News from Ireland

Chronicles Insight - Mountbellow Orphan Girls

Chronicles Insight - Mountbellew Orphan Girls

When: Thursday, 29 October, 2020

Assisted Migration



When: Monday, 28 September, 2020

¿Sabías que a lo largo de los siglos más de 10 millones de personas han emigrado de la isla de Irlanda? Hoy se estima que hasta 70 millones de personas en todo el mundo son de origen irlandés.

County in Focus: Sligo Harbour

County in Focus - Sligo

When: Friday, 23 September, 2022

Picture: Sligo Harbour

Chronicles Webinar Playbacks are now online!

Chronicles Webinar Playbacks are now online!

When: Wednesday, 4 November, 2020

Now you can catch up with webinars through these recordings, which enable you to watch them at your own pace and also follow up with the information shared directly, through the additional resources included on each page.

Chronicles Webinar Playback: Irish Castles

Chronicles Webinar Playback: Irish Castles

When: Friday, 24 July, 2020

Scroll down for video This 30 minute recording consists of a virtual tour of our island's castles led by our resident Archaeologist. We used the Building Chronicles to take a trip through time, all the way back to Medieval Ireland. 


Chronicles Webinar Playback: NYC Special

When: Friday, 11 September, 2020

Scroll down for video

Chronicles Webinar Playback: Irish Monasteries

Chronicles Webinar Playback: Irish Monasteries

When: Saturday, 22 August, 2020

Scroll down for video

Chronicles Webinar Playback: Liverpool Irish Festival

Chronicles Webinar Playback: Liverpool Irish Festival

When: Tuesday, 24 November, 2020

Scroll down for video Did you know that at least 50% of Liverpudlians can claim Irish ancestry? And many more of our ancestors would have travelled through this famous Irish Sea port on their way to other foreign destinations.

Search our entire Message Board - 160,000 posts and replies!

Search our entire Message Board - 160,000 posts and replies!

When: Tuesday, 10 November, 2020

General Post Office, Dublin. During the past 10 years, we have welcomed over 160,000 posts and replies on our message board and helped thousands of people reconnect with their ancestors' place of origin in Ireland.

XO Chronicles - Remembering WW1

XO Chronicles - Remembering WW1

When: Wednesday, 11 November, 2020

Many more Irish men and women joined the allied forces in the countries they had emigrated to, and thousands, such as Patrick Conheady and Charles Sharpe, gave up their lives in the ensuing battles.
