/Clonandra area. 

    If I find anything else in the Pritchard/Roberts line, I'll pass it on to you. 

    Best regards


    Heather Roberts

    Monday 24th Feb 2020, 10:52PM
  • Hi Heather,

    It is interesting that you mention a connection with Canada, as I am aware of a Pritchard connection with the Gatineau Valley in Quebec. While I have yet to establish the exact nature of the relationship with them (possibly an uncle of Sarah's), I have a number of DNA matches that confirm the link.

    I am indeed one of three children. I believe my uncle and his wife had contact with members of your family in the early 1990s, which may well be where the family tree came from.

    My own research has identified as many as 15 possible children of James and Sarah, born at regular intervals between 1844 and 1868. Of these, I am fairly confident of Hugh, Sarah Ann, Jane, James, Jeremiah, William, Hannah, Robert, Joseph, Thomas, Harriet, Mary and Margaret because of multiple interlinking sources of information. I have not personally come across Sarah Richardson in my research, although I did find a reference to her on a website belonging to a relative of Sarah Ann's.

    You mention that Hannah Moore's second name came from her mother's family - would that have been from Hannah's maternal grandmother? The tradition of using family names as middle names is still alive in my family, with my mother and two of her three siblings all using them. My two youngest boys also have their mother's maiden name as a middle name.

    All the best,



    Wednesday 26th Feb 2020, 06:20AM
  • hi Derek

    sorry it's been so long. This year has gone by so quickly with Covid robbing us of a summer. 

    I note you had mentioned that your research had found evidence of Hugh and James, sons of James and Sarah and Catriona from New Zealan had also mentioned John. Would you mind sharing where you got these guys?

    This line of the family has been well researched and a number of descendents are on Ancestry which i also joined, but I have been unable to find any parents to my 2 guys who went to Minto, Ontario. 

    It's lovely to know there are distant relatives around the world.

    Best regards



    Heather Roberts

    Friday 11th Sep 2020, 09:10PM
  • Hi Heather,

    Good to hear from you again.

    Hugh and James Roberts turned up in St Croix, in the Danish Virgin Islands, where both worked as overseers and subsequently planters on the sugar plantations. I found the connection through Hannah, who worked for them as a housekeeper, before returning to Ireland in her retirement. Both Hugh and James died and were buried in St Croix. James left a will, which identifies his mother Sarah, as well as his sister Hannah and brother Robert.

    By the way, if you would like to exchange further information privately, you can contact me by email at

    All the best,



    Monday 14th Sep 2020, 04:50AM

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