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Jane Elizabeth Currie, dau. of Joseph Currie, MaryAnn McMullan born 01 Dec. 1894, Belfast. also known as Jinnie.

Immigrated to Canada, married Albert Moore, 01 Dec. 1920, Montreal, Quebec.

Mary Ann Currie, born abt. 1878, Belfast. said to be a cousin of Jane Elizabeth Currie. Possibly she is her mother. Mary Ann married Joseph Cummins, also born Belfast, 27 July 1893. Cannot find a record of their marriage. 2 children, boy born 1918, Montreal, Joseph. girl born 1919, Montreal, Mabel.


I also am not sure when they immigrated, possibly Jane Elizabeth in 1911, Mary Ann in 1911/12.

Both were in Montreal, Quebec, during the 1st. world war.As well as Joseph Cummins.

Thursday 2nd May 2013, 12:16AM

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