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Hi, my name is Pat Birt from Hastings, New Zealand. 

I have been searching my Birt Family for years but Ireland appears very difficult to do. I have found my grandfather Charles Birt born 9th June 1874.   It says on his birth cert his dads place of residence was Ballynease. His name was John Birt (I can't find his birth certificate.   He married Bridget McErlane in 12th Feb 1871.  I have 2 recordings for them one is a Civil Marriage Record and the other is a Church Marriage Record but the dates are the same. On theCivil record it says his father's name was Charles (which runs in the family) and his wife's father's name Patrick McErlane.

I don't know if I am even in the right area of Ireland but  theChurch record says both her Roman Catholics whereas the Civil does not.

I believe my grandfather had at least 2 brothers John 1879 (minister Charles Clarke) and Patrick 28.12.1871 (minister James McCloskey)  and maybe 2 sisters Rose and Ann (spelling only guessing).  I have found more names with the same parents but no proof eg Rose Birth 3rd July 1878 but says mothers name McErlean and James Birth 29.05.1882 same spelling as Rose's mothers name but I do know that in the different branches of the family there are about 5 different spellings and the relations are definitely connected, just bad interpretation.

There is also an Ellen Birt 4th May 1876 Parish of Ballyscullion with minister J.McC.

On Rose the minister is James McCloskey, on James it is Charles Clarke, on

Even though we never new of Ellen I had an aunty who was christened Mary Ellen born 3rd Dec 1898 in Dumbarton Scotland ( I guess they moved). On my grandfather's Certificate of Baptism one of the sponseors is a Ellen Birt which makes me think they are all connected somehow.

I'm not sure if I have overstepped the boundaries with this message as I'm not sure how it all works, it being the day I signed up.  Please accept my aplogy if I have misunerstood.




Wednesday 6th Feb 2013, 03:40AM

Message Board Replies

  • My mother was a Birt born in Hastings NZ. Her father Thomas was born in Ballymackpeake, Derry. If we could exchange a few certificates that would be good. She is still alive and her sister Rose lives in Wellington. We are in contact with Thomas's brother Edward Birts descendants. THEY still live in Ballymacpeake and one is even married to a BIRT - from about 10 minutes distance away. IT should be pretty easy to track your family down as there are not many BIRTS compared to other IRISH surnames. In fact they over there may have wondered what happened to your LOT - I have quite a collection of Birts from Ballymacpeake and Ballynease or any in the Co Derry area if you wish to contact me I can send it to you. Actually there was a Birt who went to NZ with his cousin I presume and I have never been able to track them down. You may be that connection?


    My email address is


    Friday 15th Feb 2013, 04:09AM

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