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I am staying just outside Limavady right now (visiting from the US) attempting to 

to research McNicholl ancestors near Errigal.


I would love to find out Susan McNicholl's parents names and her birth records and how I am related to 

all the McNicholl lines I have found through DNA matches.

I am looking for guidance on how to make the most of my time here. This is what I have found so far:

My GGrandmother was Susan McNichol born about 1863 in Ireland. Immigrated to Philadelphia PA USA 

at about 7-8 years of age (per her info on the 1900 PA census shortly before her death - the only census avail as an adult)). 

She was Catholic (married a RC in a catholic church in Philadelphia and DNA matches are RC).

There is a possible match on the 1870 Philadelphia census with a Susan McNichol 

she was 7 years old which fits. Born to a Daniel and Bridget - but following the family on the 1880 census Susan is not there (she would have been 17, and she did not marry until 1885 (to John Loughery). I can't find her anywhere else in that (1880) census. 

No 1890 census survives.

(There are at least 2 other Daniel & Bridget McNichol in Phila at the time (addresses different but not far) and they are all close in age with children of basically the same names also close in age. The McNichols with Susan (1870 census) kept the same address in 1880 census so I am certain they are the same family in each census's just difficult tracing them back to Ireland with any certainty since there are so many similar families in name and age.

I do not know Susan's parents names for certain (not listed on her marriage or death records) or if this Susan (1870 census child of Daniel and Bridget) is my Susan...and her birth records are elusive.

I also don't know the town of her birth but my McNichol DNA matches are all from Errigal...

There are only a few Susans born in this time frame that I have found.

One to a Michael McNichol (Coleraine) 1865 -father Michael doesn't match with the Daniel in the below US census and apparently none does.... 

1870 Census (Philadelphia) showing her sibings: (assuming that Daniel and Bridget were parents and the rest 

were all their children (relationships were not included in this census)...but there is a huge age gap! 

(Perhaps some older children could have stayed in Ireland?)


Danl 45, 1825, Male

Bridget 44, 1826, Female

Barney 23,1847, Male

John 25, 1845, Male

Thos 4, 1866, Male

Catherine 22, 1848,Female

--> Susan 7, 1863, Female

I know that a Patrick & Mary McNichol were sponsors for my grandmother's baptism (in Philadelphia) and a Bernard, Anna & Helen McNichol sponsored several of her siblings baptised in Phila..

I also have DNA matches to 3 different lines of McNicholls' in the Errigal area. 

They come up as half- uncles to Susan (according to Ancestry where most of them match). I'm not sure if at some point a mother died and the father remarried as the last names are all McNicholl.

The matches are: 

Match #1:

John McNichol b1844  d: Coolcoscreaghan (back and forth between Ireland & the US) 

m: Sarah McCloskey b: 1848 (died in the US).

4 of 5 children were born in  Lisnascreghog, Garvagh.

Match #2:

Patrick McNichol b 1830 (Co Derry)  m: Mary Quigg b 1834

(Likely Lisnascreghog area due to all the Quigg's there but just a guess?): 

Match #3:

Daniel McNichol b1845 m: Elizabeth (nee?)  Daughter Bridget was b: 1869 in Lisnascreagh. 

I have one or more matches to each of these separate lines, I just can't figure out how they interconnect.

I'm not certain about another couple:

Patrick McNicholl b: 1836 and Mary McLaughlin b: 1851(one of my DNA matches claimed them as parents) 

They and their children are documented in the census put out from the fragments of the lost censuses as being 

from Lisnascreghog. 

It was the Patrick (Mary Quigg) above who claimed this but a son Patrick was not documented 

in those records- although he would have been old enough to have possibly moved out on his own.


I have 2-3 days set aside to see what or who I can find. I would love to find out Susan's parents names and her birth 

records and how I am related to some of the lines I have matched matches all seem to have lost touch with their Irish family.


Is there a way I could find out if any McNicholl's still live in the area? With so many connected by DNA and all in the same townland it seems likely if there are some still there, that we might share a connection-and they may have family bibles or other information that could help...I know Ireland OX can't list them, but maybe guide me to where/how I could find them?

Could anyone  help me locate the best parish to contact for RC baptisms of children born in Lisnascreghog? Perhaps some of the sponsors might match...

Where any cemeteries might be and who might care for those? 

I already went though all the  parish records surrounding Garvagh/Errigal online for the years surrounding 1863 hoping to find a Susan McNicholl but did not find any Susan reading through the records....I also went to PRONI and attempted to look through the Errigal area school records of 1864-1872 for a Susan McNichol. No luck but only some schools kept records back that far.

Thank you in advance for any suggestions on where to focus the short time I have here.




Monday 12th Aug 2024, 08:37PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello, What was Susan's married name? Her husband's first name? The names of her children, in order?


    Monday 12th Aug 2024, 09:27PM
  • Susan McNicholl immigrated to the US age 7-8. 
    She married John Loughery (originally from Terrydremont near Limavady who had immigrated with his parents Denis Loughery and Mary Kane) at St John's church Philadelphia in 1885.
    Their children were all born in Philadelphia: 10 children, 5 lived to adulthood
    Mary Agnes b:1885 m: Edwin Collins
    Anna b; 1887 d: 1887
    Helen b: 1888 m: Edward Grauer
    Denis b: 1892  (d: 1947? oral hx - have not found records of his life at all)
    Annie b: 1894 d: 1898
    Catherine b: 1896 d: 1898
    Margaret b: 1898 m: John Powers 
    Agnes b:1900 d: 1900
    Gertrude b: 1902 d: 1903
    Susan herself died in 1903 - not directly of childbirth but pneumonia.


    Tuesday 13th Aug 2024, 07:05AM

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