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We are researching our ancestors John Francis Maloney born circa 1866 and his parents Bernard Maloney born c1840 and Mary Maloney (née Cain) born c1840. The first record we can find of John Francis Maloney is on his sons marriage certificate and just states he came from Co Galway, Ireland. We can't seem to find a birth certificate for him with the relevant parents details so we are unsure as to where in Co Galway he was born, anybody have any ideas as to where we can find this information?

There seems to be a John Maloney in the 1911 Census living with his brother Michael Maloney and 3 of John's children in Gortnadeeve, East Creggs, Co Galway, states he's a widow which ties in with his wife dying in America in 1908. If he was living here at that time do you think this is possibly where he originated from? There is also a Mary Maloney 1901 Census in Gortnadeeve, East Creggs, Co Galway living alone, could this have been John Francis Maloney's Mother?

The next record we find of him is in a marriage record for him and his wife Honora Agnes Tigh/e in Boston, Massachusetts in 1895  which states the matching parents names and only that they came from Co Galway, Ireland.

We can find a birth for his wife Honora Agnes Maloney (née Tigh/e) in Kilcolumb townland can anyone tell us which Parish that is in? There also seems to be evidence of a Michael Tigh/e in 1901 Census in Curraghmulmurry townland, West of Kilcolumb and a Honora Tigh/e (née Keegan) in 1881 deaths in Glennamaddy, Co Galway are these all in the same parish?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


Thursday 4th Jan 2024, 12:50PM

Message Board Replies

  • Kilcolumb Townland, Co. Galway (

    The above map.........  zoom out and you will Tuam on the left, up above there are two small blue bits...lakes or Loughs  Glenamaddy is in that area.


    A William Maloney was 29 days old when he passed in the USA, the same parents as what you have .
    The Mother..........Honora  passed in 1908. 

    If you would like the documents please email me asap.


    Thursday 4th Jan 2024, 02:47PM
  • Hi Margot 

    I already have the documents for Honora and William, I found them on the Family Search website thank you for that

    It is John Francis Maloney we really need help locating he is the one we are really struggling with, can't find no birth records for him or his parents, just know they came from Co Galway any ideas? 


    Thursday 4th Jan 2024, 04:19PM
  • These are the Parish Book for Catholics.  This is where to look.   if you don't fid them in here try the parishes around Tuam.
    Someone in  here may have access to Ireland Roots which is a copy of these book only you can search easier.
    Tuam, Tuam - Catholic Parish Registers at the NLI

    I have looked for deaths for Bernard cannot find one.

    This is Michaels death in 1912  John is present at the death.
    4497788.pdf (

    I went back to the 1911 Census the place was  Gortnadeeve, East (Creggs, Galway)
    It is somewhere around here.
    Creggs Townland, Co. Galway (

    Are you in St Helen's in the UK?
    Bartholomew went to live there, it doesn't give his birth place of America. 

    Sorry but will have to look in the Parish books for John's Birth. I would say it's Gortnadeeve but on the death of Michael is looks like Gortlanhoe ??


    Friday 5th Jan 2024, 11:23AM

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