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I am custodian of scores DNA samples from descendants of an Irish immigrant surnamed Bird who came to America in the early 1700s. There is only a vague tradition that he was from the northern part of Ireland, but extensive DNA testing has established that his pre-patronymic family was on the island for 175-200 generations. I am looking for modern day Bird-surnamed families (or other surnamed families) with DNA samples for comparison. There is no cost and I can provide guidance for the comparison procedure for anyone interested. -


Tuesday 15th Aug 2023, 03:27AM

Message Board Replies

  • DNA research


    Hi, I am not sure where you got your dna tested but in case you used FTDNA they have the option to create a surname DNA project



    Annemarie, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 13th Dec 2023, 03:21PM

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