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Edward Park/e/s was born between 1856-1863, probably in Antrim. He reported his father was Samuel Park/e/s and mother Elizabeth McAvoy (or variants). No known siblings. He was some kind of Protestant (I don't know which denomination). He left Ireland in July 1886 and settled in New York City.


Any suggestions will be appreciated more than you can imagine.

Tuesday 2nd Apr 2013, 11:01PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

    The Irish genealogy toolkit at will help direct your search efforts and gives explanation of what records are where. Without knowing the place of birth or place of residence prior to his emigration, you will need to eliminate all other Edward Park listings, searching county by county, to try to locate him. A bit of work, but well worth it as I have found that doing so strengthens familiarity of branches of the name searched for. Although this site often refers back to a pay site, there are free aspects that can be of assistance in providing ship names to search from.  Just keep a listing of all searches made on something perhaps like excel. list numerous sites that might be helpful.

    Clues might be gained also from the naming pattern chosen by Edward and his wife.

    Griffiths Valuation show an Edward under Park ,Parks and Parke in Counties Dublin, Cork, Leitreim and Sligo. The records are for  the year 1847-1864 and only contain those specifically on land whether owned or rented, so do not include all persons of your name. There are also  several Samuels listed as well that might provide clues on where to look.

    There is a lot of data that can be gleaned from the free portion of this site as well as the option to gather for a fee, more in-depth data. also has some main links for genealogy in Ireland.

    I saw one of your other posts online giving a name place from his marriage certificate and think you might find this interesting.

    A note of encouragement: Many out there on line will state that there are no records because of destruction of main files, so you won?t  find anything because of the time periods (before regulated civil registration). This is just not correct. There are records, but they are scattered depending on a lot of variables. For instance, there are census fragments for 1851 that may reveal a person. If a name place appears not to be in existence, try a site like the above that will reveal place names based on a wildcard. The search term used above was Wel%.

    Also, I see you are using variants of the name spellings in your searches which is a very good idea. Is McElvoy one of the variants used for Elizabeth?

    Hope this all helps, Jeanette

    Sunday 7th Apr 2013, 01:18AM

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