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Still searching for family info regarding Murtagh/Murtaugh of Roscommon. Perhaps a visit in person will help reveal something. I will be staying in Castlereigh in August 2018 and will search area Family History Centers, churches, graveyards and pubs. I know the families were big in the 1800's so there has to be someone in the area that is connected. I know not to get too hung up on the spelling of the name. After all, my great grandfather James Murtaugh (1844-1920) could not read or write and transcribers will write down a name and spell it like they want. I will focus on Cloontuskert, Termonbarry, Lissonuffy and Kilglass. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

David Murtaugh


David Murtaugh

Saturday 12th May 2018, 01:00AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello David

    Did your great grandfather's marriage or death record give any information on names of parents? 

    Kind regards

    Eilish Feeley

    Friday 29th Jun 2018, 06:17PM
  • The parents of James Murtaugh are John Murtaugh and Mary Flynn.


    David Murtaugh

    Saturday 30th Jun 2018, 08:39PM
  • The parents of James Murtaugh are John Murtaugh and Mary Flynn.


    David Murtaugh

    Saturday 30th Jun 2018, 08:39PM
  • Rua,

    Thank you very much. I think I see a pretty good connection with the Townland Culleenaghmore in Kilglass Parish as it has Flynn and Murtaugh as tenant farmers of the Landlord Greville Fulke S.

    I am having trouble with the site staying on the same page or even finding it again but I know I need to compare with some other tithes. I do think I am onto something, thanks to you.


    David Murtaugh

    Saturday 30th Jun 2018, 09:29PM

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