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Hi!  I am very grateful for Dolores' help with the Wakefields and look forward to seeing what comes from that.  Am also very interested in finding any information on William Carroll born in Aughrim, Galway sometime around 1740 I think.  He left about 1760.  He was Protestant it seems rather than Catholic like the other Carrolls, his sons being Methodist monists of some kind.  There must be a story there :). And on ancestry there are unverifiable records of who his father might have been...and way too many William Carrolls for me to know who the heck is who!!  Any help will be greatly appreciated!!  He and his family may have been friends of the Wakefields but I don't know that really!  Soooooooo glad for this site/activity!!  I can't tell you how much!!

All the best!


Tuesday 29th Nov 2011, 12:13PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Linda. Thanks for your genealogy message. Aughrim volunteers are looking for some information on William Carroll, but, it may proved difficult, as it dates back to 1740`s.  If you have any additional information, let us know.


    Ireland Reaching Out

    Monday 30th Jan 2012, 12:03PM
  • Okay, here's the little bit I know:  according to a Wakefield genealogy published here, William Carroll was a neighbor of the Wakefields in Aughrim.  He married Joanna Wakefield here in the US in about 1775 which is about when she and her parents arrived in the US as well.  They landed first in Maryland then William and Joanna moved to Pennsylvania.  WIlliam was said to have been a nephew of Charles Carroll of Carrollton --would have to have been rather distant it looks like to me.  I read that he was a weaver---again over here!  William appears to have shown up first in Philadelphia in the US.   There is no information on his parents whether they came with or not.  Joanna Wakefield b.1760 looks to have been the third child of David Wakefield, 1734-1807, and Mary Jane Wade, 1734-1807.  Hope this helps!!!!  Thanks again for your interest and help!!!

    Monday 20th Feb 2012, 02:42PM
  • By the way, I don't believe I got an e-mail notification of your response.  Checked in because of the newsletter so there are good failsafes in place!!  Just an FYI.  Hope to learn a bit more about William--that's the main thing!!

    Monday 20th Feb 2012, 02:44PM

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