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Researching family of Mary, James and Hannah Larkin b  Killaharne, Co. Antrim. Mary b. abt. 1835 m. James Reid abt 1852. They came to Australia Dec, 1853 on the "Hooghly" - arrived Portland, Victoria, March 1854.

James b. abt. 1840 and Hannah b. abt. 1845 soon followed their sister to Aust.

Their parents were Patrick Larkin and MaryMcBride.

Tuesday 2nd Jul 2013, 08:55PM

Message Board Replies

  • You don?t say what denomination the family were though I?d guess RC. Statutory recording of births didn?t start in Ireland till 1864, so you will be dependant on church records in the hope you can find their baptisms. Likewise RC marriages weren?t registered till 1864 either so the marriage of Mary Larkin to James Reid also will only appear in church records. (Non RC marriages were recorded from 1845 onwards. I have looked for Mary & James marriage but cannot find it and therefore conclude it?s likely to be RC).

    I don?t know of anywhere in Co Antrim called Killaharne. There are townlands of Killycarn and Killygarn. They seem to be the nearest.

    Killycarn is in the RC parish of Racavan. This is what exists for that parish. Copies of the records are held in PRONI (the Public Record Office) in Belfast as well as on some pay to view sites. Eg

    R.C. Glenravel and Braid (Down and Connor diocese) Baptisms, 1825-56 and 1864-81; marriages, 1825-41, 1864-9 and 1878-82; funerals, 1825-41 and 1864-9.

    Killygarn is in the RC parish of Ahoghill. Their records start in 1833. The early records don?t appear to be on-line anywhere and you would need to vist PRONI to view them.

    Ahoghill (Down and Connor diocese) Baptisms and marriages, 1833-81; some deaths, 1833- 47.           

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Tuesday 2nd Jul 2013, 11:07PM
  • Thank you very much for your help. I will follow-up what you've suggested.

    And yes, you are right, they were RC.

    Best regards,


    Wednesday 3rd Jul 2013, 12:08AM

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