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Will be visiting next month, and attempting some research on ancestors.  Here's the quick version of what I know right now:

  • Patrick O'Dwyer (or Dwyer, d-1902 or earlier) and Mary Cody (b ~1841) had children documented with baptismal records including Mary Anne (1865), Johanna (1867), Bridget (1869), Michael (1871), John (1874), Honoria (1876), Patrick (1878), Robert (1881).
  • There are US records connecting John, Honoria, and Robert definitively to another sibling, Josephine, who is without birth record so far..  US records provide a variety of birth years for Josephine ranging from 1863 to 1872.  (She is also my g-grandmother, thus the specific interest).  My guess is that this is another name for Mary Anne/Johanna/Bridget, but without any proof.
  • Emigration dates appear to be 1884/85 (Josephine, John), 1893 (Honoria), and 1903-1907 (Robert)
  • The only other record I have found for Ireland is the 1901 Census (Mary Cody, Patrick b-1878, Robert b-1881).  And both surnames (O'Dwyer/Dwyer and Cody) seem to be somewhat common.
  • Both the census and some baptismal records indicate a residence on Market St. (17 Market St, for the census)

And what I'd be interested in:

  • More information on any of the above family members (documentation, ancestors, siblings, descendants, etc.)
  • Any physical sites relating to them (houses, gravesites, etc.)
  • Any insights to resolve the mystery of Josephine Dwyer Alder.

Many thanks!


Friday 16th Aug 2024, 01:16AM

Message Board Replies

  • Mark:

    There were two Bridgets and I would assume the 1869 Bridget died young. Here is an 1885 civil birth record for the younger Bridget. See seventh record.

    I don't have any proof but I believe Johanna was likely your Josephine. See fourth record at the link/

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 16th Aug 2024, 11:34AM
  • Mark:

    This link has our meet and greet form I'm not sure if we have a volunteer in Tullamore but please let us know your plans.

    I was looking for Patrick Dwyer's death record and found one record for a grocer in Thomastown who died in 1890, See fifth record at the link.

    I had no luck finding a marriage record. I note that Mary was previously married to a Cahill


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 16th Aug 2024, 03:30PM
  • Birth of Patrick 1878



    Friday 16th Aug 2024, 08:20PM
  • Birth of Honoria 1876



    Friday 16th Aug 2024, 08:25PM
  • Birth of John 1874



    Friday 16th Aug 2024, 08:27PM
  • Birth of Bridget 1869



    Friday 16th Aug 2024, 08:33PM
  • Birth of Johanna 1867



    Friday 16th Aug 2024, 08:36PM
  • Birth of Michael 1871



    Friday 16th Aug 2024, 08:39PM
  • Birth of Mary Anne 1865



    Friday 16th Aug 2024, 08:45PM
  • Birth of Robert 1881



    Friday 16th Aug 2024, 08:58PM
  • Death of Patrick Dwyer Snr (Grocer)



    Friday 16th Aug 2024, 09:08PM
  • Death of Bridget age 6 years 1892



    Friday 16th Aug 2024, 09:22PM
  • Death of Bridget age 13 years 1882  (b1869)



    Friday 16th Aug 2024, 09:28PM
  • Marriage of Robert Dwyer and Mary Bryan   11 June 1903



    Friday 16th Aug 2024, 09:44PM
  • Picture of Market Street Thomastown around turn of the century.


    Friday 16th Aug 2024, 09:51PM
  • A more modern view of Market Street



    Friday 16th Aug 2024, 09:59PM
  • Roger/Eileen: Thank you both for your deep and quick response to my queries!  Below follow my thoughts on the documentation and comments you provided:

    • Eileen: Registration of birth records for Mary Anne (1865), Johanna (1867), Bridget (1869), Michael (1871), John (1874), Honoria (1876), Patrick (1878), and Robert (1881)I evaluate all of these as confirming birth and/or baptismal records I have.
    • Eileen: Market street picture.  Thank you for sending!  Pictures are consistent with registration of birth records showing a Market Street address and Patrick (Sr) shown occupation as a shopkeeper/dealer/grocer.
    • Eileen: Marriage registration of Robert Dwyer (1903).  Consistent with Robert showing in the 1901 Ireland census and 1910 US census.  Somewhat consistent with US censuses showing US immigration dates of 1903, 1904, and 1907.  Not really consistent with US censuses showing him married either in 1900 or 1907 (also noting that while shown as married in 2 of 3 censuses, none show his wife in residence with him). 
      • So, I evaluate this as possible but not conclusive.
      • Do you have any insights into the notation in the last column (Rank or profession of father)?  Given that his father might have died prior to this (see below), this might be of use.
    • Roger/Eileen: Death certificates of Bridget:
      • The 1882 death certificate of Bridget matches name/birth year/town as well as both parents’ names and father occupation.  So, I evaluate this as sufficiently conclusive to add her death to my family tree.
      • The 1885 birth certificate of Bridget (#2) matches name/town as well as both parents’ names (including maiden), and father occupation.  So, I evaluate this as sufficiently conclusive to add her birth to my family tree.
      • The 1892 death certificate of Bridget (#2) matches name/age/town, but lacks other confirmational information.  So, I evaluate this as possible but not conclusive
    • Roger/Eileen: Death certificate of Patrick (Sr).  Matches name/town/occupation, reasonable age.  Also 1890 death consistent with presence at 1885 birth of Bridget #2 and absence at 1901 Irish Census.  I evaluate as likely, but not conclusive…but will use an assumed birth of 1830 and death of 1890 for further confirmational research.
    • Roger: Re Josephine.  Given 1) independent confirmations of the death of Bridget and Honore, 2) a range of birth dates from 1867 to 1872, 3) having reviewed the parish baptismal record and not having found her in there, and 4) a very consistent 2-3 year spacing on children over 20 years, my assumption is that Josephine is the name taken by one of the two eldest daughters (Mary Anne and Johanna).  Further, given a preponderance of the 1867 likely birth year and the consonance of names (Josephine/Johanna), I agree with you Johanna is the likeliest, but unconfirmed choice of which sister is actually Josephine.

    Again, many thanks for your help!!!


    Saturday 17th Aug 2024, 02:15PM
  • Mark, I think the occupation reads 'Merchant' which is another form of grocer. By the way, I too thought Johanna as the likely Josephine. I hope you have a lovely trip, Thomastown is really nice, I also have family from the town, my grandparents are buried in the new cemetery, having made Thomastown their home in the 1940's. There is also an older cemetery on the hill below the church, my grandmother used to bring me there when I was a child. I also think there may be another cemetery down near the playing fields, an older cemetery but I have never visited there, the locals will point you in the direction. Best wishes on the trip.


    Saturday 17th Aug 2024, 06:58PM

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